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US Government, aliens, whats up!?

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posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 11:28 PM
we cannot assume that we'd be able to see the ufo's point of entry into our atmosphere.

rx84 just provided a very reasonable explaination (that they enter near deserted areas), and i have an idea as well:

they dont necessarily have to abide by the same basic rules of physics that we do. from a theoretical physics standpoint, they could travel outside of the 4 known dimentions (height, width, depth, time), or merely exploit those 4 dimensions in a way that we've yet to achieve. perhaps at the velocity they travel through space, they create some sort of space/time hole as they enter a new gravitational field (like that of earth).

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 03:38 AM
Rocket lad: that's more like a religion than common sense.
Travelling outside of dimensions is a fairytale, even in theory.
There's no reason for us to think that's even possible, except our desire to believe in star-trek like scenarios being possible.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Jakko
Rocket lad: that's more like a religion than common sense.
Travelling outside of dimensions is a fairytale, even in theory.
There's no reason for us to think that's even possible, except our desire to believe in star-trek like scenarios being possible.

on the contrary...

theoretical physics lends a possibility of it. one theory states that when the Bang happened, a 10 dimensional universe was ripped into 2: a 4-d, and a the 4-d increased in size, the 6-d decreased. physicists have already begun experimentation with teleportation. moving anything, even at the atomic level, through means of teleportation essentially calls for a transfer of said matter into another physical dimension, or exploiting laws of space-time.

hardly anything bearing any sort of resemblance to a religious belief =P

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 04:18 AM
One word. Profit. Sick people equal lots of money. Remember folks, the pharmaceutical industry is the third largest in the world and have the most powerful lobby in Washington.

Also, we may already posses the tech to create nearly unlimited free energy, but if it got out, and we no longer needed oil, don't you think there would be alot of ticked off oilmen? Plus, if such technology existed that could rival that of nuclear power, the negative side would have to at least equal to the possitive. For example, let's just say we had the tech to create a device the size of a bic lighter that could power your whole house, only probelm is, the same tech could be used to level an entire city. In the wrong hands, that would NOT be good.



posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 04:33 AM
rocket lad, the entire 10 dimension idea is just a theory.
I've read about it, and it really makes no sense to assume it's true, based on what we know today.
It's just another "idea" like the "we can travel into the past" ideas, but nothing more than an idea for now.

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