posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 02:20 PM
Okay the dream is getting a little fuzzy now, but basically last night I had a dream about having a pet monkey. He wasnt trained, I'd just got him.
He looked like one of these little guys, except he changed from white and black to later white and grey and finally by the end of the dream he was
completely white:
He was just hanging around climbing over things, I thought he was so cool...I didn't have a name for him, and the name I kept calling him kept
changing throughout the dream. Finally someone at my house mentioned not being potty trained (I kept trying to get him to sit like a dog but he
wouldn't), so I decided to take him outside on a leash.
I had 2 choices, they were both regular leashes (not the ones that get longer), and both were a turquoise or light bluish green in colour. One was a
woven cloth type leash and the other was a pvc plastic. I chose the cloth one. But then we went outside and the monkey started freaking out and
getting red eyes! he was trying to attack me I used the leash to keep him away. Then he would calm down and his eyes would become normal again..that
happened a few times.
By the time he was all white, at the end of the dream, he finally peed but he peed all over himself (which made him slightly yellow on his belly) so I
was going to go give him a bath. Thats when I woke up.
No idea if that means anything, but I never dream about monkeys! I think that is the first time ever in my life I've had a dream about a monkey. What
are your thoughts?