posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 03:52 PM
This was a long time ago... probably 10-12 years ago, that there was a doctor who indeed find a cure for AIDS, but was discredited because it was a
simple remedy, which means companies wouldn't make money.
The cure?
Anything taken can create an overdose, right? Well, this doctor found out that an overdose of naturally occuring vitamin C, along with something else
to counter the overdose, actually rebuilt AIDS patients immunity systems, and allowed their bodies to fight off and kill the HIV strain.
If I remember correctly, this treatment lasted for one week, then a smaller dosage of the medicine for two more weeks, follwed by the patients
drinking orange juice for a month or two afterwards. But, in essence, within the first week or two, patient was cured.
Now, this makes sense to me. Vitamin C helps our bodies immunity, helps replenish our immunity systems. It truly sounds as if it would work... but
as I said, there's no money in it for the medical community or medicine providers.