posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 04:01 PM
John Kerry's Coalition of the Shrilling
Before anyone on the left or right gets too exercised about this, let me tell you that it is a parody. Specifically, it is a parody of an
internet-only campaign ad recently run on the official Bush-Cheney website. In case you missed the ad, it featured various ranting Democrats,
interspersed with Hitler images. The Hitler images came from two ads submitted as part of a contest on In the Bush-Cheney ad,
"sponsored by" briefly flashed on the screen during the first Hitler image. This is a false statement, as the Hitler ads were two of
1500 ads submitted in the contest. never sponsored these ads, and they were removed from the website as a result of members
voting for other ads.
The Republicans claim that they were just trying to point out that the Democrats compared Bush to Hitler. First of all, no Democrat has compared Bush
to Hitler. Nor did Second of all, most viewers of the Bush-Cheney ad are just going to see images of Democrats juxtaposed with images of
Hitler. So who is really comparing his political opponents to Hitler?
The Bush-Cheney ad concludes with a warm fuzzy image of Bush spouting his usual deranged nonsense. The parody is right on the money with its
concluding storyboards.