I myself never send cards, and I find it a waste of money. I appreciate the cards I get (esp picture cards) but really we get together each year why
waste a stamp?
I wonder if the young people, raised on computers, will continue the Christmas Card tradition, or if this is yet another tradition from my childhood
slowly fading into the dust?
If today's society didn't believe in them we wouldn't make and sell them.
Plenty of people still get christmas cards even us and we send them too.
As for the future I have bo idea. It'll probably be virtual christmas cards from facebook or something along those lines
I don't send them. To me Christmas cards should only be sent to folk you won't be seeing through out the holidays or maybe for years, with a
special reminder that they are thought of on Christmas and thats it. In other words if you can come yourself don't send a card. + just like
everything else they have gotten ridiculously pricy.