what do you people know about voodoo i know it is performed by haitians, and dominicans, and i think some african tribes did it too. i have heard of
voodoo curses causing snakes in peoples stomachs. and other wierd things like hallucinations.
I am from the caribean, don't believe everything you hear, is mostly lies, I had known people that are fine and as soon somebody tells them that they
have a curse they will get sick, it is mostly in the mind.
from my understanding, voodoo is performed by Haitians, Santeria is the Dominican and Spanish version, and Obeah is the other version for everyone
else in the Caribbean. I have witnessed a possession, seen people cut themselves, dance erractically all under the influence of the three religious
sects above. I'll see if i can find some links for you.
worldwatcher, is call santeria, and spirit possesion is spiritismo. And yes I have withness both, I use to belive in it but then I realize that is
more of mind sugestion that anything else.
one of the best quotes i've ever heard having to do with beliefs outside the
"mainstream" is " it does not matter what you believe, it's what they believe."