posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 12:12 PM
Yeah, suicide attacks are commited by Palestinians on Israeli's, but there is no evidence that Saddam pays for the explosives involved here. There is
very good evidence that Saddam pays money to the relatives of suicide bombers as compensation, which is a pretty sick thing to do, but Noraid did the
same to families of IRA terrorists killed in the troubles, so the US is guilty of the same thing...
I'm not trying to say that Saddam is not doing something wrong here, but he's not involved in causing the explosions themselves. I'm pretty sure
the suicide bombers don't do it for money...
Blair/Bush have done nothing against Palestinians recently other than to give Israel carte blanche to do whatever it feels necessary.
Oh well, as you say, we're agreed on one thing. Diplomacy might have resolved this in a different way, either full international backing (after
Saddam was proven to be in breach with WMD's), or peaceful disarmament.