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NEWS: Captured US Marine Hassoun Reportedly Beheaded

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posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Flyboy211
I'm sure the muslim community as a majority are disgusted and appalled at what's happening. From what i understand Islam is a peaceful religion, the Qu'ran is meant to preach peace and similar kind of rules as to the 10 commandments.

It is. These wackos are ultra fanatics. Every major religion has them. Catholics, CHristians, Jews, there are always going to be minority groups that will pervert any teachings to thier own ends.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 04:25 PM
You hit the nail right on the head there mate.


posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Flyboy211
Another thing they could do to the terrorists is put them in a room full of mustard gas then maybe throw in some napalm and show the the real meaning of pain.

Too fast!

They should be used as testrats for studying Ebola-virus.

Or I would gladly crush their hands and feets one bone at time with 2 kg "finetuning hammer".

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 04:34 PM
No we should hang them by their feet than get some hot lead then pour it on their feet arms then they ill slowly burn while the hot lead drooping down on them will slowly burn its way through to their skin or we could inject hot lead with some type of needle in their body damn that's got to hurt. Maybe then they will realize what the poor people getting their head chopped off must feel like. It may sound sick but its the only way they will understand.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:59 PM
It's only a matter of time and opportunity before a female is murdered and beheaded. These people view American's as "infidels"- males and females alike.

Females are subordinate in that country.

Any objectivity on female prisoners will be lost due to the
American female officers shown, via internet, abusing/degrading their "menfolk" in those prison photos's................yup, matter of time.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 06:11 PM
You know its funny, some of these posters in this thread are no better than the terrorists themselves.

You want to torture and kill their families for what they have done?

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 06:25 PM
What�s wrong with killing them for what they did to our soldiers and citizens what do you proposes we give them nice room with TV and all other leisure's they drew first blood not us also you can forget about winning the harts and minds of these people they have no harts the only way they understand is by force!

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Flyer
You know its funny, some of these posters in this thread are no better than the terrorists themselves.

You want to torture and kill their families for what they have done?

Great Comment! I was just about to write something similar. These are also probably the people that have never seen someone shot up in a war or killed in front of them... or if they have, they are just heartless. Where is the fault in this war.... the fault lies with everyone involved.... There is a reason each side is upset with the others. Whether is be personal, political, religious, or financial pressures, wants, conspiracies etc. Both sides are probably just as guilty in inciting the other, just some are more open and extreme.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
What�s wrong with killing them for what they did to our soldiers and citizens what do you proposes we give them nice room with TV and all other leisure's

Obviously, you've never been in jail. The 'rooms' are far from nice, and that tv, is in the rec room. Whatever gang is dominant at the time decides what, limited, channels to watch (yes, they have cable, but the warden decides what channels to show. You can have cable, but only allowed to watch two channels, for example). I don't know how people think prison is like a country club. Abu Gharib happens every day in our prisons. Sure prisoners get three meals a day, but they also get anally raped. Not to get off topic, but I just wanted to chime in on the myth that prison, 'isn't that bad'. Go to the library, get shived. Watch an episode of HBO's 'Oz' to see how pleasant prison is. It's pretty accurate.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 06:51 PM
Perhaps i should retract my statements about killing their families and friends. What i meant was showing them footage of their family and friends being held hostage, edit it a little so they think worse has happened and threaten to do something to them WITHOUT doing any harm to them.

Trying a bit of psychology on them.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 07:46 PM
What I find both scarey and distressing is that religious fanaticism has begun to gain a foothold Islamic culture, American culture (Fundamentalist Christianity) and that the Catholic Church is becoming more and more conservative as well.
It seems as the reign of the far right is in full sway. At least from a religious standpoint.
This isn't meant to castigate any religion but all religions that have extreme elements that believe that "their way is the only right way."
So sad, that there have been so many beheadings that I can no longer keep them straight. They are merging into one amorphous "beheading crisis."

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by curme
Obviously, you've never been in jail. The 'rooms' are far from nice, and that tv, is in the rec room. Whatever gang is dominant at the time decides what, limited, channels to watch (yes, they have cable, but the warden decides what channels to show. You can have cable, but only allowed to watch two channels, for example). I don't know how people think prison is like a country club. Abu Gharib happens every day in our prisons. Sure prisoners get three meals a day, but they also get anally raped. Not to get off topic, but I just wanted to chime in on the myth that prison, 'isn't that bad'. Go to the library, get shived. Watch an episode of HBO's 'Oz' to see how pleasant prison is. It's pretty accurate.

Yes, and isn't it ironic that nobody seems to care one bit about how our own domestic prisoners are treated.

But let something happen over at Abu Ghraib, and the whole world is in an uproar, lead by the US left-wing screaming for impeachments and executions of our own leaders and military personnel.

Apply the same standards to our US prisons as to Abu Ghraib, and every governor would be impeached and in jail.

It just goes to show the hypocrisy and double standard that is practiced by so many.
EDIT for typo

[edit on 3-7-2004 by jsobecky]

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
No we should hang them by their feet than get some hot lead then pour it on their feet arms then they ill slowly burn while the hot lead drooping down on them will slowly burn its way through to their skin or we could inject hot lead with some type of needle in their body damn that's got to hurt.

Saddam would love you, westpoint. Maybe you could pursue the career in torturing and killing people you'd so clearly enjoy. Oh, wait a minute...didn't you say you were attempting to get into officer school at Westpoint in the USA?

Scary, scary stuff.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Yes, and isn't it ironic that nobody seems to care one bit about how our own domestic prisoners are treated.

But let something happen over at Abu Ghraib, and the whole world is in an uproar, lead by the US left-wing screaming for impeachments and executions of our own leaders and military personnel.

Apply the same standards to our US prisons as to Abu Ghraib, and every governor would be impeached and in jail.

It just goes to show the hypocrisy and double standard that is practiced by so many.

What you do in your own prisons is your business and your responsibility to change jsobecky. Invading another country under the guise of liberation and then systematically torturing and humiliating people you are supposed to be protecting from the torture and humiliation Saddam inflicted sounds like hypocricy and double standards to me.

[edit on 3-7-2004 by cargo]

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 09:31 PM
Mark my words!

By ten years from this date or less civilization will never be like it is today. There will be two sides. Muslims and everyone else. I can see it coming plain as day! World war three and quite possibly the end of most life on this planet. The third world countries in the middle east and Asia like are becoming more and more advanced. The US and other nations that are on the other side of the coin will fight til the death to stop what they feel is wrong. There will be no winner in the end. One side might come out of the ashes to claim victory over a dead world. This is only a beginning chapter in a book that will continue for a long hard time. The enemy now is the whole of Islam. God save us all.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by cargo
What you do in your own prisons is your business and your responsibility to change jsobecky. Invading another country under the guise of liberation and then systematically torturing and humiliating people you are supposed to be protecting from the torture and humiliation Saddam inflicted sounds like hypocricy and double standards to me.

[edit on 3-7-2004 by cargo]

By that standard, what we do to our war prisoners is our own business. I am referring to the apologists and sympathizers , in the US, that cry out against Abu Ghraib and turn a blind eye towards our domestic prisoner treatment. I don't know if you are a US citizen, but if you are then it applies to you also.

I couldn't care less about the Abu Ghraib prisoners. Or what the rest of the world thinks about the US.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Makuahine
On my way home from work yesterday (Friday about 6:15pm PST) I heard on the radio that this man had been released by his captors. I was relieved and surprised. Now this report comes out. Why doesn't the media confirm the facts before they broadcast "news"? How can any of us believe anything heard or read in the news when th only thing the media outlets are trying to do is be the first one to report breaking news?

The news you heard was correct. There was a Pakistani that was in custody that was released. That's not the same person as the Lebanese Marine.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 10:33 PM
Nothing like a mob mentality to liven up a chat board

One thing that you should remember that since these terrorists were still in diapers all that they have heard is how horrible all americans are.
These guys didnt live normal lives and then one day and then wake up and say "hey I think ill go out and be a terrorist and kill lots of americans" they have been trained for it since birth.
Even so , that certainly should not excuse what they have done to that poor man and his even more unfortunate family who are going to have to watch that video tommorow.
These terrorists need to be captured, put in a cell, and go through some major phycological cousiling.
Actually the whole country of Iraq should go through some major phycological counsiling, but we know thats not going to happen.
Hopefully suddam will be excecuted soon, and these jerks will run off to syria, and then bush can have another city to bomb to keep the war on terrorism going thereby giving blood thirsty voters a chance to vote for him in a third election.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 11:25 PM
Anybody have the source website or forum location which announces this? is there a pressence of video footage or pictures/statement available?

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
What�s wrong with killing them for what they did to our soldiers and citizens what do you proposes we give them nice room with TV and all other leisure's they drew first blood not us also you can forget about winning the harts and minds of these people they have no harts the only way they understand is by force!

There is a difference between force...and torture/depravity. America has always claimed to take the higher ground. Particularly Christians who read the Bible should understand that you do unto others, you tow the line, you act in a manner superior to the enemy to demonstrate true goodness. That's what we should be doing. Otherwise, we're just terrorists. Even in an eye for an eye. It's not an "eye ground up, dipped in honey and fed to fire ants." There is nothing that says we should escalate things.

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