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ANON Has Shut Down My Business--Paypal Related

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posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
So let me get this straight. Paypal made a business decision and some script kiddies get their panties in a wad over it. So instead of protesting in a legal manner and making their voice heard, they perform cyber attacks on a financial institution that effectively hurts tens of thousands of other businesses who had nothing to do with the reasons these little pimple faced nerds are so upset over, and most of you think thats ok? Really?

Well, think about it like this. What if your mom baked a cake for a bake sale and it caused food poisoning to everyone who ate it. The kids who didn't even eat the cake but are mad cause one of their friends did get sick, get the idea to burn down her kitchen which effectively burns down the house, leaving you and your family with no place to live and possibly killing someone in the process. That is exactly what is happening. So all of you supporting these asshats, would you support the punks who burned your moms kitchen down too?

Your syaing this as if protesting in a legal sense would actuly work lol

The legal system has failled 100's of times over, it simply doesnt work. If you piss enough people off you'l get a reaction out of them/ When one system failed to get results you turn to another. In this case a cyber war revolution. Its the same story throughout cant go around doing what you like because you think you have authority, someone somewhere will always take you down a peg or two, this is whats happening here.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Ancient Champion
What i want to know is who give these hacker the power to judge who is good and who is bad? There is a fine line between playing the Hero part and playing the Hero part too much and turning into a Villain.

I had to read your post twice....I thought you were talking about Paypal.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:16 AM
i sell stuff on ebay, and i have been burned by paypal and ebay.
first up, both are owned and run by the chozen, right there, you know there will be problems.

second, the owner of ebay proudly boasted, 'we can raise our prices, and there is nothing anyone can do about it'

third, they took away all my power as a 'seller' i cannot even leave a negative for someone who refuses to pay.

fourth, try and call paypal tech support. last time i got thru to them it took me 1.5 hours.

if ebay had not raised their prices, i would be making double what i do in my ebay store right now. i used to LOVE ebay, it was so much fun to actually bid on an auction. but over 50% of the listings are store listings, no more auctions, because auction prices are insane.

if you are selling a 5 buck item, and it cost you over 1 dollar to list? and you gotta give ebay their 20% cut on the backend?

im PSYCHED they are doing this. sure i might not make any money this week or next on ebay, but i would rather have someone teach these elitists a lesson.

'we can raise our prices and there is nothing anyone can do about it.'

tell that to anon.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:20 AM
If your business fails because you use Paypal, it serves you right. Don't use paypal, they support keeping you in the dark. Dump your mastercard. Fight the power that will kill your buisness later anyway.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by xavi1000
Sorry mate but if no one speak and take action about this illegal action from Paypal then you ,me and all the world people is next .You OP remember this statement from Nazi times ? :

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Amason is next ..go go go !!!

Cool, who pays your wages? Can they be next in line? What a ridiculous analogy - who do you think WL is standing up for? Name them, please before coming out with such cack.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by earthdude

So you would like people to run a business with no access to a bank account or paypal or credit cards.

Good luck with that roadside lemonade stand
edit on 9-12-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by davespanners

Civil disobedience is the non violent refusal to obey certain laws that you disagree with.

Which law is it that they are protesting?

While it may be true that businesses do have a right to 'select' their customers, don't you think that in this modern age it only smacks of discrimination?

Julian is innocent till proven guilty, as is due by the sacred US Constitution and the UN Declaration of Universal Human Rights.

What had he had done to deserve such discrimination? Black Panthers, KKK, Mafia, and even drug lords had been known to use Paypal. Why were they not targeted for discrimination, but Julian target decisively and publically, at the whim of a supposed 'letter' from the 'US govt' (who had such ARBITARY AUTHORITY TO DO SO?).

Julian had been thrashed and labelled a terrorist, even though he had not bomb or sent anyone to bomb anyone, but only to publish the truth, just as any journalist had done for decades. What happens after the publication is for those responsible to make restitutions, apologise and sincere efforts to correct mistakes. BUT instead the messenger was targeted.

Today, Julian was labelled a terrorist for telling only the truth on a whim by shadow dictators and businesses toed the line. Tomorrow, either you or me could simply be labelled a terrorist if we decide that an egg should be crack at the tip egde instead of the rounded fuller edge. Ridiculous as it seems,utiliterianism knows no bounds just because one is different and refuse to toe the line. Then are we to quietly go into the night?

Paypal and the other few business had proven themselves capable of toeing the line of authoritarians, obedient to the masters regardless of right or wrong. Which other innocent man or group is next to be targeted and treated/prejudged as criminals for being honest? This is the organisation you want to do biz with? It's your choice, just make sure you have back ups and your money not in their hands, because when SHTF with you, you can kiss your hardearned money goodbye as and when they decide you are a 'terrorist'.

edit on 9-12-2010 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

So again I would ask what have anon actually achieved through this action apart from annoying people that use paypal and what if anything at all did they actually plan to achieve.

This amazing group of elite secret hackers (as they would have us believe) great contribution to freedom consisted of slightly annoying paypal for less then a single day, paypal has been back up and running for a long time.

In fact what have anon ever achieved apart from annoying people?

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:39 AM
These companies should not have made enemies of Wikileaks then, and Julian Assange should have never been jailed in the first place. For every action, there is a reaction, but, I don't think they will be reacting on Anon for very long since Anon are virtually, "The People".

Thats my 2 cents.
edit on 9-12-2010 by QuantumDeath because: Rewording

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:39 AM
Many sacrifices must be made for truth to finally win its way. Yes maybe the truth isnt in Julian Assange's hands, yes maybe these cyber terrorist attacks, as surely they will branded soon, are not the truth; surely they are not. But all of these actions are going to awaken people's curious and inquisitive sides soon enough.

The world in general, once Julian Assange is made a martyr, will become zombies of truth. Eating Elitist brains scouring for nourishment called truth/disclosure. LOL Plz be patient with this process and do not worry , Paypal must be insured against actions that you do not have a hand in.

reply to post by tothetenthpower

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Hey Gang,

Just wanted to point out that this ANON group which is apparently "helping" by doing DDOS attacks on Paypal are hurting businesses all accross the world.

Mine for example.

Our payment transaction systems are all done through Paypal and as of about 3 hours ago I am unable to collect payments from my customer's in any sort of way.

Way to go ANON. I'm officially NOT supporting you anymore.

edit on 12/8/2010 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

you can get your money back if your take it up with paypal...ANON are doing this in response to the US government warning paypal to block donations to wiki leaks...basically going for the money no website...and if paypal are siding with the government (because they dont have to by law) then im all for the attack on paypal...if that affects your business..take it up with paypal if they value your custom they will re-imburse you...if they dont they stand to lose a lot of business...look at the bigger picture...not just the affects to ur business...but the affects to paypal for doing what the bully government say.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Hey Gang,

Just wanted to point out that this ANON group which is apparently "helping" by doing DDOS attacks on Paypal are hurting businesses all accross the world.

Mine for example.

Our payment transaction systems are all done through Paypal and as of about 3 hours ago I am unable to collect payments from my customer's in any sort of way.

Way to go ANON. I'm officially NOT supporting you anymore.

edit on 12/8/2010 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

you can get your money back if your take it up with paypal...ANON are doing this in response to the US government warning paypal to block donations to wiki leaks...basically going for the money no website...and if paypal are siding with the government (because they dont have to by law) then im all for the attack on paypal...if that affects your business..take it up with paypal if they value your custom they will re-imburse you...if they dont they stand to lose a lot of business...look at the bigger picture...not just the affects to ur business...but the affects to paypal for doing what the bully government say.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by GenRadek many of you out there that support WikiLeaks would like it if all of a sudden all of your personal emails, facebook messages, private IMs, myspace info, etc started to come up on a website for all to see? All of your personal messages, notes, private chats, photos became available for all to see? All in the name of "transparency"?

You're kidding, right?

"Transparency" is about politics and economics, and the decisions made by our representatives in our names.

Big difference.

btw- anyone in this day who has any illusion of "privacy" has no clue of how our world is running. Never mind the internet - your own DNA is not "private," nor do you own that "information."

...Think people, think.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by QuantumDeath
These companies should not have made enemies of Wikileaks then, and Julian Assange should have never been jailed in the first place. For every action, there is a reaction, but, I don't think they will be reacting on Anon for very long since Anon are virtually, "The People".

Thats my 2 cents.
edit on 9-12-2010 by QuantumDeath because: Rewording

The arrest of Assange is something that either has merit or doesn't, you don't know that, I don't know that. But are you saying if an organisation disagrees with what WL does then it is open season on them? Well, that is your bias, personally I believe individuals and organisations have the right to deal with people they want to as long as their basic human rights are not affected - this clearly isn't the case here - WL is after all an organisation doing whatever it wants at whatever the cost and believes it is a self appointed dissemenator of information regardless of the diplomatic fall out. You may not agree, that is your right - just because we disagree doesn't give me the right to hack your network, does it?

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:53 AM
No offense, but I don't care about your business. I do care about truth, and justice to those who have wronged citizens for too long. I'm not a supporter of capitalism, or of you making money off of others. Just wanted to throw that out there, and I'm sure many agree with me. Don't expect sympathy.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:53 AM
Simple solution; Don't use Paypal. At least take a break from it.

3 years ago Paypal froze over 2 grand in my account and never released it and eventually closed down my account. I was doing online services yet they asked me for shipping information for which I couldn't provide as it was an online service. Needless to say, they kept my money.

For valor, Anon!

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Flighty
Can you remain on ebay if you boycott paypal? Last time I looked, the beast had taken over ebay and won't allow for sellers who do not bleed 3% on all monies exchanged.

(ps the star thing is now there/I swear it was a vacant space right above the 'posted' word where the star function lies)

edit on 9-12-2010 by starless and bible black because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by xavi1000
Sorry mate but if no one speak and take action about this illegal action from Paypal then you ,me and all the world people is next .You OP remember this statement from Nazi times ? :

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Amason is next ..go go go !!!

Or it could be looked at like this.

First they took down PayPal, and I didn’t speak up.

Next they took down Amazon, and I didn’t speak up.

Then they took down eBay, and I didn’t speak up.

Lastly they took down my means of supporting my family and no one was there to speak up for me.

Not saying I have completely chosen a side in this but I lean mostly toward the Wikileaks thing being backed by TPTB as are those who are involved in the ANON thing. I do not trust any of them or either side. I believe that this is all going to be used to censor the internet in a model much like that used in China. Say goodbye to ATS if that happens. Of course some social networks (Facebook) will be left intact in order to appease the masses. However, they will be changed, the only serious issues that will be allowed to be discussed is that of personal issues. Other than that you will only be able to basically chat on a non-serious (government/world affairs) issue related manner. People who really want to communicate will have to do so in a form of code. P2P will be nonexistent so the sharing of important files will not be allowed. You will no longer be able to share files through chat networks or over the net unless it has been approved by the state first. The state will decide what you see and do not see on the internet because of this whole thing. It was all a sham to begin with. It was their means of locking down the internet.

Go state backed terrorism.


edit on 12/9/10 by Raist because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
So again I would ask what have anon actually achieved through this action apart from annoying people that use paypal and what if anything at all did they actually plan to achieve.

This amazing group of elite secret hackers (as they would have us believe) great contribution to freedom consisted of slightly annoying paypal for less then a single day, paypal has been back up and running for a long time.

In fact what have anon ever achieved apart from annoying people?

There is more to it than you with your simple mind can ever realise.

Anon and others knew long ago that they would never be able to take down the website with scripts. Their purpose was merely a warning to them for their depredations to humanity. Anon and others had done more for you whiners than you unappreciative bunch knows, to protect your freedom.

No doubt paypal or any targeted websites will be up and running, but the message had been sent. They are vulnerable, anytime, anyday, anywhere if they continue their deprediations by allowing greed and unconstitutional demands to overcome their sense of responsiblity to customers.

The CEOs and staff will only put on an air of bravodo, that the worst is over, but it is far from over. The damage had been done and they know they are vulnerable, no matter how secure or strong they will attempt to protect their systems. What one man can create, another can re-create or destroy if the reasons are right to do so.

They are sweating heaps and may they know which side their bread is buttered. If not for the consumers, Paypal and others like them would not exists in the market place nor the taxes to pay to the govt or shadow govts for their exotic toys to kill, dominate or intimidate others..

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye

You idiots that think this is a great cause please name one thing WL has disclosed that has done a damn bit of good for freedom? Seriously? Most of it is already known and all of it has been insignificant. Yet we have a bunch of overzealous idiots taking food off of millions of peoples plates thinking they are for freedom and a bunch more idiots egging them on saying it is worth the sacrifice. And not one one of you has bothered to even ask yourselves if the WL releases are even real where is the proof?

Well, since you don't believe that these leaks are real, then obviously we should be seeing more out of you for the poor plight of Bradley Manning, falsely accused of leaking government info. The charge can't stick if the info is fake, right? You seem awfully quiet on the 'LIBERATE OPPRESSED BRADLEY MANNING' front.

See, either way it's sliced, the government is in the wrong. Either the leaks are real and the world now knows what sort of shady people the US Gov are (the WORLD, not just you who happens to frequent a conspiracy site, the average Joe); OR it's a set-up and Bradley Manning is going to be executed for nothing. You're goddamned right we're outraged, and we've got the right to be.

Not coming down on you for your frustrations with the PayPal thing, I can emphasize with your anger though I may not agree with it. It's just your (seemingly) flippant comment insinuating that we're all idiots for believing the leaks are real. If they turn out to be fake, you think PayPal going down is going to be your worst problem? Imagine the hacktivist reactions then. Goodbye, US government intranet.

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