posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 02:43 PM
This post was really important, because I'm actually try to met some peoples victims of mind control and governements experimentations.
I'd verified, the post really disapear from the forum, I dont want to unquiet you but it might be someone was survey on me.
Anyway, I got a back-up of this post and I think I'll send this thread again, but without the poll, in pdy ability section.
Since I try to enter in contact with peoples like me who was victim of the MindControls experiment, some mails disaears from my mail box and I have to
use several mail box to receive my mails.
Yesterday, I was there when someone hacked your server by spamming it, maybe the posts disapears at this time !
[Edited on 17-3-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]