posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Nans DESMICHELS
The pictures the web site look like the CABALISTIC plans of the skiies, Are your initiate to the CABALLAH ?
Is my Jewish or Israelian what? They aren't Cabalistic plans of the skies, they are diagrams of the ten spheres of the Sephiroth and the 22 paths
between them as designated by the Sepher Yetzirah and the Zohar, as well as Henry Cornelius Agrippa's work. Admittedly, they are generally used by
sudents of the Qabbalah, but in my case I just used them because I like the idea of the lightning flash descending from Kether to Malkuth.
I'm not Jewish, although I wouldn't mind being so. I was raised Roman Catholic and rejected that religion. I don't see why you asked, but there's
your answer.