reply to post by gncnew
I have been obsessed with this same question for 8 months, and I must give credit to Divine Wisdom and Google for the answer! This will horrify
The Old Testament God was SO ANGRY because the Jews were sacrificing their CHILDREN to the pagan god Moloch, aka "The Golden Calf". They would heat
the idol with fire and then put their babies in the outstretched arms, they would die with their mouths open, (this is how we got the term, "die
laughing"). As always Moloch demanded an innocent victim, so they would give them their baby girls usually. They called themselves Martyring the
victims and also so the gods would make them rich. They learned this from the Pagan Egyptians who got it from Nimrod all the way back to Babylon.
God destroyed all of these temples where Human Sacrifices were done and said that they would never be inhabited again, and today we call them
"ruins". We always discover lots of bones around the ruins, and they look the same all over the earth.
The Old Testament God is the same God Jesus worshiped, he sent Jesus to give them their very LAST warning and be an example for them before He
destroyed everything again and really make their lives hell. Because they were up to their old tricks again, this time it was worse. They had
graduated to crucifying people on crosses, and when the suffering had ended they stabbed them in the left side, collected the blood in silver and gold
cups and drank it, they also made their bread for passover with it. Does this sound familiar? Holy Grail, Holy Blood. They were waiting to drink
Jesus' blood, but God put an end to that when the "rocks rent" and there was an earthquake and they all ran home. This is the reason God tells us
to drain all blood from any animal, it makes us evil and attracts demons. Jesus had to cast out demons all over the place in Israel! It puts more
light on Jesus when he talked about using wine as blood and bread as flesh, substitute.
History shows that God, true to His Word, destroyed them and scattered the Jews where they were terribly persecuted as He said they would be. We reap
what we sow, always, because our Creator is VERY balanced and that is the Law of the Universe. Jesus was sent to teach them to ask God for
forgiveness and God, always forgiving would blot out their sins, but they used him as their yearly sacrifice instead! This is what REALLY kindled
God's Wrath. God punished the Jews severely for their abominations. He is a JUST God, he punishes evil and rewards good, there is evidence all over
the earth...Ancient Ruins = Human Sacrifice Locations, (i.e., Mayan, Sumerian, Greek, Roman, Babylon, etc). Almost every tribe since the flood
participated in these rituals. I can't find any evidence for the Arab tribes (Ishmael's people) on the cannibalism and the blood thing, but I
believe before Islam, the pagan Arabs did bury their baby girls and only because the Quran tells them NOT to do that because the babies belong to God
and are sinless. It says about Judgment Day, "When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned for what crime she was killed...", so this
seems to be the worst thing they did, and now that I think about it, the crime rate was low for a long time in Arabia.
BEWARE! THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE RULING ISRAEL, EUROPE & NORTH AMERICA. They are still at it under the Elite Secret Societies. The ZIONIST Movement
is the PRIORY of SCION, Illuminati, Catholic Church, Bohemian Club (there is a video on youtube about the Bohemian Club's Creation of Care Ceremony
where they do a Human Sacrifice, all the US Presidents were members, except Obama, I think.) They have built underground cities EVERYWHERE, where
they think they are going to hide out in 2012, when all the nukes go off from the magnetic pull. There is a place in Scotland or somewhere that
houses every kind of seed ever created so they can replant the earth. They think we will all be dead, and they will be glad to be rid of us, so they
can worship their "sun goddess". All I know is that MY CREATOR has a plan for them because they have kindled his WRATH again.