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Obama Hands Off to Bill Clinton

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posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
News Story Here

Former President Bill Clinton on Friday endorsed President Obama's tax deal with Republicans in effort to quell a revolt brewing on the left. In a surprise appearance together in the White House briefing room after a private meeting in the Oval Office, Clinton expressed support for the deal, saying it would help America over the long term and urged fellow Democrats to support it.

I watched the news conference. Here are my observations and what I think is going on ...

1 - Bill Clinton knows what he's talking about. He's a smart guy.

The Clintons and Obama are Bilderberg employees. Wake up.

2 - Obama hasn't got a freak'n clue what is going on.

Sure he doesn't. He's just a rockefeller puppet just like the Bushes and Clintons.

3 - Obama pulled a 911 call - called in Bill Clinton because he's (Obama) got no credibility with the dems.

Doesn't matter the rockefellers and Builderberg run the show.

4 - Nancy Pelosi thinks she's the POTUS and thinks she runs the country.

No the Rockefellers and Rothschilds do.

5 - Obama let Bill Clinton take the lead at the news conference. Obama looked inept. (he is)

Who cares. Rockefeller controls them both. They are both employees for david rockefeller. Same with Dick chaney.

6 - Remember that SNL skit during the primaries .. an emergency at 3AM and Obama doesn't know what he's doing so he calls Hillary to have her bail him out? Well .. instead of Hillary, he called in BILL CLINTON.

He calls CFR and TRL. They tell him what to do/say. Why? They are rockefeller proxy agencies.

7 - Obama left the news conference early because 'he was 1/2 hour late meeting michelle'. That confirms, for me, the stories that have come out of the White House that Obama is not all that interested in working, but is interested in enjoying the perks .. in this case ... getting ready for a white house party.

Why do you feel such animosity for this rockefeller puppet?

8 - Seeing Bill Clinton know what he was doing made me miss him. Maybe not him exactly .. but made me miss having someone in the office who is actually qualified and could do the job. It's been a long time ...

You miss a former rockefeller puppet then hate on the current rockefeller puppet? Dude wake the f--- up. They work for rockefeller NOT the american people.

9 - Obama is probably a one term POTUS. Depends on who goes up against him, but seeing the emergency 911 call to Bill Clinton to come do the work for Obama ... I'm thinking one term.

Who cares. Rockefeller runs this country.Clinton and Obama are rockefeller agents. Bush and Chaney are rockefeller agents. WAKE UP!

edit on 12/10/2010 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

Why do you care when both parties are sold and owned by bankers and corporate? The left/right paradigm is a scam. They are controlling your thoughts through this bipartisan distraction? What about Bernake xeroxing US currency(QE2) out of thin air without being backed up by anything? Stop hating the puppets/shills and hate the banksters and its criminal corporate leeches.

Wake up they control everything!

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:12 PM
obama probably thinks that getting clinton to do his job for him makes him seem more like clinton. i don't remember clinton ever doing this with carter though. this just stinks of desperation.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
Still in this thread and including the OP are Phrasing Bill Clinton?

What I said in the opening post was that Bill Clinton knows what he's doing and understands the situation. He came across very presidential and in charge whereas Obama just slinked away to get his caviar. I didn't agree or disagree with Bill Clinton in this (or the other situations you mentioned). He's a smart guy. He didn't need a teleprompter to tell him the facts and figures .. he just knew them. It was a night and day difference from Obama and that difference shouted out loud and clear. He came across grown up, knowledgeable, engaged, and steady. Obama .. just the opposite.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by GhostLancer

Exactly, there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING that these people will like about Obama no matter what he does. Every single decision he makes is spun by FOX News and Rush Limbaugh to be some sort of failure.

You aren't going to get through to the people that just can't stand Obama, no matter what you do, there is no point trying, they have already made up their minds that they are going to hate this guy no matter what.

He's a chess piece in anothers agenda.
Interesting communist activist Van Jones monologue.chock-full of tidbits" Obama wasa a key player in the agenda to install a communist govt 3:00 "We had everything ready Jan 2009; We lost the
media: controlling the media is next..

edit on 12-12-2010 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 02:56 PM
I see obama bringing in clinton to help him as desperate pragmatism on obama's part.

1 - Obama (and/or his advisors) now truly begin to understand that he and they are way out of their league.

2 - Clinton survived and prospered in a similar situation when he was president and the Republicans took control of congress.

3 - Obama (or at least his advisors) now understand that if taxes are raised (Bush tax cuts allowed to expire) on every American during a recession he and and many more democrats can kiss their re-election chances in 2012 goodbye.

4 - Obama is also between a rock and a hard place because his far left power base has started to turn on him for trying to compromise - seems they are too stupid to understand the implications of item #3 above.

Hint for the lefties: You'll have much less power in Washington DC than you do now if that happens.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by John_Rodger_Cornman

Originally posted by FlyersFan
News Story Here

Former President Bill Clinton on Friday endorsed President Obama's tax deal with Republicans in effort to quell a revolt brewing on the left. In a surprise appearance together in the White House briefing room after a private meeting in the Oval Office, Clinton expressed support for the deal, saying it would help America over the long term and urged fellow Democrats to support it.

I watched the news conference. Here are my observations and what I think is going on ...

1 - Bill Clinton knows what he's talking about. He's a smart guy.

The Clintons and Obama are Bilderberg employees. Wake up.

2 - Obama hasn't got a freak'n clue what is going on.

Sure he doesn't. He's just a rockefeller puppet just like the Bushes and Clintons.

3 - Obama pulled a 911 call - called in Bill Clinton because he's (Obama) got no credibility with the dems.

Doesn't matter the rockefellers and Builderberg run the show.

4 - Nancy Pelosi thinks she's the POTUS and thinks she runs the country.

No the Rockefellers and Rothschilds do.

5 - Obama let Bill Clinton take the lead at the news conference. Obama looked inept. (he is)

Who cares. Rockefeller controls them both. They are both employees for david rockefeller. Same with Dick chaney.

6 - Remember that SNL skit during the primaries .. an emergency at 3AM and Obama doesn't know what he's doing so he calls Hillary to have her bail him out? Well .. instead of Hillary, he called in BILL CLINTON.

He calls CFR and TRL. They tell him what to do/say. Why? They are rockefeller proxy agencies.

7 - Obama left the news conference early because 'he was 1/2 hour late meeting michelle'. That confirms, for me, the stories that have come out of the White House that Obama is not all that interested in working, but is interested in enjoying the perks .. in this case ... getting ready for a white house party.

Why do you feel such animosity for this rockefeller puppet?

8 - Seeing Bill Clinton know what he was doing made me miss him. Maybe not him exactly .. but made me miss having someone in the office who is actually qualified and could do the job. It's been a long time ...

You miss a former rockefeller puppet then hate on the current rockefeller puppet? Dude wake the f--- up. They work for rockefeller NOT the american people.

9 - Obama is probably a one term POTUS. Depends on who goes up against him, but seeing the emergency 911 call to Bill Clinton to come do the work for Obama ... I'm thinking one term.

Who cares. Rockefeller runs this country.Clinton and Obama are rockefeller agents. Bush and Chaney are rockefeller agents. WAKE UP!

edit on 12/10/2010 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

Why do you care when both parties are sold and owned by bankers and corporate? The left/right paradigm is a scam. They are controlling your thoughts through this bipartisan distraction? What about Bernake xeroxing US currency(QE2) out of thin air without being backed up by anything? Stop hating the puppets/shills and hate the banksters and its criminal corporate leeches.

Wake up they control everything!

I agree totally, the sad fact is that Americans are too stupid as a whole to really look at the base of the country's problem. Like the whole tax argument or the price of War, we could fund 10 War's from what the gov and the fed has spent on "saving" up the banks and the markets.
It's all too gone to save and people are too detracted by silly arguments and TV. When they pull the trigger on control of radio, tv, and the internet....we will look like Mexico in a matter of weeks.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

That is straight up BS!!

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

That is straight up BS!!

It's pretty accurate from my perspective,
you dont abandon your post, your responsibility, to run to your wife to attend a party.

he felt qualified, or thought at one time he could handle the job,
he campaigned for it,
spoke alot of promises about hope and change,
acted like he was JFK,
and he bails, during an event that was 'his' primary responsibility?
I dont care who likes the guy,
he bailed!
he couldnt wait to leave,
and Bill didnt mind to stay.

The least he could do is actually attempt to work for his paycheck,
but then none of them do!

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

I know, the hyper-partisanship you exude won't let you see anything good about this guy. Well, I am afraid that the time for hyper-partisanship is coming to an end, I think in the next few years you are going to see elected officials move towards the center out of demand by the public.

Obama brought Clinton in because hard line democrats have a high amount of respect for Clinton and Obama feels that this bipartisan compromise needs to be pushed through.

But FOX News is going to tell you it's a bad thing, no matter what Obama does, FOX News and Hannity are going to dump all over it, because it's their job to dump on the left.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
I know, the hyper-partisanship you exude won't let you see anything good about this guy.

I know, the hyper-partisanship you exude won't let you see anything bad about this guy.

Obama brought Clinton in because ...

... because Obama couldn't get the job done himself. He's WEAK.
... because Obama is clueless as to what is going on and he couldn't explain anything like Clinton can.
... because Obama is disengaged and lazy (numerous reports from the white house confirm it).
... because Obama isn't presidential but Clinton is.

What happened with this is that Obama is being shown to be very weak. It was very clear that he couldn't follow anything that Bill Clinton was talking about when it came to facts, figures, and statistics. Obama stood there like a useless third wheel. All he wanted to do was to go party on the tax payers dime. He is lazy and disengaged, as reports coming from the White House say, and this confirms that fact.

BTW .. FOX isn't the only bunch who thought the hand off was weak and very strange. I've been seeing it on other stations and I've been reading it online. It was very clear and very telling.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Really? I can't see anything bad about the guy? That's not correct. I can, but I can be objective about it.

One thing that I don't like about Obama is that he hasn't lived up to his campaign promise of getting don't ask don't tell repealed.

Another thing I don't like about Obama is that instead of ending the wars like he should have. He increased troop levels in Afghanistan. He did campaign on increasing troop levels in Afghanistan but I am against the war personally and I don't like that he has continued them.

But hyper-partisan folks like yourself haven't given this guy a chance. From the jump you particularly have been overly critical of him, I am pretty sure I know the reason why.

Now, he does something that is bipartisan, and he compromises with the GOP on something and STILL you have to dis on him for it. Why don't you see the good that is trying to get done here. I don't particularly agree with continuing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, I don't think that it's a good move, but I want to see tax cuts for the middle class and if the only way to get the GOP on board is for the rich to get their tax cuts, then I guess that is what is going to have to be.

But no, instead of seeing what reality is, and what needs to get done in the next couple of weeks before Congress leaves, you have to dump on this guy at every single opportunity.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:32 AM
Obama as uncompromising on the democrats agenda...."A Socialist Dictator"
Obama Finding common ground and reaching an agreement with the GOP..."Weak!"

Bill Clinton during his second term...Literally...the GOP brought impeachment charges (Lewinsky) and accused him of murder on the floor of the house (Whitewater).

Fast forward 10 years and the GOP is going on and on about what a great "Bipartisan Democratic President" Bill Clinton was with a GOP congress and Pres. Obama should model his strategy after Clinton.

For efs sake they tried to impeach him!!

The crazy BS gives me vertigo.

The only historical consistency to be found is the irratic BS and hypocracy of a GOP perpetually fighting to make the rich richer and the rest of us poorer.

Anyone that clings to that repeatedly failed trickle down rhetoric of.."Give the top 1% more money and it will benefit all of us!!" might stop to ask themselves how long the Bush Tax cuts have been in place?

That's right...for the past 10 have those tax breaks for the richest 1% helped us in the past few years? Cuz from where I am sitting...they got the tax breaks...they got the bailouts...and they are holding onto that money...much of it taxpayer (our money) with a death grip....why would anyone believe they would do any different this time?

The GOP are opportunistic demagogues...they are looting homes while Rome burns. That is the hard truth of it.
edit on 13-12-2010 by maybereal11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-12-2010 by maybereal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

I know, the hyper-partisanship you exude won't let you see anything good about this guy. Well, I am afraid that the time for hyper-partisanship is coming to an end, I think in the next few years you are going to see elected officials move towards the center out of demand by the public.

Obama brought Clinton in because hard line democrats have a high amount of respect for Clinton and Obama feels that this bipartisan compromise needs to be pushed through.

But FOX News is going to tell you it's a bad thing, no matter what Obama does, FOX News and Hannity are going to dump all over it, because it's their job to dump on the left.

Aw now that's turrible, just turrible !
hyper partisan?
You shouldnt guess at a persons political affiliation, it just sets you up to be wrong,
and you are, because I'm neither Dem/Rep,
Fox? Propaganda
CNN? Propaganda
Obama 'brought' Clinton in for entertainment value.
Obama is a joke, Bush was a joke, Clinton was a joke, I can keep going till I hit Jackson if you'd like.
The only thing I exude Wuk, is testosterone coupled with intelligence,
the same thing I would expect from a male, president.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11
Obama Finding common ground and reaching an agreement with the GOP..."Weak!"

Um ... no. That's not what we said at all.

Obama can't get the job done and he can't get his own party to understand what is going on. He had to call in someone who can do the job .. who understands the situation .. who can speak to the matter at hand. Obama couldn't do it because he hasn't got an understanding of the situation. He's a community organizer .. not an executive with financial experience (like Clinton is). Further .. he couldn't care less about doing his job. He ran out and left Bill Clinton (who did a GREAT job btw) to do what he - Obama - should have been doing. Obama was in a hurry to get to a party. Instead, he should have been doing his job.

"here Bill .. you take over for tonight ... I don't know what is going on and I can't make them listen to me ... and I have a party to go to ... so you can be the one to be in charge and look all presidential and answer the questions ... I don't know the answers anyways ..."

Anyone that clings to that repeatedly failed trickle down rhetoric of.."Give the top 1% more money and it will benefit all of us!!" ...

See .. there's the problem ... the American people aren't 'giving' the top 1% more money. You can't give someone their own money. It's THEIR MONEY .. not yours .. not ours .. not the governments. The top earners in this country carry most of the tax burden while the bottom 43% pay NOTHING at all. Instead of STEALING more money from the top earners ... install a flat tax. It's the only fair tax. Everyone pays the same percentage so that the productive aren't raped and the unproductive aren't rewarded.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by whatukno

It would probably surprise you if you threw me under the wukky scope that I'd have more incommon with you than you realize,
and on the hyper partisan stuff,
that's just turrible, because I'm so anti partisan I dont qualify for a party label.
Actually Wuk if there was a "common sense party", I'd join it.
Barry, Bill, or George or whomever has been occupying that seat has 'us' as the last thing on their minds and I believe you know that already,
theyre operating on an entirely different level of priority, and concerns.
They already play the middle ground, they already know the agenda, I mean my goodness they all even hang out in the same circles swapping spit with the same people.
Sure Barry gets the heat for the economy, even though George and his crew carried forward what Bill and his crew started,
but Barry 'knew' that would be his onus,
if he couldnt see the crap flying off the fan pre-election and the unpopularity and pain that it was about to generate then he was one blind office seeking also ran.
HE will be known for the healthcare bill, and ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of the nasty crap that's going to come with it,
George is known for 911 and the WMD's and the war(s),
Bill is known for NAFTA,
(that's a good idea for a thread, do a sidewalk view of the progression of the agenda)
anyway,they do the deal, do the trade off,
I'll be president and be known for this 'good' and be blamed for this 'bad',
Hell it's 4 years, 8 at the most,
(until the next big boom and some president uses directive 51, it was put there to use)
so they get their glory, their spotlight time,
congress is so jacked up and contaminated that they really dont do a good job of representing even the most basic needs a citizen presents,
and the state appointments are where the 'continuations of power corruption just thrive like mold on wet cardboard in a dark basement,
so where's the fix?
The little local yocals see the behaviors of those above them and emulate it,
whether it be state or federal,
'hey my reps a thug bum, my senators a lazy no voting, no show, and my president doesnt need to work either'
Hurray for me to hell with you,
the attitude is so saturated within not only our governance, but the corporatist/cap model of business, and finally the adult voters and even into the very young youth.
So behavior, like 'meh whatever' pat pat on the back time to party pass the jack"
is going to be noticed, and it effects.
Hey, at least lie,(it's not like that would be a surprise) say something like,
"I have been keeping the the joint chiefs and homeland waiting, we're reviewing this absurd TSA scanning and the 4th amendment tie in, so can we please wrap this up?"

I want to hear Barry talk and make sense and throw some intelligence and balls around and make some choices and hard statements,
I dont wanna hear Bill, speak on behalf,
I hope I exuded that well enough.

edit on 13-12-2010 by HappilyEverAfter because: sp

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