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posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 06:20 AM
I've been browsing teh interweb community you all have built for sometime. So many different topics to discuss here I figured I must join. I hope that I didn't join too late seeing TPTB are crackin down on the net. Although with the desire of Anonymous to rebel perhaps they won't be able to mess with net freedom. I certainly hope not..
Well since this is about introducing myself and I'd rather not talk about myself.. I'll share some of my beliefs and if you all have anything to contribute I would love to converse. Ty.
Religion became unreligious when we decided that one’s belief system or genetic predisposition was deemed to grant more rights or authority over another.
We all come from one, how can there be division in something that’s principle is unity! Whether we evolved from monkeys that came from land mammals and perhaps even sea creatures, came to this form over millions of aeons of energy transformation, or were created by aliens that have been watching us. It doesn’t matter. Humanity is one race. Skin color is skin deep. It makes my blood boil to see ones rights decided upon a preconception about appearance. It doesn’t matter if you are white, black, brown, yellow, blue or even purple; you still breathe air. You still depend on h2o for nourishment. Unless you’ve obtained the discipline of becoming a breatharian you need healthy food to sustain your body. You fear things that you do not know, that you do not understand, or any potential threat to our lively-hood or those we care about. My point is, regardless of how tough you are, or love your country, culture,” race” or religion. We all stand on common ground. Our father’s kingdom is and always will be.
We are offered two choices, to live or to die. Some people are alive but hardly live, and some are alive and want death. It’s depressing that humanity has held on to our memories of pain and sorrow. It’s transformed itself in to self-hate, delusion and intolerance on a huge level. The men who have laid the foundation for war, propaganda, greed and a cult or hive like mentality may have died, but surely their idealistic views and close mindedness is still reflected current day. In a modern world we are supposed to be seeking the unity within us, nourishing our light bodies and transmuting negative energy in to higher vibrations to find peace within ourselves and to bring to others.
Religious leaders using fear tactics, propaganda about other cultures and incentives is repugnant. Religion is a terrible word, It’s the path – not the destination, religion is meant to guide us and unite us yet we look upon someone who has a different perspective and we are compelled to argue and defend our viewpoints to the degree that we suppress the very liberties, freedom and growth that we have been drinking from the nectar of the lords feet.
I bet it would shock everybody to know how much we are all genetically related; unfortunately I’d probably avoid the subject because of the incestuous nature of reproduction. My point in we all have a practically mathematical biological code that governs our physiology. Would Jews and Palestinians stop fighting each other if they knew they both were descended from Abraham? Knowing that our ancestors would be turning in their graves to see the atrocities their children are committing? There are Muslims that are against extremists and violence, there are Jews that are against Zionism. The political state of Israel being constantly threatened and attacked, because as it abuses its powers. It will attract opposition obviously, cause and affect no less any more. The more that we feed these fires the quicker we all burn our house down. It makes me think that as a whole population we have not only forgotten our roots and common bonds, but we are abusing our children by exposing them to such deep hatred and war. Avengers and suicide bombers aren’t born they are formed. Murderers and religious zealots aren’t born they are created. Hatred is natural, everybody dislikes things. The way that we react to the things we dislike is the clearest reflection of our souls we can see.
Your father killed mine; I may be inclined to seek retribution for my perceived wrong imposed upon my family. Yet killing you can’t bring my father back ever, it can’t right the wrong that already happened. It can’t soothe the pain, it agitates it. It reminds us, it follows us like a plague a shadow, a cloud of death and resentment that darkens all that it crosses. It’s time for us to put down our weapons! There can’t be a war if nobody wants to fight, if nobody needs bullets then who is buying them? Show me a war, and I will show you who profits. We forget that our world is governed by profit. We forget that for every winner there is a loser. For everyone who profits, there is someone who gets taken from. For everyone that gains there life, there is one dies. They say two lefts don’t make a right, and three lefts could make a right; but the time it takes to make three lefts the right path is lost.
We over generalize everything because it is much easier for us to place things in organized groups but when we do such things we ignore the rights of an individual to hold their own beliefs and be separate from a broad illusionary identity .There are white Americans against racism. There are Jews against Zionism. There are business owners that don’t believe in free market economy. Muslims against Jihad. Christians against illogical beliefs held about the bible. There are Chinese that disagree with communism. There are Russians that know Marxism and Lennon are both ploys to focus on the faults of Capitalism and Communism portraying our economic systems future as a very narrow closed ideology? Pure capitalism is pure materialism. You decide for yourself if that’s what you need for your source of happiness. Pure communism means no individual ownership, so you decide if you think it’s a given right to own and protect personal property; or if everything is owned by the community. My point is that there are solid points in each system and to ignore trying to achieve a practical balance in favor of being close minded is the price that humanity as a whole pays for such thoughtless consent to things that govern our very existence.
Would the United States focus less on stereotyping a whole population of Muslims as terrorists? Would the Jihadists stop generalizing all Jewish and Christian Believers as pigs and apes? Would we be too afraid to let go of the apocalypse and man-made fear tactics? Do we need to cling to something to make ourselves different? Are we already not special? I think to call myself a label is to limit myself. To deduct observations to make a concrete conclusion can be enlightening for some, but what happens when an avalanche is caused? What if nothing is set in stone except change? Change doesn’t mean growth or evolution necessarily either. The opposite has to be possible. So why must we be set on achieving some imaginary perfection or utopia. Why do I have to deny myself happiness, Live in constant fear and worry, and wait to die to go to a heaven. Is Eden not our playground? Does earth not regenerate, is nature not our mother? The very concepts of heaven and hell are psychological. Heaven is symbolic of being close to God. The God that exists within ourselves and EVERYTHING that can possibly exist. Hell is symbolic of being distance from the very essence of our being. So perhaps we go through cycles of reincarnation based on cause on effect to experience, grow and transform the energy around us. Is that not good enough? Must I strap a bomb to myself and hit the Fed or Congress to gain my Father’s love? I think not. I’d like to think our father looks at us as his silly children that he couldn’t hate if he tried. Those with consciousness feel regret when they do something wrong, they almost don’t need to be punished because doing a harmful action to someone hurts themselves. I’d like to think our father doesn’t care what we look like, or think about, or even really do. I’d like to think, he wants us to figure out what is good for us and explore the universe. Who cares about what new shoes or band or game is the hype. We have trouble feeding the whole population and fighting diseases. We have enough food to feed the whole earth’s population for 7 years without including future harvests. Over population is a myth by global elites who are too greedy to imagine sharing the land. In fact we probably could sustain double our population; granted we treated our environment correctly and begin to heal our deep seeded problems with ourselves and others.
I’d like to think that our Father’s religion is a combination of every religion, yet claims none. I’d like to think that dogma wasn’t meant to be shackles and chains, or invade our free will. It’s meant to help give us a backbone. Give us something to stand for and help each of us individually find our path. If everything was perfect then you wouldn’t use perfect as an adjective for good. It would just be, Kind of like everything just IS what it IS. Everything is perfect because the balance is sufficient and stands in reality without our interaction. But everything is not good, because people suffer. But if people did not suffer how you do measure what is good? I’d like to think that we constantly recycle bodies and gain experience for the collective mind, but what if we only have one life, and there is no God. That means that we have lowered our standard of living and gave away lasting happiness for short term gain that usually leaves us lethargic and apathetic. That means those children dying of hunger disease and war didn’t even get the chance that you got, assuming your life is blessed enough to view this message in the comfort of your own home. I for one cannot take the pain that lies within my heart and the injustice that I clearly see with my mind every day.
It’s not a matter of waking people up. Everyone is hoping on the 2012 movement’s dick just like they want you too. OH mass consciousness shift! Enlightenment… Life is self explanatory and if you question that then you obviously don’t believe in yourself! Once people start to realize the truth about the Global economy, self proclaims elite, genetically modified foods, pesticides and chemical warfare, mass manipulation of the subconscious mind, propaganda and blatant disregard for human rights it’s not a matter of acting self righteous and telling everyone WAKE UP! OH you poor sheeple WAKE UP!? Who are you telling to wake up? Think about it. You’re telling yourself to wake up. Instead of going out and giving comfort and showing truth we talk about it. We act like everyone is separate from us. Sure in our little boxes there is the illusion of separation. But verily I say to you; the woman that you read about getting raped this morning in the news paper is your daughter, sister and mother. The man that did it was your son, brother and father. The children getting scanned and molested at the airports are OUR children. The police officers and military that harass ¬¬¬¬¬the meek, harass everyone. The scam artists scam all of us. The murder killed you. The liar deceives you. The hater hates himself. The homophobe fears something in himself he would rather not see. The feminist seeks equality, yet denies herself by the very perception that she is not equal. The racist is racist against his own humanity. The bigot is intolerant of things to protect their beliefs, and we are all bigots I don’t care what ANYBODY says. The more you try to avoid becoming something, you become it. The very thing you fight, you become. The very thing you empower to fear, Controls you. The very things we love and cherish us end up creating jealousy and resentment for.
Until we realize that everyone is born with UNALIENABLE Liberty and Freedom regardless of culture, age, gender, location and belief is truly the day that we step forward on the path of equality. And by equality I do not mean everyone needs to be given the same living conditions, food, clothing and education. That completely kills the concept of getting what you give, and makes our species prone to leeches. I do believe in balancing out the resources and education of humanity... to further ourselves as a whole. If a minority’s rights are denied for the sake of the whole, then the majority’s rights are certainly illusionary…
I saw someone on this website make a post and the parallels to current society are shocking; it was about WW2 and the Nazi’s. First they came for the communists. Then the liberals. Then the Jews. And by the time they came for me, there was no one else to stick up for me.
I would shed my blood this instant to help any of you, for the very substance flowing through me is you! I would give you the shirt off my back. My tears replenish our oceans for you my brothers. My heart has sorrow for all injustice and pain! It’s time to heal! I’m sick of reading about people dying and being taken advantage of. It’s time to overcome negative vibrations with transcendence and positivity! And sometimes tolerance is letting someone trample your opinion, to make fun of your kind heart. I’m proud to be a gentile because I’d rather love and resented, than be meant and accepted. If it’s cool, to be cold; then I’d rather be a warm #ing loser. Stay strong. Never surrender. None of us are strong as all of us! If you take my hand I will never let go. Remember that one word that brings peace is worth more than a thousand based in ignorance. Don’t underestimate the effect your concerns for others can do, don’t forget the power of love you can bring to one life. That smile you flashed to someone who needed it is more pure than any speech. That kid who nobody believed in that you saw hope in, the lepers and outcasts that you didn’t turn your back on… guess what they will never forget. I hope that we never forget what it means to love, without the word. I find the word love very broad and overused. But I love ya’ll. Thank you for being you! Thank you for sharing this information; may you find eternal peace.
Be easy, have a happy 8th!

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 07:47 AM
Welcome and Wow!

That was eloquently written.... I can see you're going to be a great contributer to this site!

May your life be filled with these


posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 11:05 AM
well spoken

I hope you are right, I want to believe you are right. I see myself in a lot of people, but this world is going to have to transform, people need to start doing what is right, what is positive, but how can they, when some of us never see the light of day?

I don't think people know how to help themselves, that is why we need each other. We are all related, and there is a movement to keep us separated. Whether it be a "who" or a "what" I am not sure, but it doesn't matter, it is there, and the only way to defeat it is through Love. Love for the self, Love for your family that lives in this dark world.

I think many would agree with me, when I say that shutting people out, makes living in this world easy. There was a moment in my life, this year, where I believed that I was the only perfect human being, and I still believe that I am perfect, but that shouldn't stop other people from being perfect too. Right? We cann all be perfect, we just need to find the light inside. We need to stop beeing arses to each other, just turn the other cheek.

I want to believe.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 11:22 AM
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posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Village Idiot
Welcome and Wow!

That was eloquently written.... I can see you're going to be a great contributer to this site!

May your life be filled with these

Appreciate it, I was up at 5 am and just had so many thoughts to get out. Still quite the rant but I'm glad you enjoyed bro!

Originally posted by leira7
well spoken

I hope you are right, I want to believe you are right. I see myself in a lot of people, but this world is going to have to transform, people need to start doing what is right, what is positive, but how can they, when some of us never see the light of day?

I don't think people know how to help themselves, that is why we need each other. We are all related, and there is a movement to keep us separated. Whether it be a "who" or a "what" I am not sure, but it doesn't matter, it is there, and the only way to defeat it is through Love. Love for the self, Love for your family that lives in this dark world.

I think many would agree with me, when I say that shutting people out, makes living in this world easy. There was a moment in my life, this year, where I believed that I was the only perfect human being, and I still believe that I am perfect, but that shouldn't stop other people from being perfect too. Right? We cann all be perfect, we just need to find the light inside. We need to stop beeing arses to each other, just turn the other cheek.

I want to believe.
It will be hard to get people to do positive things, or be a good samaritan because it's almost more socially acceptable to be a completely oblivious self centered fool, I know because I've been one. But the light is coming

We deffinately don't know how to help ourselves - besides the fact we are born and die dependent on others I think that we forget during the middle. We want to be independent and strong, but we forget how strong we are together and how fast movements spread. I think the who is ourselves. Half of us love being alive and the other half are wondering how the # something so cruel could happen lol.
I agree it's much easier to be alone. I used to be a social butterfly and I guess concidered popular. I became isolated and wanted to push those I love away from me when I started to find out the truth. I know too much for my own good, I can't speak though; my father has a gov clearance (Eletricity) not faggotry
and I cannot put his security at risk.
It's good to believe your perfect as long as you don't think you are better than anyone. You are perfect bro, in all of the 13.7 billion years that we assume the universe has existed there only is one you! and you do that best

It's really hard to turn the other cheek, I believe in following the path of peace; but sadly wolves attack the meek. Sometimes we need weapons to defend ourselves. I hope that WW4 is indeed faught with sticks and stones; atleast we will get back in touch with nature lol.
and I want to believe too, we have hope, hope is better than blind faith IMO! It doesn't matter what exactly you believe as long as it's in something worth living for! Thanks for the kind response.

Originally posted by Sauron
reply to post by TheRealMason

Hi TheRealMason, and welcome to the Introductions Forum of the ATS community. For now, you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as send & receive (PM's) Private Messages to Staff only. Once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be able to start your own threads and additionally send & receive messages to and from fellow ATS members.

Take your time and enjoy. If you have any questions just ask.

Greetings brother. Been browsing for a while; Since life is heating up so much I figured I better start connecting with the interwebs more, Power in numbers. But great site thanks for the welcome.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by TheRealMason


But I have a tiny suggestion. Use more spacing to make what you are saying easier to read. Shorter paragraphs with spacing are a lot easier for these old eyes to read.

Glad you joined and Happy Posting!

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by TheRealMason


But I have a tiny suggestion. Use more spacing to make what you are saying easier to read. Shorter paragraphs with spacing are a lot easier for these old eyes to read.

Glad you joined and Happy Posting!
I agree, it is very hard to read the way it chunks text, I'll keep that in mind, Thanks bro! you too

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 08:57 AM


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