Tom Cruise...a total spongebob skidmark upon the profession of acting..... Without Australian Nicole Kidman, he never would have made it as anything,
let alone an actor!.
He represents pretty much eveything the rest of the world abhore in the quintessential ugly american, arrogant sanctimonious butthole that he is. Top
Gun my fat azz - top buttwipe maybe!
Michael J Fox was probably the best actor / international ambassadore, that America ever had, John Travolta does his best.... but Tom Cruise..?... Oh
If Tom Cruise was on fire - most non Americans, wouldn't rear up and urinate on him, to put the flames out!
Dave Letterman?...Yeah - even I get a chuckle outta Letterman from time to time
If you want international ambassadore actors to "sell American to the world" - Biff Henderson and the Horn section of Paul Schafers band, are probably
the best options you have!.
Sorry Alan Coulter doesn't cut the mustard - he's just scary mad, and only serves to remind the world, of the REAL Gee Dubya, and how uncertain any
kind of future for the world existed, while his hands hovered over the big red button.
The trouble with Americans from the Aussie perspective, was best expressed by our soldiers in WW2?
"Apart from being trigger happy S O B's - they're overpaid & over here!"
At the moment tho - probably the BEST ambassadore you have? Oprah - she's here and doing a pretty good job of winning us over at the moment, because
what you see is what you get, theres no typical Yank pretence with her, and Aussies generally appreciate that type of candour.
Its hard not to appreciate her straight to the point honesty, and she is a hard person not to like.
Get the heck rid of that crazy Sarah Palin & even moreso get rid of Hillary Clinton - Make Oprah your next president - you got MAYBE half a chance of
winning back a shred of respect on the international long as you make Letterman her 2 I C, and the members of Paul Schafers Band horn
section, as leaders of your congress / senate etc.
Heck - they gotta be better than the bought and paid for criminals in congress now.
edit on 9/12/10 by ianmoone1 because: (no reason given)