I just logged into to post about this!
There was a slot about it on a TV magazine show here in the UK, Richard & Judy (presented by a married couple who rose to 'fame' as the hosts of the
highest rating morning TV magazine show here).
So it was quite a flacid discussion, but it certainly pricked my interest.
One thing that was interesting was that the researchers were going to China, and they did mention something about that in China, they see a hare in
the moon (where we see a face, the man in the moon).
Moon - femininity, fertility. And they mentioned in the UK it wasn't very common, but it was used enough to be significant, in the joins of the beams
of churches (the highest pont of the church, the roof, where the sky (Heaven) meets the Earth, the church, God's house, being the conduit between the
two domains, and the conduit between us (mortals) and God.
They also said in one (or maybe more I forget) church - the symbol was alternated with that of, as sanctum said above, "the green man" - which they
did not show, but said was a symbol for the masculine.
I couldn't think of anything to do with hares that linked them to any ancient civilisations, conspiracy theories or such (Alice In Wonderland was
about as much as I could think of - I'm sure there are some theories floating around regarding that book).
It all seemed very interesting, the same symbols used in, practically, the 4 corners of the Earth, in different religions.
Now all the major religions do seem to share common traits, so it's not so out of the ordinary, but it seemed so intriguing that it's a symbol, the
white hare, that seems quite individual, and unheard of.
The ears forming a triangle, three rabits, three ears - Distinctive, and shows signs of basic numerology in the symbology? Triangle, three,
There's the Holy Trinity, the trinity of man, woman and God.
Makes me think the whole trinity thing is a symbol for something else entirely. A trinity of what I wonder?
I recently read something about the supposed Area 51 scientist (sorry, I forgot his name) and in reading some of his "interviews", there was
something about human DNA having 3 strands before it was messed about with with the Annunaki.