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Do believers of the official story have an Ahmadschinejad mentality?

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posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:05 AM
According to them when it comes to the holocaust we should believe the scientific community and the whitnesses who were there, which makes sense and not a small organisation of an goverment who clearly has an agenda in selling their version of the story.

When it comes to 911 the whitnesses were confused and the only realiable sources are American National anything and the scientific community across the world is obviously confused and wrong.

Rather than uncovering the truth, are both Ahmadschinedad and the people who defend the OS not interested in the truth at all, but more interested in shaping the version of the truth that sits best with them?

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

Rather than uncovering the truth, are both Ahmadschinedad and the people who defend the OS not interested in the truth at all, but more interested in shaping the version of the truth that sits best with them?

Ahmadschinedad ?

It's okay that you can't spell his name but , what is not okay is that you forgot that he is a TRUTHER , according to you guys . Remember ?

As another member points out to you guys , WE know your silly conspiracy theories better than you yourselves do .

Also , please enlighten me as to what the point of this thread is ? Did you bring something new and worthwhile to the table and I simply missed it ? Or , is this just another one-liner to take a stab at those who don't share your beliefs ?

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by okbmd

You guys remind me of vultures, perched in front of your screens waiting for another 'victim'. You trip over one another attacking everyone who doubts the bullsh#t that spews from your keyboards. If you guys are so smart what in the world are you doing here? By now you've certainly realised that people are hip to your game, yet you continue personally attacking everyone with petty insults about spelling and grammar as though you were twelve years old. We know the 'facts' you keep repeating, that's why we're looking for explanations for 9/11 that make sense. I repeat, we know your story and it doesn't smell right. It's no more complicated than that.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by Cassius666

Rather than uncovering the truth, are both Ahmadschinedad and the people who defend the OS not interested in the truth at all, but more interested in shaping the version of the truth that sits best with them?

Ahmadschinedad ?

It's okay that you can't spell his name but , what is not okay is that you forgot that he is a TRUTHER , according to you guys . Remember ?

As another member points out to you guys , WE know your silly conspiracy theories better than you yourselves do .

Also , please enlighten me as to what the point of this thread is ? Did you bring something new and worthwhile to the table and I simply missed it ? Or , is this just another one-liner to take a stab at those who don't share your beliefs ?

Actually it IS Ahmadschinedad unless its spelled different in English.

You did not get the point. When it comes to the holocaust, everybody is wrong but him, because thats the way he wants it to be. When it comes to 911, then he sides with those who arent an American National anything.

In one case he sides with the scientific majority in another case he goes against it, because it suits his game.
Believers of the OS do the same, even if the cases in which they do it are not the same, the mindset is still the same.

Truthers are the ones that look for the evidence and what whitnesses have to say in both cases.

I thought it was fairly obvious where I was going with and I did not explain further because I assumed doing so would insult the intelligence of the posters here, but apparently I was mistaken.
edit on 16-12-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:01 AM
There is no "official story". Just sayin'.
Now what kind of mentality makes you think such a thing?

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

The US Taxpayer payed for the NIST report to be composed and the goverment stands behind its findings. That makes it official, just like Ahmadschinedad saying there was no Holocaust because smart people in his country say so makes it an official position of that goverment, if he acts that way as the president of Iran.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:07 AM
No. The brain is a complex thing and each mentality is different. There are many reasons why people believe the OS and many other things. Genetics and environment are the two main variables that propagate into many different mentalities and contribute into the diverse world we share.

As for your connections between the holocaust, 9/11 and the truth. These are all very politically and emotionality charged debates. I have put my faith in science as it has provided the most accurate perception of reality as demonstrated by the near incredible tools and way of life that grown out of the dark ages of our evolution. While there are still many unknowns and ongoing debates. it does provide a strong foundation to examine these issues further.

There is a lot of confusion in this world as science has had to take a back seat to political and military matters at times. It is a complex world with many competing forces, at least you are asking questions and trying to understand it. One step at a time.
edit on 16-12-2010 by kwakakev because: added comma

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by kwakakev

Thats the parallel I am making, both Ahmad and the believers are not interested in the truth, but the version of the truth that suits them best, for whatever reason.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by dillweed

You guys remind me of vultures, perched in front of your screens waiting for another 'victim'. You trip over one another attacking everyone who doubts the bullsh#t that spews from your keyboards. If you guys are so smart what in the world are you doing here? By now you've certainly realised that people are hip to your game, yet you continue personally attacking everyone with petty insults about spelling and grammar ...

You want to compare "us" to vultures , and then go on to rant about personal attacks ?
BTW , I attacked no one about their spelling and grammar . I simply believe that if you are going to reference someone , you should at least know how to spell their name correctly .

And why is it that you guys feel that only truthers should be allowed to participate in 9/11 conversations ? Are you scared ? I'm here because I WANT to be here , I am not obligated to have any other reason for being here .

Why are you still here ? You haven't disproven anything concerning 9/11 , don't you realize people are hip to your game ? When are you going to prove just ONE of the ludicrous theories about 9/11 . You are , after all , the accuser . The burden of proof is on you .

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666

The US Taxpayer payed for the NIST report to be composed and the goverment stands behind its findings.

That doesn't make it an "official story". In fact, the NIST report only deals with certain aspects of 911. And what about the 911 Commission book? Is that also the "official story"? If so, how can we have two?

Oh well. Carry on.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

both Ahmad and the believers are not interested in the truth, but the version of the truth that suits them best,

But , "Ahmad" is on YOUR side of the 9/11 debate . Why do you slam a fellow truther in this manner ?

" ...the version of the truth that suits them best, ..." And this is why the TM has so many "versions" of the truth , because you guys can't even agree with your fellow truthers .

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

In one case he sides with the scientific majority

Just one more truther lie .

The majority of the scientific community has not advocated ANY of the silly theories you people are selling from the street corner . 1200 A&E do not make up the majority of the scientific community .

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by okbmd

The National Institute of Standards and Technology does not make the majority of the scientific community either, not to mention an biased and DEPENDENT source.. A peer review is completely lacking, because the time window for the report to be peer reviewd was conveniently kept too small to even read through it. I am unaware of anybody in Europe backing the NIST report for example. I asked qualified people and they dismissed it as pseudoscience. And like I said, a peer review is completely lacking either way.

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by Cassius666

both Ahmad and the believers are not interested in the truth, but the version of the truth that suits them best,

But , "Ahmad" is on YOUR side of the 9/11 debate . Why do you slam a fellow truther in this manner ?

" ...the version of the truth that suits them best, ..." And this is why the TM has so many "versions" of the truth , because you guys can't even agree with your fellow truthers .

You did not get the point. Ahmad picked his side according to what sits best to it, not because of the evidence presented, just like the believers choose to believe because it sits better with them than what the evidence says.
edit on 16-12-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

Ahmad picked his side according to what sits best to it, not because of the evidence presented,

My point exactly . Standard-operating-procedure for truthers .

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by kwakakev

Thats the parallel I am making, both Ahmad and the believers are not interested in the truth, but the version of the truth that suits them best, for whatever reason.

Well a lot of people do beleive that 9/11 smells and that millions did not die in the holocust. So its not a stretch to beleive that Ahmad thinks the same. He is the president of Iran and even they have a secret service. They may have heard chatter about 9/11 being an inside job or being allowed to happen.

Also Ahmad has many Jews that live in Iran peacefully dispite what people say about him. So he is not a Jew hater and him doubting the holocaust may well be just his opinion.

A lot of other leaders in this world probally agree with him on this but aint got the balls to say it.
edit on 16-12-2010 by No Retreat No Surrender because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by No Retreat No Surrender

Ahamad says there was no Holocaust. Thats a difference. It is true that historians argue about the approximate number, but does it matter wether 1 million or 6 million died? How many need to die till it is "bad"?

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by No Retreat No Surrender

Ahamad says there was no Holocaust. Thats a difference. It is true that historians argue about the approximate number, but does it matter wether 1 million or 6 million died? How many need to die till it is "bad"?

Well I suppose a better way to say it is that no matter what Ahmads views on 9/11 and the Holocaust, they are his own and not just chucked out there for the sake of it. He does not have to pander to the media and says what he feels.

Indeed even an animal dying needlessly is bad so I agree with you there.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by Cassius666

Ahmad picked his side according to what sits best to it, not because of the evidence presented,

My point exactly . Standard-operating-procedure for truthers .

The truth movement started in America, because of what whitnesses saw and heard and the holes in the official story. I dont quite see what an American stands to gain in any way by going against the official story. That made no sense.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by okbmd
Did I say vultures? I meant buzzards. They do little to enhance the world other than feeding off the carcasses of others misfortune. Surely, if we are as stupid as you say this must be very frustrating to you guys who know everything. All I ask is that you put up with our amatuer attempts at finding a more palatable explanation for the events of 9/11. You see we don't have your ability to overlook the little things, like common sense. We see three skyscrapers fall down unimpeded and say to ourselves, 'gee, that's odd'. Or, a hole in the ground that supposed to have an entire airplane in it and say, 'gee, that's odd'. Or, the face of the pentagon with a hole in it and NO visible evidence of an entire 747, and again we say,'gee, that's very odd'. I guess you could say we're all real stupid but, the story you guys are backing is way to hard for us dunces to understand. But hey, you keep trying. Maybe someday we'll be as smart as you.

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