posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 04:56 PM
Im not sure if this helps your arguement chap but there are a couple of facts that are now accepted by mainstream science that might help with this
discussion one way or another.
It used to be belived that light was a constant force and speed, we now know this is not true as when light particles (photons) travel they can be
slowed by dense mass, therefor ajusting its speed. I cant remember for the life of me which scify tv series it was but one of them suggested the
posibility of "Slow Glass". Ironically they hit the nail on the head with this one because its now possible to develop such a material. Slow glass
works on the basis that you have a material thats so dense that when light hits it, it takes longer to pass through it then normal material. Uses of
which include light source thats almost limitless. Anyway the point i was trying to make was that light has veriable speed, and what with our limited
knowledge of the universe, its impossible to say where and how light is effected, we just know its possible.
The other fact i was gonna put forward was space/time variables. The vast majority of people belive that going at the speed of light or faster can
alter the time field, allowing you to move forward. Einstien's mistake was beliveing that time was a 1 dimensional variable, this we now know is not
true. Time flows in 3 dimentions.
An example of this are astronauts. When an asteronauts resturns home from an extended journey into space biologists have found that thier bodies age
less then that of people on earth. This is due to thier reduced movement speed. Depending on where you are on the earths surface the rotational spin
speed varies, its highest point is at the equator moving at 1038 miles an hour. So if you stood on the equator, you would still be moving at over a
thousand miles an hour through space (Its a wierd concept to handle i know). But astronauts do no travel at this speed hundreds of miles above the
earth, because they are no longer spinning at that speed they body clocks slow down. The move slower erog they move through time slower.
Another example of this is are clocks on high rise buildings, some of the tallest buildings in the world constantly have to keep resetting thier
clocks on the upper floors (were talking 1000's of feet above the ground). Because they are further out then then ones on the ground, they move
faster speeding time up.
So there you have two proven facts that time can speed up and slow down depending on you motion speed though space. This also proves that you dont
have to travel at light speed to move though time, your moving though time now as you read this, sure you can speed it up by moving faster, or slow it
down by getting off the planet. But with light now being called an ajustable variable, its boggles the mind as how you can combine the two findings to
asjust space/time with modern science.
Like i said i dont know if it helps your argument eithger way but its food for thought