posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 01:48 PM
Use Number Twenty One:
To find every number EXCEPT the one you're looking for....
Use Number Twenty Two:
Impress each page against your forehead and see how many numbers you can rub off.....I'm not responsible for paper cuts on your head.....
Use Number Twenty Three:
Short-range frisbee golf.....with a shredder!
Use Number Twenty Four:
Hollow the pages out with an exacto knife, leaving exactly a one inch perimeter....Insert a smelly dead fish...Call the telephone book people and let
them know someone has gutted your book and left it for dead, and you require a new one immediately....When they deliver your new book, watch with joy
as they open your old book and puke into your homemade-smelly-dead-fish-telephone-book-puke-receptacle....Then go outside and proceed to join in with
the heartily laughing telephone book man....
Use Number Twenty Five:
Using various colored sharpies, draw a face on the front of your telephone book...Drag it around with you everywhere you go and call her Marsha....Try
not to slap her in public too often, as she will become rather annoying....
….lol…..Welcome back from your adventures Herr Dr….Long time no see