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Caves hold clues to the mystery of the three hares

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posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
Three hares could refer to the thrice-great Hermes or thrice-great Thoth, they are the same deity.

Unfortunately for your theory, there WAS an Egyptian god that had a rabbit form...and it wasn't Thoth or the much-later-Greeked-up-version-called Hermes Trismagestus. It was the goddess, Unut:

Her symbol is also used in Egyptian hieroglyphics for the letter combination 'un'/'wn.' Un/wn is an ending (like "ing" is in English.)

And please remember that the Greeked-up version of Thoth was nothing like the REAL original Thoth.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 03:45 PM
Ah, thanks for that Byrd. My reasoning was more along the lines of Thoth being used across other parts of the Globe. Like how you said Hermes was used by the Greeks.

As far as the God Unut:

She came from province 15 in Upper Egypt and was worshipped with Thot at the capital Hermopolis.

I remember reading somewhere that Gods always had a female counterpart, but apparently there is hardly any info written about her. These two seem very similar though, both are represented by nocturnal animals at Hermopolis.

As well, I am curious if Thoth ever referred to himself as the Thrice-great like Hermes?

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