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Let's All Face It, We Are God/Goddess

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posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 09:27 PM
There has been a lot of talk in here lately about the Spirit of man/woman, and what it is, and what it means. I will try to explain this concept, but be aware, even I do not fully understand the Spiritual Nature of myself.

It's like owning a Supercar. You can drive it, run it, feel it's power, but you can never look under the hood. That part is locked down tight. You cannot take it's power plant apart and examine the individual parts. That is the Human Spirit. The mechanics of the Spirit are not for human understanding!

Right now we are a people divided, let's face this, we are divided in one of only four ways. All wars and all conflicts, all fights and all crimes of passion are directly connected to one of four things:

I have talked about this before.
Mankind and the Great Divide

Why are we divided? You know why, don't you? Those who lust for power and money are the ones who divide us. When they have a war, the bankers fund both sides against each other, then, when it is all over, both sides have to pay back the bankers.

The television presents us all with talking heads that are supposed to tell us the "news," that is, "what is going on in our world, and our back yard. Do they do this? No! the "news" is a show! The MSN are all owned by corporate interests, and speak on the party line only. Talk out of place, you go the way of Lou Dobbs. The MSM tell us what to do, and when. Think about this.

I quote from my post
"Gender: Man/Wo-man are but two polarities of the same thing. That which is your "spirit guide," or your "guardian angel," I think is both together. Male and female both, to sides of the same coin."

I posted this before on the board, but here goes again. There was a time when I met my Holy Guardian Angel/Higher Self/Soul/Spirit. Call it whatever you wish, but they were the most beautiful beings I have ever in my life saw. They were male and female, exact twins, but decidedly male and female. Each of us is actually two beings, a male, and a female. This could most easily explain homosexuality as a normal, humanistic thing. I myself have seen this behaviour in the animal kingdom.
The beings had wings, like Angels you see in paintings do. I strongly believe that these Angelic depictions are people who saw their Higher Self. These beings glowed with a golden hue, and they gave off an emanation of extreme power, but with complete grace, and love. I could sense the most loving ecstasy within my body, and it was the best feeling I have ever had, ever.

I quote again, from my own post:
"Religion: This one is always controversial, because certain people in history used politics to make religion what is is today. Especially the "Established," and "Organized" religions, such as Catholicism, Christian, Protestant, Buddhist, Muslim, Taoist, Druid, Wiccan, and yes, even Atheist, you can wager that politics, or one form or other of politics, formed your belief system long ago. Every religion thinks they are the chosen, the ones on the right path, and so on, and the truth is, even though we all walk different paths in life, each and every one of these paths lead to the very same source, doesn't it?

We all have encoded DNA, that which is the building blocks of man/womankind, and this DNA contains blueprint not only for the human body you see in the mirror every day, but, even more than also contains the entire consciousness and manifestation of the Universe itself. Who is the CREATOR here? "I AM." (meant in a metaphoric way)"

Does this make sense to the human race?
All we need do, friends and neighbors, is STOP IT. Stop it all, everything that is fake, everything that is designed to control us. Turn our collective backs to everyone, everything that stands against us, or attempts to control us. And standing together is the point of this exercise. The World is a whole lot more than we can see, and never trust your human eyes anyway!
There are evil, sinister forces that want to control our Spirits. They know that we do not know who or what our Spirit is. May I submit that within each one of us is in fact a Divine Spirit? Divine even to ET? Perhaps we are the God/Goddess everyone has been searching for all of this time? The Moon and the Sun have been charged with certain attributes ever since the dawn of time. The Moon was the first universal measurer of time. The Moon symbolizes time, fate, spinning, wheels, weaving, cauldrons, and of course the Great Mother, or Feminine influence. (The time is NOW, ladies)

It is my theory that the Moon (which wasn't always here) and it's magnetic field altered the Earth's magnetic field, and further, that the Draconian/Reptilian who live and work in Deep Underground Military/Alien Bases have been building machinery underground in some kind of effort to further alter this field. Hence the strange noises people have been reporting for years now. Earth is being made into a spacecraft, and the inner cabins and living spaces are already built. who will those in power take with them? Not all of the Christians, or the Muslims, not all of the mechanics or electricians, or doctors or lawyers.
This is a club for the Rich Elite, and you, friend, are not invited. They know what is coming, and some of you know it too, I come here every day and read the posts, yes, the end of this long count, the Big Cycle, is just about over. It comes to a climax.

I have had, experience a terrible vision of the end of the cycle. Every human being will be swept into the Spirit World in an instant, in the blink of an eye. We will all be "dead," in the human understanding of the word, but we shall know that we still ARE. This is where the Prison Warders come in, they will have a plan to harness and control our Divine Spirit, and yes, they will implement the plan, they most likely have several back up plans too. I strongly believe this is when the Draco/Reptilians will begin their "Harvest" of souls.

We have to stand together to win over them. There is no "Jesus" or "Angels," or God," or ET being" going to help us, we have to do this on our own. Together in Spirit we are un-stoppable! We are a Force to be Reckoned with. We will, if we come together, shake the very foundations of this universe and all who live in it.

Planet Earth is a rare planet. this why it is used as it is. Many of us will stay here, some will go for awhile, then come back again, some will go away on a permanent basis

Earth is a Water World, and as you know, water is a good conductor. See, the Reality we all live in is a created thing, something like in the Matrix film. I call it a Nexus, but the real Nexus is in another dimension of time and space. We all live in an electronic/magnetic field, generated for our pleasure. In a default sort of way. then these ETs came along, and installed their own machinery, and altered the matrix to their own design. The field is beginning to crash, and humans will have to wake up, they will have no other choice.

Human beings are a fickle lot, and sadly, have to be controlled by Leaders. They cannot control themselves.
How can a God or a Goddess have any control on a world such as this?

Many of us seem to be happy to follow what we are told by others. We seem to be unable to take responsibility for our own destiny. Its far easier to follow another's truths we have been told...hey, that way we don't have to think...its been done for us...great. If it all goes wrong its THEIR fault not ours, it was they that told us this right? So we get away with any issues, they will have to deal with it not us....right?
But what if what we have blindly followed is NOT the truth. What if by taking responsibility for our own destiny we actually find the truth? Find the True God and Goddess? Find ourselves. That, friends, is the true quest.

Deny Ignorance, and Realize Reality.

Hope I haven't bored you all. Thanks for listening.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by autowrench

I think that everyone is an individual first after all and individuals from the same race and gender differ, etc. Feminism is about equality on the surface, in reality it's about getting back at males.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 10:33 PM
Although I understand and sort of agree with the overall point, I think my OCD is forcing me to shake my fist at the details you post

incidently, nothing annoys me more than spirituality 101...only because its simple and general and goes unquestioned too much as some sort of half hearted altruistic truth..which I took part in earlier in my life. It doesn't require much thought to accept it..and that in itself should toss up caution signs (when things seem too simple, its probably because its not thought out)

So, without the intent to offend you, let me hit this point by point in a giant mountain of text that nobody will read.

Originally posted by autowrench
Why are we divided? You know why, don't you?

We are built that way...this is a good thing. the world is like a giant quantum computer that is seeking answers in every direction possible at the same time. division is important overall, as it forces deeper thinking and understanding to get past the would be far worse if we were not divided and unchallenged..
but lets move on

Those who lust for power and money are the ones who divide us. When they have a war, the bankers fund both sides against each other, then, when it is all over, both sides have to pay back the bankers.

Bah, money and power is neutral and subjective.
You are far more rich and powerful than some on earth, and some are more powerful and rich than you. what is the dividing line between the humble good people of earth, and those evil greedy monsters...typically its double whatever your making (btw, in tribal africa, you are godlike in your way of are "the man" with your computer and wifi broadband and meat everynight, get the point)

The television presents us all with talking heads that are supposed to tell us the "news," that is, "what is going on in our world, and our back yard. Do they do this? No! the "news" is a show! The MSN are all owned by corporate interests, and speak on the party line only. Talk out of place, you go the way of Lou Dobbs. The MSM tell us what to do, and when. Think about this.

This is normal..society will always have its thought control devices. religion, politics, news, etc...its meant to put catagories on the herd. This is not some new invention though, ever since there has been a way to talk to more than a few people at once, false choices and propaganda has been the way. People want simple.
and that may be a good thing...
You think Fred the carpenter has all day and night to study every single aspect of every political or sociological aspect going on? We elect leaders and push forward talking points to "sum it up" for us and hope they are being accurate enough without being long winded (like my posts).
This is out of necessity pushed by the people, not as some secret pact created by a few warlocks behind the scenes...

Each of us is actually two beings, a male, and a female. This could most easily explain homosexuality as a normal, humanistic thing. I myself have seen this behaviour in the animal kingdom.
Not sure how t3h gheyz have come into this discussion...are there still some people that think its not in nature? 0o

The beings had wings, like Angels you see in paintings do. I strongly believe that these Angelic depictions are people who saw their Higher Self. These beings glowed with a golden hue, and they gave off an emanation of extreme power, but with complete grace, and love. I could sense the most loving ecstasy within my body, and it was the best feeling I have ever had, ever.

See, this to me is a mental show stopper. Not the account of the beings in question, but the auto-labelling them that has its roots in religious significance.
You could have met a extraterrestrial, a very ancient lifeform that has been on earth for a billion+ years, etc..
It may be simply semantics, but words like "advanced being" or something allows for everyone to discuss.."angels" and you suddenly have a narrow context with all sorts of superstitions and religious dogma to interrupt the actual account.

I quote again, from my own post:
"Religion: This one is always controversial, because certain people in history used politics to make religion what is is today. Especially the "Established," and "Organized" religions, such as Catholicism, Christian, Protestant, Buddhist, Muslim, Taoist, Druid, Wiccan, and yes, even Atheist, you can wager that politics, or one form or other of politics, formed your belief system long ago. Every religion thinks they are the chosen, the ones on the right path, and so on, and the truth is, even though we all walk different paths in life, each and every one of these paths lead to the very same source, doesn't it?

Atheist should not be in that list.
I am an athiest: I do not believe in God until there is some verifiable proof. Then I will change my view.
I am an agnostic: I am open to spiritual persuits, but am seeking validation before any leaps

The agnostic bit is my view on the greater connection, the connected universe, etc...all the fun stuff that religion rapes. Atheism is simply a simple "show me proof" statement...thats absolute demand there is no deities..just requesting for some proof that can be measured. How is that a religion?

We all have encoded DNA, that which is the building blocks of man/womankind, and this DNA contains blueprint not only for the human body you see in the mirror every day, but, even more than also contains the entire consciousness and manifestation of the Universe itself. Who is the CREATOR here? "I AM." (meant in a metaphoric way)"

I am Sparticus!

Here is my Agnostic talking now:
I entertain the idea that if there is a God, it is indeed you, and myself, and that rock, and Hitler, and the Pope, and every single thing, wavelength, etc. The universal DNA so to speak.
The problem I have with religion and how it corrupts is that its the left hand saying it was created by the right hand, or the face saying it was created by the brain. Like looking in the mirror trying to find it the fingernail? it the lips? no..liver? no..
the answer...the whole bloody thing is the person/God and there is nothing more or less special about any one part over the is all part of evil, no good, just what it is

ok, "pseudo-religious" rant over. aka, your right in my mind (but that doesn't mean your speaking truth..just your crazy thinking is close to mine

Does this make sense to the human race?
All we need do, friends and neighbors, is STOP IT. Stop it all, everything that is fake, everything that is designed to control us. Turn our collective backs to everyone, everything that stands against us, or attempts to control us. And standing together is the point of this exercise. The World is a whole lot more than we can see, and never trust your human eyes anyway!

The only thing I can control is my reactions. everything else will simply be.
No matter what you do, you are rarely in control in the greater sense..
toss away your television, run into the woods and live in a cave, your then controlled by your ideals and the general hunger/thirst stuff..become a corporate tycoon and different controls (all equal) run your day.
No need to toss out the playstation 3 to learn control of your reactions, only to understand and accept things for what they are..then move to refine your reactions towards a goal you truely want.
There are evil, sinister forces that want to control our Spirits. They know that we do not know who or what our Spirit is.
These evil, sinister forces you speak about are psychological weaknesses. You cannot eat that fudge ice cream and blame the devil..
and you cannot murder that child and blame the devil either...
its being out of control of your reactions. Its your brain, your lack of desire to notice and take control of your outcome to the best of your ability that is the flaw does -no- good to consider some sort of paranormal force as the true creator of your path..the more you believe that you are not in control, the weaker your mind will be and the less strength in your reactions you will have.
No...the demon is not some mysterious force is is part of you, and it is also your best friend, because by overcoming your personal demons, you become a stronger force within yourself. Thank your nemesis, he is the one that gave you strength.

May I submit that within each one of us is in fact a Divine Spirit? Divine even to ET? Perhaps we are the God/Goddess everyone has been searching for all of this time? The Moon and the Sun have been charged with certain attributes ever since the dawn of time. The Moon was the first universal measurer of time. The Moon symbolizes time, fate, spinning, wheels, weaving, cauldrons, and of course the Great Mother, or Feminine influence. (The time is NOW, ladies)

The time is whenever anyone wants...its not about changing the world, its about understanding yourself in the world. Its a individual path that one may choose to take...or not.

If You Meet The Buddha On The Road, Kill Him
-Zen Master Linji
(means only you walk your path...its yours...none others)

-snipped out random conspiracy 101 nonsense that is a bit out of place-

This is a club for the Rich Elite, and you, friend, are not invited. They know what is coming, and some of you know it too, I come here every day and read the posts, yes, the end of this long count, the Big Cycle, is just about over. It comes to a climax.

Again, "rich elite" is completely subjective...remember the tribe example and how you are actually the rich elite to others.
I won't discuss the climax bit due to terms and conditions...but man do I got some zingers

I have had, experience a terrible vision of the end of the cycle. Every human being will be swept into the Spirit World in an instant, in the blink of an eye. We will all be "dead," in the human understanding of the word, but we shall know that we still ARE. This is where the Prison Warders come in, they will have a plan to harness and control our Divine Spirit, and yes, they will implement the plan, they most likely have several back up plans too. I strongly believe this is when the Draco/Reptilians will begin their "Harvest" of souls.

I really try not to respond to many "reptilian" things due to its overt silliness, however, I think ultimately, what you desire for your future is what you will manifest for itself. If your desiring some sort of alien reptile soul munch fest, well...I don't think you will manifest that, but you may end up giving yourself undo stress beforehand, creating havoc in your personal outlook and creating a inability to cope with day to day reactions in a productive fashion.
Once the time of your fear has come and gone with little happening to your expectations, a backlash of disbelief and resentment may occur, and you may also lose trust in your own judgement..becoming weaker on how you react to lifes little details. I would highly recommend you use a bit of skepticism in this whole reptilian thing and free yourself from this odd ungrounded fear...and you know what...if on 2012 or whatnot, if reptilians start pouring out of space ships or from hollow earth...just shoot em in the head...freaking out about the prospect of it beforehand will accomplish nothing in the same way that considering what to do in a zombie apocolypse will cause nothing (besides some neat stories if your a sci-fi writer).

We have to stand together to win over them. There is no "Jesus" or "Angels," or God," or ET being" going to help us, we have to do this on our own. Together in Spirit we are un-stoppable! We are a Force to be Reckoned with. We will, if we come together, shake the very foundations of this universe and all who live in it.

You know, I think that this fear of the invasion of a outside dark force is a society tradition. It is some sort of subconscious worry about invaders in general..and no doubt thousands of years of dealing with random invading armies is the teacher of our civilization...what used to be the gauls became the persians, the mongols, the vikings, the romans, the etc etc...
lately(250 years) it was the british, then the commies, now its a less tangable threat...the muslims, the reptilians, etc
People have a endless habit of fearing outsiders to come in and eat the kids so to speak...its all but encoded in our DNA as a survivor species

Planet Earth is a rare planet. this why it is used as it is. Many of us will stay here, some will go for awhile, then come back again, some will go away on a permanent basis

One could say all planets are rare (unique) planets...rare...what defines rare? there are like a 15 hundred billion planets in our galaxy alone of all shapes and sizes. and galaxys as far as our technology can see. I imagine rare is subjective also...once you hit a few hundred trillion earthlike planets in the universe, things may seem a bit less rare..but for now...its rare because its the only habitable planet we can get to at the sure

Earth is a Water World, and as you know, water is a good conductor. See, the Reality we all live in is a created thing, something like in the Matrix film. I call it a Nexus, but the real Nexus is in another dimension of time and space. We all live in an electronic/magnetic field, generated for our pleasure. In a default sort of way. then these ETs came along, and installed their own machinery, and altered the matrix to their own design. The field is beginning to crash, and humans will have to wake up, they will have no other choice.

I guess you have no proof for that, however, conceptually, a matrix 'game' of universe has always been a pet consideration of mine...every religion more or less says something to that effect (this isn't real, reality is far cooler).
Still...while in the game, we need to see some actual proof before a claim is its very nature, such proof may be impossible, but until proof is given, then it is simply speculation with the same merit as we are simply an elaborate dream in the mind of a sleeping cat..once it wakes, we all go poof.

-snipped the rest due to basically restating what was already said-

Hope I haven't bored you all. Thanks for listening.

Naa, I love a good philosophical chat...of course, come to find out, the scientologists may be right

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 02:30 AM
If I were a God I wouldn't have limitations or fears. I would be able to do whatever I want, including creating my heart's desires. So no, I disagree that I'm a God. I have normal human limitations. Beware seducing spirits.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by 547000

Yes, give me chains of bondage, so that I cannot create anything of any significance in the space of limitless possibility (whatever that might mean). I'm only hu-man (said with a whine in a very small voice). Shame on you.

"God created us as spiritual beings with wings to fly in the spacious firmament of love and freedom. How pitiful then to lop off our wings with by our own hand, and suffer ourselves to crawl like vermine upon the earth."
~ Khalil Gibran (from memory)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
There has been a lot of talk in here lately about the Spirit of man/woman, and what it is, and what it means. I will try to explain this concept, but be aware, even I do not fully understand the Spiritual Nature of myself.

It's like owning a Supercar. You can drive it, run it, feel it's power, but you can never look under the hood. That part is locked down tight. You cannot take it's power plant apart and examine the individual parts. That is the Human Spirit. The mechanics of the Spirit are not for human understanding!

Right now we are a people divided, let's face this, we are divided in one of only four ways. All wars and all conflicts, all fights and all crimes of passion are directly connected to one of four things:

On the darker side, I'm sure there have been occultists who have taken apart someone else's supercar at some point in time and learned a great deal, thinking the occult supernatural equivalent of dr. Mengele, some being working in the hells, capturing spirits to dissect them or even more horror, capturing a live specimen, drugging it into a coma and in some supernatural way (maybe something like astral travel?) taking the spirit, even the soul apart while keeping the physical intact and artificially alive, bound to this existence.

At some point I'm sure they succeeded but no one who would want to touch knowledge gained in such a way, that is why human spirits chose to work around it in trying to make up a supercar just like the real thing (but never quite the same), that is why such beings would be considered evil (unethical) and their knowledge would remain hidden to us forever.

Anyway, all I know is I didn't built my supercar, as simple logic dictates if I was created, there was a time before that moment where I did not exist, so I could not have created myself as I didn't exist, so there must have been something/someone else that created me, a cycle of creation which goes on into infinity.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I think it's not wise to think you have the same authority or skills as God does. You might discover you don't really have it while you may claim to have it.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Great post, I agree with everything you said about gender, religion, politics etc were just created to entrap our souls in illusion especially gender, i believe that humans were genderless beings in the beginning, but they were later manipulated by some evil entities. I made a thread about it a while ago Link..
I am desperately waiting for that event to happen which will liberate humanity from the clutches of evil, i pray for it to happen everyday. I think the whole 2012 thing is about taking more control upon our souls by the elites, because they know that pivotal event is coming.
I would like to know more about your moon theory though as to how it has affected the earths magnetic field and the earth as a spaceship theory.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:36 AM

I would like to know more about your moon theory though as to how it has affected the earths magnetic field and the earth as a spaceship theory.

Well, think about it for a minute.

In "Moongate: Suppressed findings of The US Space Program" (1982), Nuclear Engineer and researcher/writer William L. Brian II presents evidence proving that the moon, as any hollow sphere would, "rings" when hit by asteroids or heavy space junk. And that's not all. According to Dr. Brian, "the evidence provided by Apollo seismic experiments also points to the conclusion that the moon is hollow and relatively rigid."
Source Link

I have read about this many times, that the Moon is most likely composed of a metallic substance and when struck, produces a ringing sound.

Proof that the "ringing" of the moon is common knowledge in the scientific and NASA communities is presented in communications between Mission Control and the men aboard the Apollo 17 moon mission on December 29, 1972.
Source Link

I myself have come to believe the Moon is an artificial planetary body, probably brought here by the passing of another, very large planetary body. Some say the Moon was originally named "Kinga," and was a Moon of Nibiru. Some say it was Kinga that slammed into the Earth all those years ago, creating the Pacific Basin as it is today. The artificial Moon was left in perfect orbit to help with an unstable Earth, as it would certainly be with such a large chunk missing. Of course the bits and pieces became the Asteroid Belt we are all familiar with, Enki called it a "bracelet."

One thing that always got to me is the Moon doesn't SPIN like a natural Celestial body, and it maintains a Perfect Orbit around Earth. What other planetary body does that?

It is my contention that the planetary body we all know as the Moon was brought here, and stationed where it still lies today. It is hollow, and contains machinery and computer systems. these system control our reality to a degree, of course our own thoughts and actions have a play here also. It is also my contention that the Moon, being composed of metal, produces a strong magnetic field, and that by using this field, whoever is running the show can beam electronic wave forms at us every day, all the time. Many believe we live in an artificial reality, and I am one of these.

Here are a few links to ponder on...
Lunar Anomalies indicate an Artificial Moon

The Moon - What Is It And Who Made It?

Our Enigmatic Moon Could our Moon be Artificial and Hollow?

Is The Moon An Artificial Orbiter?

And of course there is the "Soul Catcher" theory, which I ascribe to myself. The theory is there is a ton that "catches" the human souls as the "die." what it does with the soul after that I do not know, but I do know the tower and the "Light" work together in the reincarnation process.



Remember always, Everything is Possible.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

We are built that way...this is a good thing. the world is like a giant quantum computer that is seeking answers in every direction possible at the same time. division is important overall, as it forces deeper thinking and understanding to get past the would be far worse if we were not divided and unchallenged..
but lets move on

How so? I mean I understand how being challenged forces us to think deeper about issues, some opposition is always healthy. However, the amount of division we have is ridiculous and most of it serves no real purpose. I say this only because most of the division we have present day has always existed in previously successful societies and where are they now? We are divided by many things: class, race, gender, political belief, religious belief, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. Most of these divisions occur because of outdated belief systems that served society at some point but we have out grown them. For someone who claims to have been down the right brain thinking path im surprised you can so easily dismiss this as irrelevent when it obviously is not. We can be cohesive and still disagree and learn from each other.

You think Fred the carpenter has all day and night to study every single aspect of every political or sociological aspect going on? We elect leaders and push forward talking points to "sum it up" for us and hope they are being accurate enough without being long winded (like my posts).
This is out of necessity pushed by the people, not as some secret pact created by a few warlocks behind the scenes...

No, actually news/politics is the way it is due to the need for it to get ratings/votes coupled with the fact that the human attention span has shortened drastically and still is. I would say you make a good point if the information they provided was at least 50% true. I dont know where you are from, but where I live most of the residents are minorities. Yes some subscribe to everything the news says, but by and large since minority groups distrust the gov't in general for historical reasons, most of the topics covered here on ats (minus aliens etc) are covered on a regular basis. Its not impossible.

The only thing I can control is my reactions. everything else will simply be.
No matter what you do, you are rarely in control in the greater sense..
toss away your television, run into the woods and live in a cave, your then controlled by your ideals and the general hunger/thirst stuff..become a corporate tycoon and different controls (all equal) run your day.
No need to toss out the playstation 3 to learn control of your reactions, only to understand and accept things for what they are..then move to refine your reactions towards a goal you truely want.

What about communal living?

Again, "rich elite" is completely subjective...remember the tribe example and how you are actually the rich elite to others.
I won't discuss the climax bit due to terms and conditions...but man do I got some zingers

The tribal example really does not work in this situation. If someone rich goes to a tribe with the intent of living among them but not controlling their resources or what and what not they can learn they are not anything like our elite.

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