posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 06:37 AM
Greetings ATSers, thanks for having me here!
As well as being a general lurker and enjoying the forums, I have also been receiving the RSS feeds directly fed to my inbox for the last couple of
years; I've been truly captivated by some of the content here on ATS. I thought it was high time I become a member... I don't get as much free time
as I would like, due to work and study commitments, but I'm hoping I will have some constructive points to add to the site.
I'm a firm believer of 'making your own mind up'. What I mean by this is that this world/universe/empty space we call home has too many components
for any human being to even slightly comprehend a fraction of them. Why should we believe what we read in the morning papers? Why should we believe
what someone tells us in the street? Why should we believe what the history books say? Why should we believe what we 'learn' at
school/college/university? I'm not suggesting all of this information has no credibilty, but I am always aware of one thing. This thing is called
misinformation. The world we live in today revolves around money. The people with the money have an agenda: to manipulate the common people into
believing their doctrines. This is all about control, and to some degree, this is how it has been here on Earth for thousands of years - since the
dawn of religion. Misinformation = more wealth/believers/followers/slaves = control. In summary: I like to come to my own decisions and not blindly
follow someone elses path. On the other hand, a sceptical person is a lonely person. It takes good judgement to split the good from the bad, and it's
not always easy at first, or ever, even! That's life, I guess.
Apparently there are 6 billion people on Earth. Out of all of those people, how many can truly answer what should be the most fundamantal questions
for us as intelligent humans.
How did we get here?
Why are we here?
These age-old questions will probably never be answered, yet logic tells me the answers to these questions should be the blueprint for life as we know
it. How is one supposed to live with no purpose? We give ourselves purpose by taking on mundane day-to-day tasks; shopping, getting a haircut,
deciding what shoes to wear... We are all pre-programmed with instinct; instinct for survival; instict to procreate; instinct to love. But what is the
real purpose we are here? It seems to me we are still very much in the dark about a lot of things and our collective understanding of the world around
us is still quite primitive in many ways.
My time spent on ATS thus far has shown me the diversity of observation of the world around us and questioning of the mainstream cognition. This is
why I joined... I hope I will be able to contribute something here now I'm a member.
Thanks for listening.