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The NWO doesn’t exist, stop being ignorant.

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posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

It was interesting to read all the replies, which are mainly ad-hominems. The mentally ill have nothing other than that to fall back on. Up to 30 years ago people like this were in psychiatric care. The anti-psychiatry movement is what got these people out of Mental Institutions to the streets and internet where they tirelessly talk doom.

Did you know that Millions of young Americans now consider themselves TI (Targeted Individuals, victims of Government and Alphabet-Agency gangstalking) and refuse to get treatment?

Did you know that half of the people who write about the "NWO" are willing to use armed violence even if there is no evidence to back up their beliefs?

The Government and Media are fast asleep while a generation of kooks is taking over.
edit on 12-12-2010 by lucid eyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:43 AM
kool link thanx

reply to post by Snowi

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:43 AM
Its like this, the NWO is not a change from what is happening today in terms of power structure but a desire by those who have the power to stay in power through any means they can. It is a desire for those who rule the corporate world to keep us shopping and keep their paychecks fat. it is in their best interest to keep the gov't playing off each other

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:44 AM
Personally I think the concept of the NWO is just something that helps the global elite appear to be all powerful, when really they control a very very small percentage of the world.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by lucid eyes

I like the map in your avatar.

Nile to Eupharates?

You believe that's gona be accomplished in future?

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Doujutsu

I like the map in your avatar.

Nile to Eupharates?

You believe that's gona be accomplished in future?

I doubt it. Just wearing that avatar for laughs.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

Oh woow!

Did you just use the “S” word, Satan, one nill me then

Can you prove the existence of Satan and further to this that the global elite are working on his behalf. As soon as you bring that up you have lost the argument well done.

Another poster hinted at the NWO being scapegoat, I agree with that some people are just too lazy to go to the work of looking for another answer to a questionable event so steal what is a generic conspiracy that fits in with just about everything with a few tweaks. Only problem is if one dose not accept that generic conspiracy then your entire argument falls to bits.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by


This is why I really like ATS! There are some very smart Open minded people who see the world as it likely is, not a some simplified James bond theme. I do admit that anything is possible, however as science tells us usually the most simple and straight forward answer is the correct one.

I agree with the theme of the OP. If anything I think this NWO conspiracy is in fact a great distraction from what is really going on in the world. There is no need for some secret conspiracy to control the world, the situation of elite and wealthy controlling the politics and debate is overt, take a look at the wall street bail out for example. There is no need for secrets, the whole US was ripped off blatantly.

I would go even further to say that the NWO theory is a reverse conspiracy. A myth put out there to distract from what is really going on before our eyes, it has the same air to it as the old government wants to take your guns and force you to reject your religious beliefs.

I would love to get into this further and debate it but I have to go now, I'm sure there will be more opportunity in the near future.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by aliengenes

Once again I find myself in total agreement with your post. Well done.


posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

While I agree with the sentiment of pointing the finger at NWO for everything we can come up with can seem quite overkill at times. I do suggest the process of what is considered compartmentalization. It's very real and very effective. I am by no means a conspiracy theorist at all either. Just stating the obvious. And it is obvious and open to the world what the agenda is. I think people just like to label things.

edit on 12-12-2010 by PJAmerica because: Typos

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by lucid eyes

no proof? heh heh
learning to read is a requirement 'round here
not an "option"
of course skipping the posts that contain proof
and then accusing those that have read the proof of having a mental condition
(an ad hominim attack)
is indicative of who?
I know who that approach reminds me of
good 'ol Dolph
( if you think I mean Lundgren hey fill your boots)

not one response regarding the post containg the world leaders STATING they are, and are advancing the aims of, the NWO
not one post refuting the SDR the NWO currency

hypocrit much man?

PS not much rational debate here
I bet there are threads here that aren't so ignorant
edit on 12-12-2010 by Danbones because: PS to add the word IGNORANT to describe the lack of actual debate on this thread.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

You wrote: "reply to post by Phenomium


Oh woow!

Did you just use the “S” word, Satan, one nill me then

Can you prove the existence of Satan and further to this that the global elite are working on his behalf. As soon as you bring that up you have lost the argument well done.

Another poster hinted at the NWO being scapegoat, I agree with that some people are just too lazy to go to the work of looking for another answer to a questionable event so steal what is a generic conspiracy that fits in with just about everything with a few tweaks. Only problem is if one dose not accept that generic conspiracy then your entire argument falls to bits".

Are you able to disprove the "Satan" argument? How about creation or evolution? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Your argument is "feeble" as is your reasoning. (sic). Why don't you tell us all who is behind or that has instituted the policies that are turning this world into what it has become. After all, we (sheeple) are sitting on needles and pins waiting to hear the "real" reasoning behind this that only you (the great Guru) could give.

Just one more thing. Consider this quote from the mouth of Icke sited in this post:" Thinking out loud…

Someone once asked David Icke “if there is a one-world army, as the globalist are proposing, who would they fight?”

Icke answered “anyone who opposes the New World Order”

The Department of Homeland Security is operating in this country, like the Federal Reserve, as a rouge agency – seeking to bring all law enforcement under their jurisdiction and direction.

As the head of the Denver DHS Fusion Center has said of the Fusion Centers being installed across the United States… “Each one is managed separately, the Federal Government doesn’t manage these operations.”

The Department of Homeland Security is as subversive to the United States as the Federal Reserve – and Napolitano as treasonous as Bernanke.


edit on 12-12-2010 by scoutsniper because: I added another comment

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:19 PM
These people have stated in thier own words time and time again exactly what they are doing - and yet people still will not believe it because they havn't seen it on NBC!

Let us pause here for a moment and reflect on a fact that is easy to overlook when
concentrating on historical chronology. It is that all of this recruiting and organizing and
placing agents into power centers of society was done in secret. More than that, it was done
deceitfully. Not only were the goals of this group hidden from view; it was a matter of
policy to deliberately lie about them to the public. To illustrate this point, let us consider the
career of Arnold Toynbee, one of the better-known members of Milner’s Kindergarten.
Toynbee, was the ultimate Rhodesian: a prominent member of the Fabians, a professor at
the London School of Economics (founded by Fabians Sydney and Beatrice Webb), and
Director of Studies at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which is a front for the
British Round Table Group, which is a front for the Rhodes secret society. He also served in
the Intelligence Department of the British Foreign Office in World Wars I and II. Toynbee
was the author of a twelve-volume work entitled A Study of History, which expounds the
theme that national sovereignty is doomed to extinction and the future belongs to
1 Caroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (New York: Macmillan, 1966), p. 131.
Additional reference to “The Society of the Elect” is in Anglo-American Establishment, pp. 3, 39.
2 Since this secret society continues to exist today, I am often asked who the leaders have been after Rhodes and Milner.
Under normal circumstances, that would be a silly question; because, if anyone on the outside knew the answer, it
would no longer be a secret organization. However, in a rare turn of events, we do know who the leaders have been up
until fairly recent times. Quigley was privy to the records of this organization and knew their names and order of
succession. A major portion of his book, The Anglo-American Establishment: was devoted to their role in history.
collectivism. In 1931, in an article that appeared in International Affairs, published by the
Royal Institute of International Affairs, Toynbee wrote:
I will hereby repeat that we are at present working, discreetly but with all our
might, to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches
of the local national states of our world. And all the time we are denying with our lips
what we are doing with our hands….1
Replacing national sovereignty with world government doesn’t happen merely by
writing articles in periodicals or even twelve-volume histories of the world. It happens only
when people who champion that goal become leaders within government and other power
centers of society. Only then can those ideas be transformed into reality. Quigley explains
how this came about:
Through Lord Milner’s influence, these men were able to win influential posts
in government, in international finance, and become the dominant influence in
British imperial affairs and foreign affairs up to 1939. In 1909 through 1913, they
organized semi-secret groups known as known as Round Table Groups, in the chief
British dependencies and the United States. These still function in eight countries….
Once again the task was given to Lionel Curtis who established, in England and each
dominion, a front organization to the existing local Round Table Group. This front
organization, called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, had as its nucleus in
each area the existing, submerged Round Table Group. In New York it was known as
the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a front for J.P. Morgan and Company.2
At last we come to that obscure yet ubiquitous organization that plays such a decisive
roll in contemporary American political life: The Council on Foreign Relations. Now we
understand that it was spawned from the secret society of Cecil Rhodes, that it is a front for
a Roundtable Group (originally embodied in J.P. Morgan and Company but now the
Rockefeller consortium), and that its primary goal is to promote world government based on
the model of collectivism.
Why is that important? Because members of the Council on Foreign Relations have
become the hidden rulers of America. cont................

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:23 PM

None of you could possible know what research I have done into the NWO, I personally think that reading ATS is enough the establish that the entire theory is just a little too farfetched to be possibly true.

ATS is a place where people gather to share information, theories, viewpoints, opinion, and so on. Very few of the minds that come here will ask you to take their word solely as the truth on anything. You have to do your own research outside the confines of this site. We can give you suggestions, but we can't make up your mind for you.

Personally, I suggest you go straight to the horses mouth first. Look at the statements, and read the literature made by those in power the world over for even the past 100 years. They will tell you plenty. And you won't have to rely on hearsay.

I'm not going to tell you to believe or to disbelieve. That's for you to decide. But you're obviously not settled, or you wouldn't have started this thread. Because it sounds like you're trying to convince yourself, not us.

If you are in the process of challenging your own long held beliefs and convictions, that sometimes causes adverse reactions in the psyche. And sometimes those things will manifest emotionally. Anger, depression, denial, etc. If you feel these things, back off a while, absorb what you already know.

Good luck in your search for truth.

edit on 12-12-2010 by Klassified because: correction

edit on 12-12-2010 by Klassified because: correction 2

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:35 PM
I suspect the OP is entirely correct; however, I can only hope that there is, indeed, a movement to bring to fruition a new world order in which national sovereignty is a thing of the past. Only then, in my view, do we have any hope of transcending this relentless cycle of retarded and impeded pseudo-development in which we imagine ourselves to be engaged. Get rid of countries first, then religion. Actually, religion first, then countries. Only then, can we have progress. Globalization of resources and sociological structure in the modern world is requisite for progress, or even subsistence. The road to the destination, though, is wrought with potholes, fender-benders and hitchhikers. People are addicted to their drugs after all and detox is not an easy process. God and country are crack.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by Hadrian

You wrote:

" I suspect the OP is entirely correct; however, I can only hope that there is, indeed, a movement to bring to fruition a new world order in which national sovereignty is a thing of the past. Only then, in my view, do we have any hope of transcending this relentless cycle of retarded and impeded pseudo-development in which we imagine ourselves to be engaged. Get rid of countries first, then religion. Actually, religion first, then countries. Only then, can we have progress. Globalization of resources and sociological structure in the modern world is requisite for progress, or even subsistence. The road to the destination, though, is wrought with potholes, fender-benders and hitchhikers. People are addicted to their drugs after all and detox is not an easy process. God and country are crack".
Perhaps you would care to expound on what department of the NWO you work for. Your "views", beliefs or what ever you call them, line up perfectly with that of the NWO. Will you be one of the 500 million left here on the planet? Did TPTB "guarantee" your safety? 500 million out of 7 billion equates to about 1 in 14. Speaking as a former gambler, the odds are not in your favor. Do you hold a position of prestige with the NWO? Are you a descendant of one of the 13 ruling families? Why would they leave you alive? "Aces and Eights", that's what you are holding. In case you are not aware...that is used to describe the "dead mans hand". Against the Royal Flush, A&E isn't worth the paste board its printed on. Oh well..................."its your life". No pun intended.


posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:10 PM
I just love this thread

kevin has started this thread
to choke off any ideas us sheeple
have about a NWO and instead
gets more people showing
proof there is such a thing.
enjoy the paycheck while it
lasts kevin

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:27 PM
I'm going to hopefully end this babble with wise words that come to mind in a situation like this.

And even thought I hate them because they sometimes wack me upside the head... they have to be said.

"If you can't prove it does exist, can you prove it doesn't exist?"

If that's too complex for you, it relates to the discussion by asking yourself that if you truly believe the NWO does not exist, try to derive some factual proof (not opinion), that it does indeed not exist.

The entire belief on the NWO is based off of the notification that in almost every major event, be it biblical or modern day, terrorist or economic, there are HOLES in the explanations that the ones with eyes, ears, and voices, are not given a reason for, and when they ask for it, they're given a vague response that someone is not authorized to speak about it... or someone is not authorized to know about it... So where does the ladder end? Who has the absolute highest authority to know everything?

And if it's compartmentalized information, which compartments sit on the top shelf? And if there's multiple compartments up there, who came first? Why are these questions so impossible to get answers to?

Because someone... some absolute higher power... is telling you: You're not authorized to know.

Well screw you wanna-be gods... we want to know. we deserve to know, and we will know soon enough. And then the only power you have... information... will be but an infants play thing.

Now to the OP. Give me factual proof that you know of every single agency in the world, and what they are doing. Tell me what every objective of the Black Budget is being spent on. Tell me why I'm paying 3.00 a gallon for gas when I used to pay 1.99 on a bad day. Tell me why big corporations who live on Black Gold give 500 billion dollar grants to college professors who end up being presidential alternative energy consultants, but then can't pass a single bill that relates to clean energy?

You come here and call these readers ignorant and dumb (it doesn't have to be written to be implied), yet it is you who act so ignorant and oblivious to not see that there are forces at work here that a single human mind cannot even fathom to grab a hold of.

We have the proof. All I have to say is "Look at the world you live in and look at the world you lived in 20 years ago" if you're even old enough to be around at that time?

Get a grip man, just because you're having trouble getting answers doesn't mean your problem will dissapear.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by scoutsniper

Really, that's what you got?

Yes, of course. I am an actual disinformation agent for New World Order, Inc.

I can't believe people still resort to that tired, old cliché.

Hey, here's some raw meat fer ya: I'm a liberal, too!

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Shikamaru

Actually, those words really aren't that wise. If you read around ATS, there's about a million threads which explain why proving a negative is a pseudo-argument and indicative of a weak position.

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