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Mormons Have World's Largest Database on Human Race: Why?

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posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by stars15k

"Our real mission is to teach others the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

But you CAN'T do that if you hold the Book of Mormon as an example! Because that book it TRULY a fraud.
There is NO dna to back up the book. The book is about a Hebrew family that left Jerusalem and filled the American continent using Joseph Smith wordage. There is no DNA to back up the BOM, no ARTIFACTS, linguistically it reeks of plagurizms from the King James Version bible. Tom Ferguson was a devout mormon and was given $200,000 to find artifacts in the book of mormon lands and found NOTHING. That book is a true fake and a fraud and deserves to be exposed so people in the church know the truth about it. The people in the church do not know that Joseph Smith was arrested for glass looking. He used have a routine to find treasure in people's back yards and never finding anything and looking through a stone in a hat and members are never told about it.

The truth NEEDS to come out about the book of mormon! It is truly deceptive in it's origin! As well as the book of Abraham! Joseph got mixed up with a bald man holding a sword when it should of been a Jackals head. All the egyptologists outside the LDS church condemn it because Joseph didn't get ANYTHING truthful about the Book of Abraham.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by Miracula

Originally posted by Stewb

Originally posted by Miracula

Originally posted by Alethea
Mormons Have World's Largest Database on Human Race: Why?

Because they are unable to interpret the meanings of biblical numerology and because they cannot read.

Six represents opposition to divine will.

They used to teach six discussions with six pamplets to potential converts. They built their flagship temple in Utah with six spires.

Statutory rape that occurred with Helen Mar Kimball doesn't occur in heaven. Nor does polygamy.

The Bible declares itself as a final authority on doctrine. So, regardless of whether or not the witnesses to the Golden plates retracted their testimony, and many of them if not all of them NEVER retracted their testimony of seeing the plates, their testimony regarding the plates is IMMATERIAL because the Bible forbids additional scriptures.

Hinckley was one of many false prophets. The Bible forbids adultery. I have seen people wind up dead because of it. It doesn't specifically exclude fornication. Avoiding fornication is not a commandment. It's advised against. But it's not put on the same level as alienating the affections between a married couple by engaging in adultery.

And yet Hinckley taught that regarding fornication "You cannot recrucify Christ afresh with impunity". Fornication is not adultery. It's a sin, and their are penalties for it. Period. It's certainly not adding addition scriptures or preaching polygamy and statutory rape.

He taught regarding sexual transgression to keep your clothes on, but some how it is okay to engage in polygamy which the New Testament preaches against, but doesn't even compare polygamy to recrucifying Christ, and it is okay to manipulate 14 years into marriage by promising to exalt their entire families into heaven.

Mormons teach individual accountability for sin. Promising a 14 year old the ability to save her parents by ANY actions is a violation of Mormon doctrine.

The Book of Mormon violates the warning in the Bible to not add to scripture. It is warned of in at least two places. Period.

Therefore, genealogy is false doctrine in relationship to any church when that church is adding additional scriptures.
edit on 28-2-2013 by Miracula because: added content

Hiya M,

I'd love to know of any scriptural references for all the above 'cos, to me there appears to be so much supporting what's questioned.


Hi Stew,

A quick google search will show you Old Testament prohibits adultery entirely. It will also show you in the Old Testament rules on what acts of fornication are permissible and what acts are sufficient to warrant a death.

For example in the Old Testament fornicating with both a woman and her daughter was sufficient to warrant the death penalty.

If God expected people to completely avoid fornication altogether I would assume he would have made it one of the 10 commandments.

One thing I would attempt to avoid is unplanned pregnancies that are a danger with one night stands.

I don't see anything wrong with an unmarried couple who are in a relationship having sex.

I certainly in regards to Mormonism see it as being far less of an offense than manipulating 14 year old girls into marriage, especially when you consider that statutory rape by deception might be the very reason in addition to taking up arms against his countrymen might be the very reason why God allowed Smith to be killed at Carthage Jail.

edit on 2-3-2013 by Miracula because: added a sentence


You make sense in many respects and your evidence would stack up and I wouldn't refute any of what you write but let's not focus on the one man.

I didn't know Joseph smith and can only read about his life but I have a very strong feeling that that's not all there is to things.

I'm not trying to tell you anything you don't know but so much of Gospel orientated stuff is that there is little or no objective evidence. If there were it would be so very easy to accept this Jesus Christ stuff and we'd all be saved in a perfect world etc etc etc.

But what if the point were that we don't judge or evaluate in the objective sense alone? What if there's something in this trial of faith thing and that until we exercise some of that faith things might not be too clear?

Yes we have a wonderful brain and yes minds have developed or discovered lots of ways to prove or disprove but what if there is something deeper, more personal and subjective?

If we choose to believe the story in the Old Testament about those following Moses only needing to exercise faith by looking at a statue on a pole to be saved we see an example of what's meant and I think maybe the exercising of a personal faith is key to much of what we're talking about. Prayer could be it.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Alethea

Originally posted by Alethea Why does this seem to be the mission and focus of the Mormon religion to collect information on genealogies? What is it's purpose to hold these records?
Why all the secrecy? Why would these vaults containing such information be locked away with such excessive security? Why would these records need to be buried 600 feet into a granite mountain with a 14 ton door? By comparison, the door of the Ft. Knox bullion depository is 22 tons. What is the real mission of this organization that disguises itself as a religion?

Perhaps to eradicate every member of the the evil families that have ruined the world for the past two thousand years.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Stewb

Hi Stew,

"But what if the point were that we don't judge"

That's a good Christian concept, except when dealing with prophecy. If I remember correctly people in the Old Testament were destroyed by an angel of the Lord in the number of 10's of thousands for willfully following a prophet whose prophecies failed and encouraged them to engage in transgression. So, we must judge a prophet and his prophecies.

You know the good thing about the Bible is I don't need to know who Smith was in his personal life. The litmus test for a prophet is simple. If he speaks and it comes to pass the man is a prophet, vice-versa he is not a prophet.

Smith's prophecies about temples remaining operational, the Saint not needing to cook their food eventually. One major failure in prophecy invalidates him as a prophet. A prophet can misunderstand doctrine properly and his duties as Moses did, but Moses prophecies despite the fact that he was denied entry into the promised land for disobedience did come true. Moses was sometimes disobedient. But..........his prophecies against Egypt and Pharaoh did come true.

Smith could fail here and there, but his prophecies had about temples remaining operational had to come to pass, and God had the power to validate Smith's prophecies, and if God did not I would expect it is because unlike some of the men I served with in the Coast Guard none of them were engaged in polygamy, nor were they running around promising 14 year old girls the ability to save their entire families into heaven for their willingness to marry a guy whose prophecies were not validated.

Smith didn't need to be perfect anymore than Moses always demonstrated perfection by being disobedient to the point that he was not allowed into the promised land. But his prophecies had to come true.

That is the litmus test that does not require one to know Smith's personality or ability to be perfect. A prophet does not need to be perfect. Some of the bible writers warned against being overly righteous. However a prophet according to scripture that I have read must have his prophecies validated by God. In other words the reason why he spoke to prophesy correctly was because God inspired him despite his imperfections.

This simply didn't happen with Smith, Warren Jeffs, Jim Jones, or David Koresh. Some of these men prophecied and their prophecies were not fulfilled, many of them prayed regularly, and all 4 of them were engaged in inappropriate relationships with minors that I have never seen demonstrated by the men in my family nor the men I served with in the Coast Guard.

edit on 3-3-2013 by Miracula because: added paragraph

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Miracula
reply to post by Stewb

Hi Stew,

"But what if the point were that we don't judge"

A. God gave me a brain and suggests I use it or lose it and how can a brain operate if we don't judge? I know we're counselled not to judge but I think the key here is judging unrighteously. I think the point be that we do judge/assess.

That's a good Christian concept, except when dealing with prophecy. If I remember correctly people in the Old Testament (let's not forget the old testament were destroyed by an angel of the Lord in the number of 10's of thousands for willfully following a prophet whose prophecies failed and encouraged them to engage in transgression. So, we must judge a prophet and his prophecies.
B. Yes we must judge prophets and their words but remember that they are but men and will fail or offend like us all. I don't excuse but just offer a balanced reasoning. Let's not forget that we may fall short if we compare old with new t ways.

You know the good thing about the Bible is I don't need to know who Smith was in his personal life. The litmus test for a prophet is simple. If he speaks and it comes to pass the man is a prophet, vice-versa he is not a prophet.
C. I think there might be more to it than that. By definition, a prophet of God can say some astounding things but perhaps only when he's speaking in our Heavenly Father's name. It must surely be up to us, having our free agency, to believe or not and here I wouldn't counsel blind faith but good old judgement through study and prayer. Isn't that what we're told to do?

Smith's prophecies about temples remaining operational, the Saint not needing to cook their food eventually.
D. Can this not yet come to pass?

One major failure in prophecy invalidates him as a prophet. A prophet can misunderstand doctrine properly and his duties as Moses did, but Moses prophecies despite the fact that he was denied entry into the promised land for disobedience did come true. Moses was sometimes disobedient. But..........his prophecies against Egypt and Pharaoh did come true.
E. If you compare Moses against Smith I don't think that would provide an accurate context from which to do so simply because the we don't have sufficient evidence. Course, that's what we use to make that assessment I've just been on about but our records are incomplete perhaps, so, use the one process which to me is infallible - prayer. Do you know which of Smiths comments were inspired prophecies and which were his private opinion? I don't.

Smith could fail here and there, but his prophecies had about temples remaining operational had to come to pass, and God had the power to validate Smith's prophecies
F. I don't think God validates the words of his prophet. It's the other way round surely.

and if God did not I would expect it is because unlike some of the men I served with in the Coast Guard none of them were engaged in polygamy, nor were they running around promising 14 year old girls the ability to save their entire families into heaven for their willingness to marry a guy whose prophecies were not validated.

Smith didn't need to be perfect anymore than Moses always demonstrated perfection by being disobedient to the point that he was not allowed into the promised land. But his prophecies had to come true.

That is the litmus test that does not require one to know Smith's personality or ability to be perfect. A prophet does not need to be perfect. Some of the bible writers warned against being overly righteous. However a prophet according to scripture that I have read must have his prophecies validated by God. In other words the reason why he spoke to prophesy correctly was because God inspired him despite his imperfections.

This simply didn't happen with Smith, Warren Jeffs, Jim Jones, or David Koresh. Some of these men prophesied and their prophecies were not fulfilled, many of them prayed regularly, and all 4 of them were engaged in inappropriate relationships with minors that I have never seen demonstrated by the men in my family nor the men I served with in the Coast Guard.
G. Maybe Hitler prayed too. Just 'cos we've done that doesn't make us good or any better than anyone else as those in your examples show. I've done some pretty awful stuff too (though nothing criminal) but still pray like some of your examples.

I suppose we may be discussing these things forever and isn't it good that we can do freely without worry of being put in prison or beaten. As I said, for me prayer works and has provided some amazing answers to settle my mind even without what would appear to be conclusive evidence.

Best wshes,


edit on 3-3-2013 by Miracula because: added paragraph

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Stewb
Smith's prophecies about temples remaining operational, the Saint not needing to cook their food eventually.
D. Can this not yet come to pass?

edit on 3-3-2013 by Miracula because: added paragraph

No, it can't. Why, because the Bible forbids any additional scriptures. PERIOD.

Jesus says he has all authority. He says that he is the Word, or Holy Scriptures. So, when the Bible says through prophets and apostles that there are no additional scriptures allowed it was really Jesus speaking by way of inspiration. Anyone who accepts additional scriptures rejects Jesus' authority. So, anyone who rejects that authority will prophecy incorrectly. Because they have no authority if they do not accept Jesus authority to forbid additional scriptures.

Abanes documents more than one or two failed prophecies by Smith. Half dozen or dozens in his book One Nation Under Gods. A failure in doctrine that Smith later understands correctly and corrects himself and the doctrine is no problem. More than one or two failures in prophecy in the name of Christ the man should feel fear, and beg on his knees fearfully for God's forgiveness. And then he should step down and refuse to utter prophecies. Period.

A prophet should not attempt to prophecy. He should let God do that through him. That's what Smith wasn't doing.

edit on 6-3-2013 by Miracula because: added sentence

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 09:01 PM

King Herod was concerned about
blood lines too.
Just ask yourselves why, then read my signature.


posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 12:45 AM
The sad is that mormons, and others, miss the POINT, which is,

You shall have no other gods than me
You shall not make yourselves any idols to come between you and your Father.

To let any organization, man, temple, bishops, pastors, priests, buildings, beliefs/systems come between you and God is to break the laws of God and Creation. To dishonor God.

God does not live inside a building, a belief system or what someone tells you to do.
There can never be anything between you and God.
Therefore it is against the laws of God and Creation to "worship" or go to temples, synagoges, churches, let man tell you what to do, let a book tell you what to do, etc.
God does NOT live in a building. He is in everything and all. In you. All you need, is go within.
You dont need a religion, beliefs, houses, priests anything! ONLY you and God WITHIN.

I tell you Joesph Smith was visited and it turned bad from there with occultism.
Most evil elite are involved as it is now.
Its simply a form of headquarter for them. Most of the normal members dont know.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Miracula

Evening M,

Only one way to deal with this isn't there. Prayer. Period (as you colonials say lol)


posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by stjarna1
The sad is that mormons, and others, miss the POINT, which is,

You shall have no other gods than me
You shall not make yourselves any idols to come between you and your Father.
Been LDS for some 30 odd years and never known the church promote another God. Your comment confuses me.

To let any organization, man, temple, bishops, pastors, priests, buildings, beliefs/systems come between you and God is to break the laws of God and Creation. To dishonor God.
Confused again. I've never found anyone trying to come tween me and my Heavenly Father. All you criticise actually brings me a bit close.

God does not live inside a building, (who says he does and what's the address?) a belief system or what someone tells you to do.
There can never be anything between you and God. Yep.
Therefore it is against the laws of God and Creation to "worship" (I thought god tells us we should worship only Him) or go to temples, synagoges, churches, (all these are a form of collective worship which some need to practice. We do it our own way what ever that is to theidividual) let man tell you what to do, let a book tell you what to do, etc.(aren't we missing something here? No one "tells" us what to do 'cos what we gained after the fall - free agency - the right to choose)
God does NOT live in a building (You said that). He is in everything and all. In you. All you need, is go within.
You dont need a religion, beliefs, houses, priests anything! ONLY you and God WITHIN. You might not but some need that support, that collectivism etc etc. (For some it brings strength etc etc)

I tell you Joesph Smith was visited and it turned bad from there with occultism. (Dunno, wasn't there)
Most evil elite are involved as it is now.
Its simply a form of headquarter for them. Most of the normal members dont know.
Then stand up and tell 'em, make a noise, shout! he gave you a voice so use it.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Stewb
reply to post by Miracula

Evening M,

Only one way to deal with this isn't there. Prayer. Period (as you colonials say lol)


Actually we could round the Mormons up and put them in one place so that most of their inbred polygamous, child-bride ways are confined to one state.

Oh wait! Our forefathers in this great land already did that when the Mormons wouldn't live in peace with their countrymen!

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:08 PM
Let me tell you how Mormonism got started by a 14 year old kid.

Look at the first 4 letters of the name of the town Palmyra, and then look at the town just to the left of Hairy Palm-yra on or Google earth.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:15 PM
They do NOT have my permission and if I find out they're posting my information on the internet without my consent then they're going to have a lawsuit on their hands.

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