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Christians want to Kill Gays in Uganda

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posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 06:29 PM
Last night on The Rachel Maddow show was a Christian justifying legislation in Uganda that would kill Gays or imprison them for life.

Links that show American mainstream Christians link to this notorious Ugandan idea

You might have noticed Mike Huckabee in the news this week. He’s on a book tour traveling around the country. He’s making waves about running for President again in 2012. And he’s chiding the media for paying too much attention to Sarah Palin, when he’s got socially conservative values just as deep as she does.
Here’s something Mike Huckabee also has: a best buddy who wants to see LGBT people killed or imprisoned for life in Uganda. And as recently as August 2010, Huckabee praised the work of this friend, a man named Rev. Lou Engle, who has made campaigning for the elimination of LGBT rights a central component of his life’s work.

Blogger Waymon Hudson noted that in May of this year, Rev. Lou Engle traveled to Uganda and spoke at a rally where calls for violence toward the LGBT community were fast and furious. Rev. Engle got on stage at this rally, and according to one witness, told 1,300 demonstrators that homosexuality was an evil that deserved to be criminalized.

“[Engle] called upon the government of Uganda to be firm and hold on its righteous stand against the evil. He mentioned that homosexuals have penetrated the educational system and Ugandans must be aware of the evil,” the eyewitness said in Hudson’s report.

If that rhetoric from Rev. Engle sounds scary, it should. Last night, Rachel Maddow actually hosted the key politician in Uganda, David Bahati, working to pass what’s known as The Anti-Homosexuality Bill. This is a law that would criminalize homosexuality with either the death penalty or life imprisonment, and would even criminally punish straight people for not telling the government about suspected LGBT people. The bill even says that governments around the world should extradite Ugandan LGBT people back to Uganda, so that they can face punishment.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 06:47 PM
Never hate or wish harm against another individual because of who they are, or the way that they were born.

There is no more tolerance, kindness, compassion, or ruth, left in this world.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 06:55 PM
thats funny....i thought that it was the communists and the islamics that wanted to kill the gays in uganda.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by inforeal

What's the big deal? Just following the teachings of Christ right? sarcasm

My prayer....
God help protect us from your followers

edit on 10-12-2010 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 07:27 PM
If being gay in our military is legalized, every sailor will marry his bunkmate to get out of military barracks so they can rent a home and make extra money every month.

They also will receive $250 extra every month for food and won't have to eat military chow.

They also will get paid separation pay when they are stationed apart or deployed.

How is the United States going to fund that when our Navy ships are undermanned ghost ships right now because we can't afford to man them??

Huckabee is a joke and if he truly was worried about gays he would be asking how WE are going to fund a gay military that straights will abuse claiming they are gay to make more money and get out of military barracks/chow.

I know I would claim I'm gay if I could get an extra $2000 a month for rent and $250 a month for food and hundreds for separation pay every month....You'd be a fool not to claim you're not gay.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:04 PM
After looking into this a bit all I can say, what a mess. It seems to be actually much worse than the OP lets on.

By their fruits you will know them...Instead of the peace of Christ these wolves (pastors) have brought the spirit of the Accuser to the Ugandans. This is the fruit of their heresy.

Damage done but Lou Engle has actually apologized in his BLOG

I was actually asked to release a petition at TheCall for the people to sign in support of the Bill. I did not allow that to happen because the purpose of the gathering was not a political gathering; it was a prayer gathering. However, I had to leave the prayer meeting early to catch our flight back home. After returning home, I was told that the Bill had been clearly promoted after I left the meeting. I apologize that this took place and that my stated purpose of not promoting the Bill was compromised. I take responsibility for what was done on the stage of TheCall, even in my absence.

Now recently, TheCall has been wrongfully marked and vilified as an organization promoting hatred and violence against homosexuals and as one that supports the Uganda bill as currently written. To the contrary, we have never made a private or a public statement of support for that bill. Though we honor the courage and stand with the stated purpose of the many Church leaders in Uganda who are seeking to protect the traditional and biblical family foundations of the nation, we have serious concerns with the bill as presently written, especially in terms of some of the harsh penalties for certain homosexual behaviors or offenses.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
My prayer....
God help protect us from your followers


Africans are poorly educated, they live in the dark ages. It wouldn't matter if they were Christians, Buddhists or Muslims in this case, their lack of education is the key in this situation.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:09 PM
Obviously, this is not happening. Christianity is a religion of peace and love, these are not true Christians! They're probably Muslims in disguise, slandering the name of Our Lord!


posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
Obviously, this is not happening. Christianity is a religion of peace and love, these are not true Christians! They're probably Muslims in disguise, slandering the name of Our Lord!


No. These are not "true Christians." What they are is American educated evangelical theocrats who are attempting to transform Uganda into an fundamentalist Christian Theocracy according to the teachings of monsters like Pat Buchanan and John Hagee. About 80% of all so-called Christians in the United States fall into the dominionist theocratic category and their belief system is one based on the uplifting of ignorance and denigrating facts and reason. For these people, "truth" is an emotion to be exploited, not a state of being based in fact.

Your reference to "our lord" decries your evangelical tendecies. Your "lord" is not my Lord. It is the height of ignorant arrogance to assume that what you are talking about is "My lord" too by using the fallacious term "our."

In short, get off the cross, honey, somebody needs the wood. Once you come down off that cross, you need to stay as far away from government as you can get because the separation of church and state is the only thing standing between humanity and a totalitarian evangelical theocracy like "The Handmaids Tale."

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
Obviously, this is not happening. Christianity is a religion of peace and love, these are not true Christians! They're probably Muslims in disguise, slandering the name of Our Lord!


You might be a little surprised to find out that this movement is actually supported by some very prominent republican congressmen as well as Rick Warren, a very prominent christian leader here in the U.S.. Check out this little expose featured on the Maddow show some time ago;

This is your religious right in action, whether you like it or not.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:35 PM
Someone always want to "KILL" someone else.

Nowadays though people have to label their targets ie, gays, muslims, catholics, terrorists, US government etc.

Why do they not use the more PC term of Vanquish.

Sounds more heroic and purposeful.

I wish to Vanquish the Gays - see sounds ok to me now.

edit on 10-12-2010 by c0ldPhr34k because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:49 PM
Now, I feel neither depressed nor impressed.

I thought that people would have caught on to the last line of my post and treated it like a /sarcasm tag. Now I wonder; was I starred because someone saw my brilliant satire of every American Christian, or was I starred because an evangelical agreed with me? If it's the latter, then I am both impressed with my own ability to see into the minds of madmen, and depressed that I was correct about the madness of other people.

Control; I like your analysis, but remember that the Americans have taken over for the British in all spheres of international affairs. They are continuing the Anglican Church's old colonial mission of Christianizing and 'civilizing' the natives. Christianity is, after all, a global empire that seeks to establish a panoptical security state over the entire world, so that none may escape the all-seeing eye of the Church.

edit: @coldphreak; I could vanquish some gays right now p;
edit on 10-12-2010 by SmedleyBurlap because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Flatfish

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
Obviously, this is not happening. Christianity is a religion of peace and love, these are not true Christians! They're probably Muslims in disguise, slandering the name of Our Lord!


You might be a little surprised to find out that this movement is actually supported by some very prominent republican congressmen as well as Rick Warren, a very prominent christian leader here in the U.S.. Check out this little expose featured on the Maddow show some time ago;

This is your religious right in action, whether you like it or not.

I think SmedleyHurlap was being sarcastic. True sarcasm.... It's a subtle art, an acquired taste and best taken with your tongue planted firmly in your cheek.

That was my star friend.
edit on 10-12-2010 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:52 PM
Good News!

I just heard the guy from Uganda was thrown out of the country!

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:11 PM
While their religion plays the key element in this piece what you must understand is that the person defines the religion, the religion does not define the person. The Ugandan politician who has proposed this bill on the basis of his and other theocrats interpretation of Biblical text is definitely not the spokesperson of Christianity just as Osama Bin Laden is not the spokesperson of Islam, just as Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro is not the spokesperson for Judaism, and Joseph Stalin is not the spokesperson for Atheism.

So this whole title of ‘Christians want to kill gays’ is obviously technically true it is not based upon the religion but rather the persons.

If this legislation passes the author who appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show, whom herself is a Lesbian, will be tried in the International Court on violations of human rights. That will be his future and all those involved in helping to push this legislation even from the C Street here in America will also be brought into mention on the international scene exposing them for what they are, frauds and murderers.

US Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe (R) also met with Bahati during his trip to Uganda as part of his Africa trip. So it’s pretty much a guarantee that our own Federal Senator was involved with the author of this bill and probably the bill itself.

Uganda is being used as a testing lab by the American C Street to test exactly how their radical ‘Christian’ legislation works and if it ‘works well’ they will be able to come back to the American people and tell them how great it worked over there so maybe a version of it here will work well here too.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Pervius
If being gay in our military is legalized, every sailor will marry his bunkmate to get out of military barracks so they can rent a home and make extra money every month.

They also will receive $250 extra every month for food and won't have to eat military chow.

They also will get paid separation pay when they are stationed apart or deployed.

How is the United States going to fund that when our Navy ships are undermanned ghost ships right now because we can't afford to man them??

Huckabee is a joke and if he truly was worried about gays he would be asking how WE are going to fund a gay military that straights will abuse claiming they are gay to make more money and get out of military barracks/chow.

I know I would claim I'm gay if I could get an extra $2000 a month for rent and $250 a month for food and hundreds for separation pay every month....You'd be a fool not to claim you're not gay.

Oh Noo, it's the end of the world!

First, you're just pulling figures out of your backside here, as far as I can see.
IOW, as Wiki would say, citation needed.
Even if your figures were correct, they would be for a couple, not for each soldier.

Second, all soldiers already have this option.
They can already marry and do just this. No-one's stopping them.
And they don't even have to pretend they are gay to do so.
So it's unlikely an extension of an already existing right is going omake a huge difference.

Or are you suggesting the average military person is a male who would far prefer to share with another man than with a woman? Perhaps the military is predominantly gay already?

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 05:19 AM
Let's not dress this up.

If someone is a Christian that is orthodox in their beliefs, and practices that which is preached in the bible, then they will hate and kill gays, atheists, criminals, imperfect women, blah blah blah.

Uganda is a classic example of this. Africa is a very literal place - they don't bother with shades of grey. There's no flowery justification of the things they do by stupid curly-haired hypocrites, that blame it all on misinterpretations, or the works of the devil. No, to them, it's Christian to do these things. - that is what they are taught is moral, correct, just and godly.

It's laughable that American Christians, amongst many others, don't have the stomach to act like a proper Christian, because its' just too horrifying to contemplate. Not to mention that in a modern society with laws and equal rights, Christianity is an illegal concept anyway....

The Revenant.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Frontkjemper

Africans are poorly educated, they live in the dark ages. It wouldn't matter if they were Christians, Buddhists or Muslims in this case, their lack of education is the key... . . . .

. . . . . . . .to their enslavement by predatory bigots that hide behind a fish.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 01:26 PM
And gays want to kill and oppress Chrsitians in the US and Europe. So what else is new...

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by inforeal

And shaman want to bang chickens....

bashing is bashing in every country....


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