posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Riffrafter
Your logo tells me you are a dragon fan.You found a dragon on Mars and circled it witout realizing it because you are a programmed male
looking for war symbols.Helmet equals male prestige/power.Hold your horses Conan.Slow down and look around before you wave your sword. See the dragon
I outlined his head in the circle,and thin body overlapping another corpse like a "+" sign.There are many live faces masked out.I have outlined
some.They face the Spirit rover cans and are fuzzed out because the balck ops at Pine Gap Australia censor,chop and cover up the life forms,so we are
sold the un-truth that life doesn't exist there yet until we arive.Total LIE! The diversity of life there will make you cream when you see it and
fully grasp the scope of it and how it seriously changes everything we were lied to for all our lives and SWALLOWED.Start with SETI.Ufo's all over
the Bermuda Triangle where SETI is located nearby the UFO hotspots...ho hum we see nothing,hear nothing,know nothing,fingers in my ears can't here
you go away.LaLaLa they don't exist LA LA LA.
These are not random
Mars rock formations.The pyramids you saw are Markers,and some stand for above ground burial site.They don't bury all of their dead on Mars ,so
skulls remain on surface lighter than rocks.I designed the Mars rovers 1987.see 1000 pics Mars people,animals,fossils,structures