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Whats up with all of the U.S hater/bashing lately?

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posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by amc621
reply to post by SKinLaB

It's just jealousy. Also people just feeling inferior to us, so they call the US names. It's all very childish to me. I would like people to just be happy who they are, not everyone can be the best.

Ha. You my friend are in the same category as

- The guy who abuses his lady friend/wife and tells people she likes it or deserves it.
- The brutal dictator who brags how much he is loved by his people.

Jealous? Makes about as much sense as those two situations.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 12:37 PM
i hate everyone equally, so i'm not prejudice

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by wayno
Ha. You my friend are in the same category as

- The guy who abuses his lady friend/wife and tells people she likes it or deserves it.
- The brutal dictator who brags how much he is loved by his people.

Jealous? Makes about as much sense as those two situations.

Yea we can already tell just by your post that you have a tendency to lump everybody in the same category. Just in case you forgot how to read on the way in, this is a thread about why people are bashing America. I think I get it though, all these people on here that are bashing America, they all make the same type of posts and all have the same general attitude toward other people. Its not necessarily that something is wrong with America, its just some people have horrible social skills and need some target to vent their frustrations, America bashing just happens to be the cheapest bandwagon to jump on nowadays.

It's really quite ironic, with everyone tossing around the ignorant word, how quickly the pot will call the kettle black.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by wayno

Originally posted by amc621
reply to post by SKinLaB

It's just jealousy. Also people just feeling inferior to us, so they call the US names. It's all very childish to me. I would like people to just be happy who they are, not everyone can be the best.

Ha. You my friend are in the same category as

- The guy who abuses his lady friend/wife and tells people she likes it or deserves it.
- The brutal dictator who brags how much he is loved by his people.

Jealous? Makes about as much sense as those two situations.

Wow, not sure where you come up with that analogy. Guess I should not be surprised though considering where the non senseical comment is coming from.

If not jealous than why bring it up? There may be a lot of problems here in the USA, but no where is better. Just curious, where are you from? Just wondering why you feel inferior. Seriously you can't help where you were born.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 04:51 PM
just because i made a couple keyboard typos does not make me illiterate...and i will not make insinuations as to who you are or your education as i don't know you and by making insinuations It does show your complete and utter ignorance...and you jumping to conclusions about my own education because i was in a bit of a rush and didn't bother to check my writing on this particular posting doesn't mean i am not educated...I myself am a structural engineer and have lived and worked all over the world so i think it does give me a fair understanding of many cultures and places around the world...including the fact i have lived all over the United States also which is where i can draw some conclusions.
So the only lack of ignorance comes from your ignorance,,,which is a term for the lack of understanding...and to say someones opinion does not count is just a petty little childish remark made through Ignorance as I will guess that you dont have the undrstanding of other cultures other than the immediate suroundings your in.
If you took the time to understand what i was saying it was not actually bashing America It was showing respect and showing that your Goverment should start to care for it's own people as while i lived in America one of the Number one fears of people i had met and became friends with was worrying about medical and what happenes if they got sick...And that is a shame.
Also the complete and total lack of understanding of people from other nations was amazing and should be addressed Like i said .... a great many people of the world do not see America as a beacon of shining light ....they see it as a breakdown of society and a complete failure of family values for the greed of the almighty dollar....also I could sit here all call you names and disrespect your opinion but instead i will take it onboard and even though it was a narrow viewpoint and lack of unstanding of why people are bashing the US.
I hope that you have stepped outside into the world and experienced other cultures in order that you yourself can make honest opinions rather than narrow minded thoughts that have been pushed into an American way of thinking through Goverment,media and the sound thoughts of being told you are a true patriot cause you only think one way...It is like a religious person only having narrow viewpoints cause they have been duped by only religious thought....The bashing is more about how the US is not the whole world, it is part of the world....the US is a small portion of the world...the masses of the world are in China and India right at this moment in it would be a good Idea to become aware of who they are and what they bring to the picture.....
Now i will not make you tell me your Educated background as opinion does not need to come from just Education it also comes from Life experience...and have an open mind to others opinions whether one agrees with said opinion or not.
Ignorance shows when one can only attack anothers opinion with snide little remarks like how one may spell or speak or get their point out to the world. When one is bothered by what is said and an intelligent person responds with integrity but an ignorant individual attacks without thought or understanding.
Just to mention i also speak three languages Arabic,Cantonese, and English which if the world does start to collapse i have taken the time to learn some languages which may be of some help and by understanding and learning laguage it helps to understand location says i am in England...I am Canadian....and as a Canadian i can also speak about America in a fair I hope you take this in a responsible way and realize that It is meant in a respectful way towards Americans It is a shame that the American people are paying for the failures of the Zionist infiltrated American Government.

edit on 043131p://f53Monday by plube because: (no reason given)

edit on 043131p://f58Monday by plube because: oh my a graamerical error and speeeling...hope i dont geet inn toooble

edit on 053131p://f00Monday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by plube

Originally posted by plube
I myself am a structural engineer

Well I say these things because you sound more like a frustrated 12 year old kid than a structural engineer that has traveled the world and knows multiple languages, don't you have better things to do than argue with Americans on ATS? Or have you retired to a peaceful life as an amateur rocket scientist? You simply aren't able to handle someone disagreeing with you, Mr. "I myself am a structural engineer", but thanks for the laugh.

Originally posted by plube
Now i will not make you tell me your Educated background

Oh, well thanks for not 'making' me tell you. I try to let it speak for itself, unlike some evidently.

Originally posted by plube
oh my a graamerical error and speeeling...hope i dont geet inn toooble

This pretty much proves my point. The internet is just full of structural engineers, astrophysicists and brain surgeons nowadays, you would figure lower to middle working class people don't even own computers anymore. Regardless of what you might think your idiocy and illiteracy do serve to falsify anything that you say, how many rambling trolls have had anything of value or truthfulness to say in the past? Exactly.

Talk all you want about how 'you think' an intelligent person should respond or how you can use google and call it life experience, but I'm not about to sit and listen to some fool try to justify hatred for my countrymen for reasons he doesn't even understand himself. Everybody has their opinions, that doesn't mean it has to make any sort of rational sense. If you are going to say something bad about someones country and their people, do it with some respect and knowledge, if you had done this I would have listened to you. I am a patriot, but far from a blind one.

The purpose of this entire board and website is to deny ignorance. When you fail to make or prove a point and fall in to an almost illegible stupor, you are embracing it with open arms. I am done replying to you.
edit on 14-12-2010 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:56 AM
i'm sorry

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:27 AM
i think the USA is receiving the same amount of respect it's always been given by other nations. however the USA was also in a lot stronger position before, and Americans probably didn't even notice what comments were being said to or about them because of the cloak of arrogance it was wrapped in.

ps your little sister Canada has something to say to you, 'wtf happened to you? your f*cking broken, like busted, and how the hell did you get so fat?'

ohhh, bad Canada, forgive her, i'm sure she was kidding.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:51 AM
So was that a trick or what? You guys start a thread asking "whats up with all of the US hater/bashing lately? When we answer that we don't hate, but we are very disappointed with what has been going on with you guys vis a vis the rest of world - you close your ears, cry foul and sling mud.

If you didn't want to hear it, why did you ask? Why do you keep asking in thread after thread? Why do you keep getting defensive instead of listening?

Just wondering.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:54 AM
I think in reality most people DO NOT hate or dislike Americans; But I would say that people from American in general do not know much about the outside world other then the problems they are having with the Mexican border issue and illegal immigrants living in the USA.

However when we talk about the flamboyant US goverment and it´s bullying tactics of steam rolling through anything in its way with its "join us or go under us" attitude it´s easy to see why people with a real sense of what´s happening in the world find you Americans slightly "irritating"

As wayno pointed out you asked "why do people bitch about us" and the reason would seem when even people give you a straight answer ! you keep asking ?

I have had experience with American people and to be honest I like them, how-ever with every type of human you find people you can get on with and people you for some reason or another, just can´t.

I would suggest to any American people who are experiencing problems with the rest of the worlds online users to ask their goverment to sort it´s own problems out "inhouse" before trying to sort everyone elses out for them,
and making America everybody elses saviour when they should be saving their own.

Why can´t we all just get along........
edit on 14-12-2010 by linkshot1000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:29 AM
haha American bashing. I'm glad I randomly found this thread

I spend most of my day studying current events and ideologies (usually for university or my own personal knowledge). I come on ATS to discuss my opinion with other likewise or counter-intuitive individuals.

Do I have a negative opinion of the US? Damn right I do, I also have experience with Americans on a personal level too and they've never impressed me much with their "American exceptionalist" attitudes.

But you know what? When I encounter aggressive Americans on here I don't cry about it. I don't cry about Americans who talk down about Canada like its some inferior toy to the US. Instead I hold my ground and speak my opinion and post my knowledge.

In doing so, I gain experience that betters my own insight. For every true American bashing post I've seen on ATS, I've seen more Americans bashing other cultures, sometimes posting blatant racism or xenophobic comments. Most of the negative posts of America aren't bashing though, but contain real content. What should these posts do, try to spin reality around and make the US look like it is the bastion of world peace and freedom by diverting attention to the wrongdoings of America's enemies? Because that's what the American media and government already do, it's called propaganda.

ATS is about studying propaganda, understand what the situation is really all about. If people don't like the picture that American has painted for itself amongst the entire world, then that's just tough. Suck it up. The rest have the world have to put up with America's wars, assassinations, massacres, economic takeovers, propaganda, etc, so the least we can do in return is speak truth about what the US has really done for us, the people of Earth.
edit on 14-12-2010 by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by linkshot1000

I guess we just can't, I'm tired of arguing in this thread and getting no where, so knock yourselves out and complain to your hearts content and see if it changes anything. I could sit here and pretend like I care what people in other countries think, but I would be lying.
edit on 14-12-2010 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by RSF77

Dimitri I already know your a troll and I will prove it by linking to the other thread, so don't even reply to me, I don't feel like listening to you try to tell me Canada is a global superpower and will take over the United States.
edit on 14-12-2010 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

LOL label me whatever you want. I don't troll, but I have no problem provoking a heated discussion if other parties are capable of it. People tend to drop the BS and show their real sides when challenged properly, so that's what I aim for.

And I never said Canada "is a global superpower and will take over the United States"; it certainly isn't what I believe either. I don't know what you consider to be trolling, but I think you're trolling me by making up things that I never said.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by RSF77

Well i see how you are now and I can tell by your response that you have not a clue of what you speak and that you would rather pull this into a discussion of negativity rather than some kind of intellectual debate...that is i will not go down that road...but please if you would point out once where i said that i hate America or Americans Because i for one can't see it....But also by your typical response of disbelieving right away of who someone may or may not be it shows your manner to which you would even bother to try to understand anything on a level that would be conversational in any way shape or form...It is a good thing that many Americans do not think the way you do or the downfall of American society would have occured a hundred years ago...People in Other countries far outwiegh Americans in Numbers and IF ever there did come a day when the world did approach a one world goverment ....guess what...your vote would not Therefore in this particular case because you try to paint someone with a tarnished brush of your own self delusional importance your vote does not count...the Only twelve year old in here would be the one calling someone names because They did not understand the context of a post which was hopefully helping by giving a bit of direction through experience and understanding of people who are actually bashing America for all the wrong reasons.
So thank for your reply as it has been noted and is at least being considered.
edit on 093131p://f43Tuesday by plube because: (no reason given)

edit on 093131p://f44Tuesday by plube because: (no reason given)

edit on 093131p://f47Tuesday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by wayno
So was that a trick or what? You guys start a thread asking "whats up with all of the US hater/bashing lately? When we answer that we don't hate, but we are very disappointed with what has been going on with you guys vis a vis the rest of world - you close your ears, cry foul and sling mud.

If you didn't want to hear it, why did you ask? Why do you keep asking in thread after thread? Why do you keep getting defensive instead of listening?

Just wondering.

No trick bro. As i said, i wanted to know what the beef was from others about the U.S. I got my answer 10 fold. And for the most part it has a lot to do with our Government. And i feel it is well justified. As far as the ignorant people ragging on Americans personally, are showing the same sort of ideology that they accuse us of. I have no issues with anyone personally. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I don't have to agree if i feel it is wrong.I will not argue over it.. I just move on to the next post. Thank you everyone that responded.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by SKinLaB

Good to see someone who realizes where the jibes about America for the most part are directed and I hope that somehow the American people can come to terms with the directed angst At the government Of America as it is a shame to class a set of people under the same brush.
I still think it deserved more of a general post rather than one under board it is broader than board business.
I see posts directed at religious groups as well as country oriented groups ....I think that it mostly occurs when people see cultural programs being foisted upon general population that don't want it...It is like being forced to watch to much of a program because it is what one family member wants over all others.
I know a few responses from the pro American grouping saying it is because people are jealous of America...Well there are many people who do not want American systems in place where they live and don't see that the materialistic values of american society is at all what many people want....For the most part a great deal of people are happy with less, and food on your plate, a roof over your head and good health is the best thing one could need...Sorry but a great many people do not want an X-box...heck just having electricity can be good thing in a great many places.
I will just say thanks for the thread and i am pleased to see you got the jest of what people were saying in the responses....Of course there are always the odd few that go over the top in both directions and lean towards hate which is always derailing and spiteful.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
haha American bashing. I'm glad I randomly found this thread

Translation: I couldn't wait to hop in, finding it another opportunity to give my holier than thou two cents.

I spend most of my day studying current events and ideologies (usually for university or my own personal knowledge). I come on ATS to discuss my opinion with other likewise or counter-intuitive individuals.

Translation: I have a higher opinion of myself and a lower opinion of others, I come to ATS to find people who agree with my narrow minded opinion and bias. Most people I know in the real world can't stand me.

Do I have a negative opinion of the US? Damn right I do, I also have experience with Americans on a personal level too and they've never impressed me much with their "American exceptionalist" attitudes.

Translation: I have only really met very few Americans. Mostly what I know comes from TV or the movies. The few I have met were put off by my antagonistic rhetoric when I regurgitated all the biased Internet pop-culture voodoo conspiracies.

But you know what? When I encounter aggressive Americans on here I don't cry about it. I don't cry about Americans who talk down about Canada like its some inferior toy to the US. Instead I hold my ground and speak my opinion and post my knowledge.

Translation: When I fail to realize that the Americans on ATS that do fit the stereotype what I'm actually seeing is a very narrow slice of the over 310,000,000 Americans. Who, some times slam Canada the way I slam the US all day, everyday, day in and day out 24/7.

In doing so, I gain experience that betters my own insight. For every true American bashing post I've seen on ATS, I've seen more Americans bashing other cultures, sometimes posting blatant racism or xenophobic comments.

Translation: I routinely ignore the false information used by others that paint the US in a bad light in threads at ATS instead of correcting them I only focus on my obsession. Americans that bash others. And Fail to realize that I contribute to the situation.

Most of the negative posts of America aren't bashing though, but contain real content. What should these posts do, try to spin reality around and make the US look like it is the bastion of world peace and freedom by diverting attention to the wrongdoings of America's enemies?

Translation: I troll most of the US bashing threads so I can point out the obvious about what the US has done wrong. It makes me feel good about myself and Canada. I'll also ignore the vast majority of what other countries have done and are doing. Focusing only on my obsession. [The US]

Because that's what the American media and government already do, it's called propaganda.

Translation: I'll get my news from Russia Today and PressTV.

ATS is about studying propaganda, understand what the situation is really all about. If people don't like the picture that American has painted for itself amongst the entire world, then that's just tough.

Translation: Again It makes me feel better about myself to continually put down Americans and drag tired old skeletons out of closets and throw stones even though I live in a glass house myself. Being a Subject of the British crown with the Queens face plastered on my money.

Suck it up. The rest have the world have to put up with America's wars, assassinations, massacres, economic takeovers, propaganda, etc, so the least we can do in return is speak truth about what the US has really done for us, the people of Earth.

Translation: If I pile on the BS anti-US rhetoric real thick hopefully they will ignore the above mentioned glass house reference.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I'm going to make one thing clear to you. While I respect for you since you have balls and intelligence, I really don't care about your opinions. You can "translate" whatever you want, I didn't realize I was speaking a different language than the one that you speak. Is Canadian English different from American English or something?

And I resent television and I hate when people believe movies are factual. Maybe that's where you get your information, but like I stated many times on ATS, I get my info from REAL LIFE documents and training. Anything else I usually pull straight off ATS, only after I observe pages of in-depth discussion to see if the information is credible or not.

And really, I've been using the internet for ten years now. You have any idea how many Americans have harassed me and bashed every single other country and culture than America? If I really was out to bash the US on ATS, I would be post radically different things that what I already do. So you can either take what I give you, or push me some more and face the results.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Doesn't feel good to be under the microscope does it.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Doesn't feel good to be under the microscope does it.

I'm under the microscope? I didn't notice.

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