posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Picollo30
This is the first time ever I laughed out loud at a joke about swamp gas, chinese lanterns, etc... I actually started hating them, it's funny and
original the first couple of times... But man, did you nail that! Hat off..
On topic: I really hope the folks in Israel didn't make the stupidest ever mistake of shooting down an alien craft. And everyone's wondering why they
haven't shown themselves yet... But that's the adventurous and not-rational thinking part of me, the rational side says this is the least likely
scenario. And until there's a further update on the story, I'll leave rationality lead my convoy.
Whatever the case, I don't see a good scenario with everyone being happy and drinking beers in the end of the day... At least I hope noone was killed
(I'm secretly keeping my fingers crossed that they shot down some black ops unmanned craft)!
edit on 16-12-2010 by ch1n1t0 because: