posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 07:40 PM
Two differing comments:
1. We just might be ready for harvest by ET. Wonder why the world has become so fat all of a sudden. You don't hear much about the fat "virus"
that is out there. Once the news was out, it was squelched. Can't say I haven't thought about it. Notice all the PTB's are skinny, maybe they
have an antidote to keep them and their families from being harvested.
2. Those who believe that abortion, late term abortion, and immediate post birth abortion will fix the problem and believe our world is
overpopulated, should out of conviction abort themselves and all their progeny regardless of the age of their progeny. People who believe
overpopulation should be solved by killing (no matter the euphamism they use) then they should set an example and start with themselves and their
children, and grandchildren and it should be legal for them to do so.
As for the rest of us, if you look at it closely, the industrialized countries are in a negative population growth. If not for immigration the US
population would be in decline, like most European countries. China is too harsh with a one child policy, but a two child policy with mandatory
giving up additional children for adoption is quite feasible and workable. China's doesn't work because they now have a female deficit that is
going to gradually destroy their society. With a two child policy, many families would choose one of each sex.
A quick way to solve it is requiring a license to parent, with intensive preparation and proof of employment sufficient to raise a child, to get the
license. All children born to unlicensed parents would be immediately taken and given up for adoption to licensed parents who are unable or choose
not to concieve. This would solve not only the population problem, as there would be no financial gain in having children, but children would be far
less likely to be criminals or be undereducated as adults.
Of course, with male fertility now on such a steep decline, the PTB's may have already been working on that one.