Psychic abilities and interconscious states
For some time already, I have been doing a research about what people call psychic ablilities. These include ESP (= extra sensory percetion), TK (=
telekinesis), to mention few.
Quantitative experiments in past has shown some significant coincidence between hypnosis and ESP. If you are unfamiliar with these experiments, take a
look for example into the publications of Prof.
J.B Rhine. Although Rhine’s experiments
were criticized by sceptics like
M. Gardner, one has to acknowledge that when
conducting such experiments, all the participants have effect on the outcome of experiments. In practice this means that people who are tested and
those who conduct the tests, all have different characteristics that can affect the outcome; for this reason these kind of experiments can rarely by
duplicated in laboratory environments and otherwise.
Besides of my own experiences on the phenomena, I will refer to
Jarl Fahler's book
Parapsychology, which few decades old publication on researches he conducted with researchers like Rhine and Cadoret. According to Fahler, they
conducted series of well controlled scientific experiments on various people. These experiments where Fahler was personally involved regarded ESP and
TK mainly.
Fahler noticed that when people were hypnotized, their ESP capabilities showed rather significant statistical increase. This is also my own
experience. I have not been on hypnosis, but I think that hypnosis is a state very similar to which one can achieve by meditation and sleep. It is a
state where one is in connection with unconsciousness and less affected by conscious personality. In this state, the functions of our mind are not
controlled by will, but rather by autonomous processes of unconsciousness.
I have written several inquiries on the topic explaining the interconscious states, so I will not go further in details in here, but instead I give
reader few links which one can review if not familiar with the concept:
About unification of consciousness'
About ESP (Clairaudience and -voyance)
About astral and the effect of consciousness.
It is very difficult to explain comprehensively and in satisfying manner how – for exampe – the ESP really works. But certainly it has something
to do with suppressing the conscious effort and reduction of ego processes of the mind. I think analogy with radio is not far fetched. We may be able
to tune in some frequencies in which we are capable to receive certain signals. Do these signals originate from unconsciousness or some kind of ether
is hard to say. Of course, many creeds and religious dogmas explain these phenomena’s from a metaphysical perspective, contributing their origin on
rather fantastic factors. Yet I am somewhat certain, that these metaphysical explanations, while explaining something, are at best misleading and not
necessarily truthful. However, religions are not the point of this thread, so I don’t go further in that.
Either I don’t want to claim that explanations offered here are necessarily accurate and people are free to disagree. However I want to emphasize
that my own experiences with ESP have pretty much convinced me about their existence. And perhaps due my own experimental approach, I may give some
insight to those people who are looking to experience it as well. My observations are, that best way to achieve these experiences are those
interconscious states, that may be produced through meditation, lucid dreaming, dream interpretation, ego dissolution etc. The last I think is
important because if you have strong ego(s), your ESP experiences are most likely affected by it; painting the experience with colours of fantasy and
wishes. In my opinion, this explains the various types false predictions and other fantasies that are so plenty amongst people.
In above threads I linked, I’ve presented some theories and methods to gain state of interconsciousness and at least for me they have worked. Of
course, there are so many type of people with varying characteristics, so that what may be good for me is bad for someone else. However I tend to
think, that theories and methods presented, are expressed in such general level, that everyone can apply to their favourite methods.
To sum up something, I tend to think that the link between our consciousnesses’ is the key. Also, in the end, I’d like to repeat the
characteristics generalized by Fahler, which may be beneficial in attaining such experiences. 1) The trust on the existence of ESP. 2) outward
orientated personality (extraverted) and 3) self-confidence.
That’s about it I had to share for now.
edit on 11-12-2010 by v01i0 because: 2345