posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 06:00 AM
I know this isnt going on right now,but you have to realise these big companies keep telling their employees to vote republican so they can get huge
tax breaks,while nothing impoves for the employee. Now,lets just take the time to think about the republican party,they are making the rich,richer and
when wealth generates wealth,is their any need for such a political party? The republican party is like throwing lebron james in the special olympics
and giving him a head start. The rich man bieng lebron james. I mean a political party invented to give the head of companys,10 summer homes and 3
jumbo jets instead of 2 of each. If a man in a wheel chair had stairs on his home and no ramp,had to crawl up them all with his wheel chair (this is
the poor man,supported by democrats).And another man,perfectly good legs,gets a ramp on his house,with a moving conveyor (this is the republican party
serving the rich). Now,the majority of america bieng in poverty,why do republicans ever win? I dont think people even know what each party is about.