posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 11:31 PM
I have been on ATS for a while, rarely post. I got peer block a week ago and noticed that every time I come to ATS, I get hit with these 3.
HEAnet national network
It fills my screen. It is all I get until I log off ATS. I just find it odd that it only comes up when I am on ATS and it repeats it (TWC) every 10
I briefly looked to see if they had sites or anything. the only 1 I can find was the HEAnet. Some company in Ireland.
I did check to see if I got the same kind of thing with other sites but not that I could see. The only reason I noticed is because I turned peerblock
on, went to the kitchen for 5 min, came back and saw nothing but TWC and HEA. so I watched it for a while. I left ATS, it stopped, came back ext.
Anyway, just thought someone might be interested or has seen the same thing.