Something called "Fragus Toolkit" just tried to attack my computer and was blocked by my antivirus program. The attacking computer isp was - my own!
The destination computer was somewhere in the Ukraine according to
There are a number of discussion threads on the net about this attact. Anyone here know anything about it? Any info would be great.
dont google it the sites that come up are fake help me sites with blogs
they will instruct you to download a file
and bam they got you
go to nod32 online virus scanner
it will find and fix for you
Looks like your browser was exploited from visiting a malicious site, a payload was downloaded, and you're now the happy owner of a trojan/botnet!
Looks expensive too - $800 to buy this kit.
It's sort of like Metaspoit... It embeds malicious code into advertisements/websites that drops a payload if you visit the site. Metasploit doesn't
create webpages to do this though - it relies on P2P or client-side attack. Fragus is harder to trace, since it's a webpage and not a
computer-to-computer exploit.
My antivirus notified me that it (the attacking toolkit) was successfully blocked and that no further action was needed. I am however going to run a
Malwarebytes full scan after Superantispyware finishes running its full scan. It does seem to be a nasty little bugger from what I've read in the
online forums though. Thanks for the info. I suppose it could have been initiated by anyone, anywhere who bought the damn thing for $800.
Oh, by the way, it attacked just after I left from looking at a Myspace page. Is Myspace notorious for this kind of thing. If so, I'll never visit
another Myspace page ever again.