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Police may ban future marches to prevent disorder

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posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:10 AM
I did not realize that U.K. citizens don't have or lost their right to assemble - or that this right was subject to approval by Homeland Security.

He added: “I would urge those who turn up for protests to think about the impact this could have on their future careers.” Asked at the press conference if the Met would consider banning future marches, Sir Paul replied: “That’s one of the options we have got. Banning is a very difficult step to take, these are very balanced judgments. “We can’t ban a demonstration but we can ban a march, subject to approval by the Home Secretary.”


Keep a stiff upper lip there. We Americans will be watching this closely too. Imagine a world in which you are not allowed to assemble and make your disapproval heard for "fear" of what "could" happen. Wow. Does anyone else find that policy scarier than what any protest could turn into?

And, I note they must be taking names and it will be registered, apparently, in your permanent career file that you turned up at a protest or so he says...(threatens.)

Can they do that - legally (or is that now a subjective question)? Thanks for the input!

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:14 AM
The U.K. Government is trying to achieve what our former Government tried to achieve. They tried to ban our right to march and protest... then we kicked them out. Now, as I foresee, the U.K. Government will be banned within 2-4 years out from their country and those ones whose are supporting this non-sense will be behind bars.

Idiot, coward elites never learn from their own mistakes.
edit on 15-12-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:15 AM
Neat tactic.....after the G20 agents provocateurs were identified as police employees, they now use 'unkown' faces, acknowledge there are agents provocateurs, and thus attempt to remove one more right to freedom of expression.

There needs to be a country-wide programme of action - but sadly the MSM has managed to turn public opinion against the protesters.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by Sentinel412
The U.K. Government is trying to achieve what our former Government tried to achieve. They tried to ban our right to march and protest... then we kicked them out. Now, as I foresee, the U.K. Government will be banned within 2-4 years out from their country and those ones whose are supporting this non-sense will be behind bars.

Idiot, coward elites never learn from their own mistakes.
edit on 15-12-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

The time is now. There needs to be a vote of no confidence in the government.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

People in the U.K. are not sheeples. They already know what is going on in the background. Same happened in my country, similar odds, similar tactics... then we've won against the TPTB.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by DancedWithWolves
I did not realize that U.K. citizens don't have or lost their right to assemble - or that this right was subject to approval by Homeland Security.

He added: “I would urge those who turn up for protests to think about the impact this could have on their future careers.” Asked at the press conference if the Met would consider banning future marches, Sir Paul replied: “That’s one of the options we have got. Banning is a very difficult step to take, these are very balanced judgments. “We can’t ban a demonstration but we can ban a march, subject to approval by the Home Secretary.”


Keep a stiff upper lip there. We Americans will be watching this closely too. Imagine a world in which you are not allowed to assemble and make your disapproval heard for "fear" of what "could" happen. Wow. Does anyone else find that policy scarier than what any protest could turn into?

And, I note they must be taking names and it will be registered, apparently, in your permanent career file that you turned up at a protest or so he says...(threatens.)

Can they do that - legally (or is that now a subjective question)? Thanks for the input!

Problem they currently face is the number of protests/marches that are happening up and down the country.. a number that is growing by the day.. we have the student ones on student issues, and UKuncut for a starter (prob a couple of hundred different protests between the 2 in the last few weeks). While the recent front loading of the cuts is going to hurt everyone up and down the country including hurting the polices capabilities.

Taking a step back, the establishment does not have the capacity to police the UK given the above situation.. all they can do is fall back on the hope that if they ban certain marches/protests they can keep their heads above water.. but that won't help or stop the protests.

The only option the elite have left is to create an external war to distract people.. which is the route I fear they will take..

edit on 15/12/10 by thoughtsfull because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:22 AM
Terrorists had been defined as animals who terrorizes innocents with intimidation and fear.

So who are the terrorists and animals now running the country? SIR paul the animal? You would address him so highly? Laughable. Dogs would be better with that form of polite address.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:27 AM
We're being manipulated by TPTB to some end I can't quite figure out.

The students hold a legitimate protest to complain about the fees, but the protest is manipulated, most likely by agent provocateurs, into chaos and violence. The Police react and hand out some serious beatings, and the odd policeman takes a beating. This is then reported by the MSM as being terrible and everyone is made to feel appalled.

Break of a week or two and the whole business erupts again, the Police use "kettling" to keep lots quiet, but seem to let others run riot down Whitehall outraging the public decency by p*ssing on statues, swinging from flags etc. How did that happen? Again the MSM swings into full backing the state mode.

Next, the state announces that water cannons will be brought in, no doubt baton rounds, tear gas, and other so-called non-lethal technologies will be brought in.

My expectation is that the student fiasco will be used to allow the unrestrained use of weaponry by the Police against protesters, when we are all conditioned to accept that usage then the real agenda will be revealed. Something that will really hurt the majority of the population, withdrawal of benefits en masse, further theft of pensions, massive rises in VAT, fuel, food, etc. Things that would bring out the ordinary person to protest, but not protesting would be a dangerous activity as any protest group would be met with a paramilitary response.

Thus legitimate protesting would become a memory, and the State would exert control over the masses with little or no effort on their part, and we'd have accepted it as perfectly reasonable until it was too late.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:27 AM
A ban on disorder? lol. These politicians are really losing the plot. Just shows how scared they are becoming from all the corruption and incompetence going on. Guess thats what happen when you silence the alarms and not the problems.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:30 AM
With the current approach of front loading the cuts, I have wondered how long before the police themselves start to protest the cuts they'll face?

Police Face 15% funding cuts

There have been claims that up to 18,000 police jobs will be lost as a result of this 20% cut in Whitehall funding.

tho the numbers being thrown around are in dispute, what should not be disputed is the police are stuffed should these protests grow in strength and numbers.

edit on 15/12/10 by thoughtsfull because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull

Taking a step back, the establishment does not have the capacity to police the UK given the above situation.. all they can do is fall back on the hope that if they ban certain marches/protests they can keep their heads above water.. but that won't help or stop the protests.

The only option the elite have left is to create an external war to distract people.. which is the route I fear they will take..

You may be right - their thinking may be that wrong. The other thing they can do is acknowledge that people are demonstrating strong disapproval in several policy decision areas - apparently - and make their votes and policy reflect and represent the will of the people and the country the citizens envision. A protest should be a sign that maybe the government is on the wrong path - not an excuse to remove citizens' rights to say, "hey 'Lord' this is the wrong path" - right?

What a sad and more scary than protests state of affairs if, as you say, they take the coward's option and create another war to keep ire focused beyond oneself. So sad.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on their thinking. Well stated.


posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Sentinel412
reply to post by wcitizen

People in the U.K. are not sheeples. They already know what is going on in the background. Same happened in my country, similar odds, similar tactics... then we've won against the TPTB.

Oh yes, the people will win eventually. I have no doubt about that. Perhaps sooner than we imagine right now.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by muddyhoop

Quite simply they do not have the right to do this in my opinion.

Having read the article it seems he is trying to be fairly balanced but the idea that they are even considering this worries me.

By using kettling the police are grouping both violent and peaceful protestors together so that they can be tarred with the same brush.

One thing is clear the police and media are trying to undermine legitimate protest.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:53 AM

Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153 of the Constitution of the German Reich are suspended until further notice. It is therefore permissible to restrict the rights of personal freedom [habeas corpus], freedom of opinion, including the freedom of the press, the freedom to organize and assemble, the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications. Warrants for House searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.

This is the text of the Reichstag Fire Decree passed in response to the parliament being burned down in 1933. Article 123 was the freedom of assembly. These people love the NAZI's - they study the NAZI methods and they understand how Hitler, with a minority, was able to transform a nation of 63 million seemingly overnight. It is unabashed evil.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

I have read a few articles that indicated some of the major police forces have built up cash reserves over the last few years strangely similar in amount to the proposed cuts.

I realise this is speculation but I'm off to find sources as I am sure this was covered in the MSM.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by christina-66
As a youngster in the 80's we regularly partipated in demos on a number of issues. Under Thatcher it was made illegal to demonstrate without first seeking permission from the authorities. We found that laughable and against the point of protest. I can't remember the exact number, but it was as low as 6 people gathering, could be called an 'illegal protest' and placed under arrest.

So what if they make it illegal to protest through London! Are they going to arrest 20,000 people? Stand up for your rights - and keep standing.
i agree with you Christina, i went on the poll tax march when i was 19. If marchs are organised to protest against this new loss of liberty then il b there like a shot. Its not what i want to do for gods sake, im a forty something woman who loves corrie and ats, i would much rather be doing that, but we have to stand up for what we believe in,there is no choice, the governments are liars. America watch your backs.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 08:01 AM
With 35,000 police force emoployee's threatened with impeding redundancy due to the cuts that are coming into force in the UK (cuts drawn up by the same elitists who caused this disaster) - surely we should be trying to bring on side a protest by the police themselves?

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Originally posted by Sentinel412
reply to post by wcitizen

People in the U.K. are not sheeples. They already know what is going on in the background. Same happened in my country, similar odds, similar tactics... then we've won against the TPTB.

Oh yes, the people will win eventually. I have no doubt about that. Perhaps sooner than we imagine right now.
Do you really think so? Of the hundred of so people who live on my road, i can say that im the only one who give a s**t about that sort of thing to protest if i had to. I would love nothing more than to organise a bus up to london with all my neighbours in to do that which is now unfortunatly necessary. But most people dont care, they really dont, we know this.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by thedoctorswifeBut most people dont care, they really dont, we know this.

I watched a History channel program last night called "Third Reich - The Rise" which outlined not how Hitler came to power but how the people of Germany allowed Hitler to seize power - told through home movies. It is the most frightening account of NAZI Germany I have seen to-date and I only watched half of it. A key reason for the rise as you mention above is that people did not care, not until it impacted them. An account is told of a lunch with a Jewish woman in 1933 that praised the NAZI party and the glorious revolution and then she went on to extol all of the virtues of the NAZI party calling them "harmless". A second person commented on how laws are being broken everyday and no one says anything, the people are afraid to talk in public, write letters, or phone friends because you never know who is an informant. The point being, by the time it started to impact the mass of people, the controls and levers were in place to ensure compliance. Those that spoke out were "removed" to put it nicely.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Here is a good song to go along with all of this.

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