posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
reply to post by c0ldPhr34k
So is Assange by the way. Risking his life just to say stuff that we ( for the most part ) already knew takes a big pair.
I Agree totally, to go against your masters in the light of spreading truth is noble, incouraging and very gutsy.
As he is now being thrown to the dogs and reaping the predictable punishment from TPTB, he has served his purpose.
He's a sketchy character, no doubt about it, but he is doing us all a favour by awakening a lot of people to realities and information they may not
have otherwise come accross or had access to.
We must stand behind himand support those who are putting there necks on the line for the ones who are paralized and/or in shock, what TPTB do to
others they can do to you...and probably will.
I add this link FYI.
Wikileaks - A Big, Dangerous US Government Con Job