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US/UK Contingency Plan Incase of Alien Invasion?

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posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:00 PM
Just wondering whether there's been alleged contingency plans drawn up by the US/UK for an alien invasion during the 1950's/60's.

I'm sure i read somewhere that there was one for London in the 50's or something? Can anyone shed some light on this.

If this alleged collusion between the US Gov/Greys is true, then 'theoretically' would the US have drawn up such contingency plans. If there was such collusion surely the US Gov would not just dive head first into an agreement. Would they be aware of some of their capabilities and draw up a plan in accordance with their intelligence?

Wouldn't they have a little suspicion of the Greys? Therefore have some plan if things every go awry? Supposing they had an agreement, would the US have some sort of bargaining tool?

What do you think? Discuss....

[edit on 3-7-2004 by Flyboy211]

[edit on 3-7-2004 by Flyboy211]

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:04 PM
Flyboy, I would not be surprised. The Pentagon is supposed to have contingincy plans for just about everything. Each plan is updated periodicaly to reflect changes etc. From the SIOP to plans to invade Guam, I would not be surprised if they did not have one in the event of hostile alien contact.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:07 PM
Thanks for your reply Fred!

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:11 PM
I heard a rumour that the Albert Hall was used for a welcoming concert for the Aliens.Elvis, the Stones,the who were all debriefed and ready to rock at a moments notice.The concert was a great secret and a great succes.The alien liked Lennon and Elvis so much the greys arranged to fake there deaths so that the Aliens could take them back to there planet and rock the universe.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:14 PM
Sorry i missed the punchline

*Shakes his head in disbelief*

"That's the second one this week"

Taxi to the hall of shame please!

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:34 PM
I doubt they have a contingency plan for aliens specifically, its probably listed under invasion threats and mass evacuation protocols.

There are a ton of plans though, the US commissioned an entire series on how to invade the UK in the 60's if it were to fall to communist sympathisers. Amusing no?

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Flyboy211
Sorry i missed the punchline

*Shakes his head in disbelief*

"That's the second one this week"

Taxi to the hall of shame please!

I am serious man its as true as l am sat hear on planet x-346 listening to Elvis version of Britneys Baby One More time.

Seriously it`s Saturday night who cares

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:40 PM
Well, they probably do have some plan stacked away. For one, we have Mount Weather, which actually is a real place (X-Files and all you know...).

One could say it's little like Area 51, the place is there, but no one knows what's inside. It wouldn't surprize me if they did have a Congress and a White House ready at Mount Weather.

Second, we have Area 51 itself, of course. For example, in the computer game Deus Ex, Area 51 was the center of a shadow government, which held the Aquinas router, the center of all global communications. Maybe they plan to do so in the real world to, heh...

Also, if you are to believe Bob Lazar (which I don't), there is yet another secret base only known as "S-4" (Site 4?), and last I heard, it is also a part of Area 51.

Continuing the options, we have the, only known as, "Dulce Base", acclaimed for it's supposed "center of alien visitors", containing the intergalactic lizards, the greys and military personel. Last I heard, this was also a hoax, because some persons went out to the supposed location, but didn't find any entrance, guards, or even air support holes, or whatever you call them (or maybe this base is filled with vacuum

Anyway, suppose this base does exist, and it's entrance is well hidden, does it necessarily mean they have to deal with aliens out there? Maybe it is an underground bunker?

Going over my usual skeptic level - how many times have we heard a story as "wide" as the "Dulce Base Wars" or something like that from bases like Area 51 or Mount Weather? Lizard, two kinds of them, along with greys of different kinds, batteling it all out inside a base, supposed tunnels going under the whole United States, Nazi scientists transported from Germany after the war, among other craziness - while no "known" story has surfaced from Mount Weather, and the only story we've heard from Area 51 is that they keep bodies and ships there, and they do some talk with the greys. Doesn't that sound strange? No one have ever even seen Dulce, only some person said something, and all these stories surface...

A disinformational campaign maybe? Maybe they think it's better to show people that "the story is a hoax", and do so with the idea of lizards, greys, underground tunnels, Nazi scientists, mixing it together to a milkshake story, and there you got it. Why bother go all the way to Dulce for a hoax, right...

Ask me, I've never been in any state except Miami, so I wouldn't know better. Dulce will continue to be a hoax in my eyes until more conventional "stories" surface...

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:45 PM
Honestly there is not a huge amount of creditable evidance in Britain because most people stopped believeing in UFO years ago.Most of us think Americans are being decieved by there authorities to hide the real reason behind your secret bases.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 04:00 PM
I hope there is a plan. Even if there is i doubt it would be efective

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 05:08 PM
I agree that it would be kinda futile, look at september the 11th. Although this type of thing couldnt have been predicted exactly, there must have been some sort of measures in place for hijacking air threats. In fact, there was a message board that discussed how much damage crashing planes into the wtc would do long before it happened, and if they would still be standing or not. If some peeps on a message board can think about it, im sure the CIA/whoever would too. So take a threat such as something like an alien attack, you can draw up all the contingency plans you want, but its not gonna do a lot if the time comes

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 05:40 PM
Nerdling wrote

There are a ton of plans though, the US commissioned an entire series on how to invade the UK in the 60's if it were to fall to communist sympathisers. Amusing no?

Nerdling, have you got a source that you can give me for these US plans?

zero lift

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 05:54 PM
But you'd imagine they'd have some sort of rough idea what to do, for instance to move the President and joint chiefs to a secure location. Such as NORAD the Cheyenne mountain complex or to somewhere like Mount Weather.

Obviously a lot of what would happen would depend on the situation, and the need to react accordingly.

Military bases would be reinforced, fighter and ship patrols stepped up etc...

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 05:58 PM

I agree that it would be kinda futile, look at september the 11th.

Well, 9/11 isn't exactly the same thing. Terrorists won't attack places like Mount Weather or Area 51 - one of the most secret bases in the U.S.

I think in case of invasion, that the top staff would be moved to these bases - I mean, if the aliens are out to invade earth, we would probably notice it in some way, like Independence Day movie or Mars Attacks even...

Then there could always be the case of "Battlefield Earth", a war that lasted 6 minutes or whatever it was...

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 06:09 PM
Battlefield Earth was a mess. They 'aliens' managed to overwhelm our military in about 9 minutes or whatever it is and then 1000 years later tribesmen who managed to get flght simulators working and learn to fly Harrier jump jets against the aliens and kill them lol?

I agree 9/11 and a conventional military invasion are different things. As an invasion would be on a bigger scale.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 06:24 PM
Popular Mechanics covered this topic in February 2004.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 10:32 PM
Its one of those things you hope they have a plan do defend us in the case of a powerful extraterrestrial enemy attacking us but on the other hand you dont want it to be ever used or really to exist becuase they know it will never happen.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Nerdling
There are a ton of plans though, the US commissioned an entire series on how to invade the UK in the 60's if it were to fall to communist sympathisers. Amusing no?

Yeah, well it's a common practice to draw up theoretical plans for various circumstances as strategic exercizes, which they often file away for reference just in case. The US has propably thousands of these filed away from over the years. One that caused a big stir was one detailing a US invasion of Canada in the 20's...

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 12:41 AM
Ive heard rumors of a war game simulation of a alien attack. Not a senerio like if the greys attack or something like that. Just a simulation of a unknown alien threat attacking the earth out of the blue one day. There advice if such a thing ever happened was a full surrender by earth. There were just too many unknown factors with the aliens like there numbers were they were coming from and of course there superior technology.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 01:51 AM
Yeah, just call Will Smith...

someone had to say it.

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