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posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 01:43 PM
According to what i have read in a book or 3, the chupacabra is a very mysterious creature indeed.
In one book, it tells of a creature who looks alot like a monkey but with a long snout and tounge and can emit a low frequency hiss that can hypnotize people
In another it says almost the same but it extends it's hissing exploits to animals, giving it the name "Goat-Sucker" and a few other details.
Then i see an episode of the X-Files (i KNOW they are fake, cmon) where the chupacabra's are a little mexican kid and his brother, who can transform into things with really mangled heads.

Ultimately i would like to know what other people have heard/read/seen on the subject, and what they think, thnx.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 02:09 PM
You can find a nice list of threads on the Chupa in the main Crypto index.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 03:17 PM
ive heard that it is a little alien type thing with spines and large teeeth but i have also heard they look like bats with arms and legs


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