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9/11 survivor, truth activist, artist, grandmother, Janette MacKinlay, has passed away.

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posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 08:39 PM
Most of you may know her as but one of the sources of WTC dust provided to Dr. Jones and others for forensic study. She was also an artist and a grandmother.

She lived just across the street from the WTC when the attacks happened and her apartment was destroyed when the towers collapsed. Here is an image of her near Ground Zero on 9/11 and an image of her apartment:



Janette has written a book detailing her account of 9/11. The book is called "Fortunate: A Personal Diary of 9/11" and can be purchased or read online here:

In February of this year, she was diagnosed with brain cancer and she knew right away it was from the WTC dust. She succumbed to her cancer and is now no longer with us.

Janette is a true hero. A hero to peace. A hero to truth and everything that is good. She will never be forgotten.

R.I.P. Janette MacKinlay -- 1948-2010


Janette's websites:

Some of Janette's presentations:

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:02 PM
Wow Sad,

I'm a pretty hardcore truth activist, and I've never even heard of her.

Thanks for posting.


posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by mayabong

She is one of the sources that supplied dust samples to Dr. Jones and others. She is also in the latest Loose Change movie "An American Coup".

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:24 PM
Would you mind terribly explaining how on Earth she could have gotten brain cancer from the 9/11 attack?

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

How on Earth did anyone get cancer from the 9/11 attacks? How did countless first responders and other New Yorkers get cancers and other ailments from breathing the dust?

You're trolling this thread, Dave. I shouldn't even have had to answer that question.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

You mean actually she died of natural causes? Figured by now some whack job would be be proclaiming how
she was murdered by the NWO, CIA, Mossad.......

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 11:15 PM
Don't pay attention to Good Ole Dave. He's just payed to pass the muslims are bad, government is right agenda. If he's not payed, he just has no life. Look at all the threads he's authored or replied to. LOL. Obvious.

Love you dave. Good work.

P.S. the dman is the same, they always jump on these threads together..... trying to perpetuate a story that even the some of the 911 commission said was a farce.

Good work guys. lol

edit on 11-12-2010 by mayabong because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 11:34 PM
Dave asked a legitimate question, and it is one that needs to be answered. Studies have indeed shown that firefighters/rescue workers/clean-up crews have indeed had breathing/lung problems as a result of exposure to the dust at Ground Zero-- Dave wasn't arguing that. What he was asking was how on Earth she could have recieved BRAIN cancer from exposure to the dust.

To my knowledge, there have been no studies showing a correlation between being diagnosed with brain cancer and breathing in Ground Zero dust.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Nonchalant

Those links do nothing for me. Epic fail on your part.

As I said, there have been studies conducted that have shown that respiratory/lung problems have arisen as a result of the dust from Ground Zero. Those links you have provided only re-establish this fact. What I was asking for was evidence that this dust has resulted in BRAIN cancer.

BRAIN cancer, not respiratory issues.

Again, I will re-state my question (as originally asked by GoodOl'Dave):

Where is the evidence that the 9/11 dust has caused BRAIN cancer?

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Judge_Holden
reply to post by Nonchalant

Those links do nothing for me. Epic fail on your part.

As I said, there have been studies conducted that have shown that respiratory/lung problems have arisen as a result of the dust from Ground Zero. Those links you have provided only re-establish this fact. What I was asking for was evidence that this dust has resulted in BRAIN cancer.

BRAIN cancer, not respiratory issues.

Again, I will re-state my question (as originally asked by GoodOl'Dave):

Where is the evidence that the 9/11 dust has caused BRAIN cancer?

Anyways, a quote from the article Nonchalant linked to:

An alarming number of 9/11 responders have been stricken with brain cancer - including six NYPD cops, The Post has learned.

At least 11 of the Ground Zero rescue and recovery workers and their families claim in a class-action lawsuit - which includes dozens of other cancer victims - that toxic air and dust caused or triggered the rare, often fatal, brain illness.

Three brain-cancer victims have died, raising the total death toll in a 7,300-plaintiff lawsuit brought by workers and their families to 41, said lead attorney David Worby.

You know, it's quite telling, just the mere fact that you would automatically scoff and question whether or not the responders and victims(of the dust clouds) could possibly have gotten a brain cancer from inhaling massive amounts of carcinogenic materials, reveals your true nature. Whats wrong with you people? Does this seem like some 9/11 conspiracy theory to you? What would be the point?

You are the one's who have massively failed in the ways you treat others.

I'm curious, how does the first responders and victims of the tragedy, current health status effect 9/11 conspiracy debunkers? What is the motivation to attack them in this manner? If I had to guess, you guys are probably part of the whole crowd who fought to deny financial compensation for their failing health. You can't possibly believe that it's impossible to get some type of brain cancer from inhaling the dust clouds, or sitting on top of the pile for weeks on in? Do you?

How many of them have to die of brain cancer, before it's safe to say its linked to the 9/11 attacks?

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by Judge_Holden
Where is the evidence that the 9/11 dust has caused BRAIN cancer?

This thread is not about how 9/11 dust causes brain cancer or not. This thread is about the passing of a true American hero.

It was her opinion that the toxic dust caused her cancer. So, drop it and let's get back on topic, please. Thanks.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 10:56 AM
It's never good to lose someone, especially one who was a part of such a tragic, historic day. It doesn't really matter how she got the cancer or what she thought caused it. It still happened and shouldn't have. Even though she obviously does not share my views, I respect the views she held and hope that others continue her work and movement. After all, without an opposition to the norm, truth would never get out.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Varemia

I don't always agree with your words, but very-well said.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
reply to post by GoodOlDave

How on Earth did anyone get cancer from the 9/11 attacks? How did countless first responders and other New Yorkers get cancers and other ailments from breathing the dust?

You're trolling this thread, Dave. I shouldn't even have had to answer that question.

Well, I'm sorry, Bonez, but until now I've been hearing first responders coming down with respiratory issues like lung cancer and asthema. I've also heard cases of liver cancer, which makes sense sicne it's the liver that filters the poisons out of the blood. This would be the first documented case of brain cancer caused by an inhalant, and I know how much of a stickler you are against things that never happened before.

I'm not saying her passing isn't tragic. She was there, and I wasn't. She displayed a courage I don't know I would have becuase I was never tested like she was. What I AM saying is that you conspiracy people have been caught red handed milking the 9/11 event for everything it's worth to promote your conspiracy stories I.E. the death of an overweight and almost sixty year old Barry Jennings being an assasination, Hunter Thompson being suicided, etc. That doesn't even include all the blatant lies you people have been foisting on others like a military stand down, all the WTC bomb dogs being withdrawn, no wreckage found at the Pentagon, etc etc etc. so at this point I'd ask you for proof even if you said night was dark and water was wet. This brain cancer claim screams of yet more conspiracy monger misrepresentation, and your response of, "how do I think she got brain cancer" is a weasel answer that doesn't exactly prove me wrong.

Let her pass away in peace and dignity, Bonez. Don't milk her tragic death to promote those crackpot conspiracy stories you're getting off of Richard Gage's web site. This is pretty tacky, even for you.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Varemia

well said

r.i.p janette

dave go crawl back under your rock please


posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by kaya82
reply to post by Varemia

well said

r.i.p janette

dave go crawl back under your rock please


There were thousands of people who died that day and regrettably are continue to die, from the passengers on flight 93 to the people trapped in the buildings to the firemen and police who died rescuing other people to the people suffering from whatever is causing their injuries at ground zero. There's no flipping way you or anyone else can deny the only reason you conspiracy people are singling MacKinlay out is that you want to use her death to promote these conspiracy stories. Janette MacKinlay isn't a human being to you. She's a cash cow.

I don't need to remind you that it's you people, not me, who are being the ghouls. How many of you people don't even believe the passengers on flight 77 that hit the Pentagon even existed? How many of you people are accusing the police and firemen of conspiring to murder their brother rescuers? You'll excuse me when I say your motives for memorializing here are suspect.

I will say no more on this.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 04:56 PM
yawn yawn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 05:03 PM
Ya know, I'm really surprised that anyone became ill because of 9/11. Didn't the trustworthy Government controlled EPA say that the air quality was just honky dory immediately after those buildings collapsed? What's the matter with you conspiracy people not trusting the Government and making paranoid claims?

To the contrary, I think that all that toxic dust which ended up and circulated in people's bodies might even be therapeutic. The Government does not have to pay out any health claims because all of the people who became ill with cancer were probably already ill prior to 9/11. Who do these little people think they are making such preposterous claims? Screw 'em!

edit on 12-12-2010 by SphinxMontreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by kaya82
reply to post by Varemia

I will say no more on this.

Of course you will say no more on this, you know your dead wrong. You always pick out the worst of, and most preposterous 9/11 conspiracy theories and then lump every single person that questions the official theories of 9/11 in to the same group. You constantly lie in this manner in your pathetic attempts at winning arguments. Like this one here. You know full and well that more than a few people here have no interest in the ridiculous theories you mentioned. Yet you continually use these tactics to smear any and all who do not believe as GOD does aka GoodOleDave.

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