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SDI:Haarp - Project Bluebeam And Sleeping Beauty

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posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:54 PM
I searched but I didn't find this video before.

It's about Haarp and Project bluebeam....enjoy.

id="dtvplayer" width="480" height="360"> type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" "" flashvars="config="/> - SDI:Haarp - Project Bluebeam And Sleeping Beauty Video

could someone help me to embed it?
edit on 6-12-2010 by metalpr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:13 PM
yeaaah found it on youtube

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by metalpr

HAARP does not modify nature, or the weather and is not a weapon.

HAARP stands for The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The goal of this program is to further advance our knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of the Earth's ionosphere which can affect our military and civilian communication and navigation systems.

HAARP is not a classified project and even holds public tours several times a year for those curious about what the facility does. It may very well be that the government possesses powerful secret weaponry including laser or beam weapons but HAARP is not one of them.

HAARP Website

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
HAARP Website

That is the public link for HAARP

The military link is under the US NAVY NRL
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

But as to what it can and can't do... I already have a big thread on that and the other similar installations all around the world

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Are you being sarcastic?
The whole idea that HAARP can modify weather and cause eartquakes should be a reason for concern. The information you display is information of the government, which I have been to the website and I find it interesting that it is funded by about every branch of the defense dept. This makes it a legitimate reason to question the service(purpose) of this array other than what the government, which we all know are truthful about everything, tells us.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Giovannetti44

thanks for posting the video

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by zorgon

That is the public link for HAARP

Yep and thanks for the Navy link, I used to have it bookmarked but I recently had to reinstall Firefox so I lost it. Many people are misled into thinking HAARP is some sinister classified project where the government and a bunch of mad scientists are controlling the weather and shooting down aliens. The truth is the project isn't Classified and they even offer open houses where you visit the facility. The government probably has plenty of secret weapons HAARP just isn't one of them.

reply to post by liejunkie01

The whole idea that HAARP can modify weather and cause eartquakes should be a reason for concern.

Anyone can have an idea, anyone can make a claim but that doesn't make the idea worthwhile. Simply because you have an idea that HAARP could cause earthquakes doesn't mean it can and doesn't mean you have a reason for concern. I can have an idea that my local radio station antenna is a death ray built to cause storms but that doesn't mean it is.

You can email the project or sign up to go to the next public open house. HAARP isn't classified and there's lots of information about it which is open to the public. Random speculation about it causing earthquakes is absurd without some evidence supporting the idea that ionospheric heating can somehow cause earthquakes. As for weather modification the facility effects the ionosphere which cannot effect the weather.

Again let me reiterate that the government may indeed be working on ways to control the weather, I have no doubt that the government has plenty of secrets, but HAARP just doesn't fit the bill, it isn't the culprit.

edit on 7-12-2010 by Titen-Sxull because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
Again let me reiterate that the government may indeed be working on ways to control the weather, I have no doubt that the government has plenty of secrets, but HAARP just doesn't fit the bill, it isn't the culprit.

You might want to check this out first
ATS hid it in skunkworks because I used the term "Chemtrails"
but check out the ionosphere seeding and involvement of HAARP

NAVY and NASA - The REAL "Chemtrails"

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
The whole idea that HAARP can modify weather and cause earthquakes should be a reason for concern.

While technically the tech that HAARP is part of could cause earthquakes... you have to consider that HAARP is sitting on one of the most seismically active regions on the planet. If they were powering up to shake the Earth they would wipe themselves out.

Besides when the Earth's magnetic field starts to fail, you may be very glad HAARP and the rest of the network is there to put up a shield. Now I suppose they could say to Cuba "pay up or we turn it off over Cuba

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by zorgon

3.6 million watts might be a lot of power for communications like a radio station, but it's not much power for the kinds of things people are suggesting, like weather modification, Earthquakes, etc. 3.6 million watts is a tiny fraction of the power of the sunlight that falls in the same area the HAARP power is distributed over.

Maybe they are doing research with HAARP with the intention of building something much more powerful that can actually do the things people are fantasizing about, but the 3.6 megawatts isn't likely to do much to the weather except make just enough changes for the HAARP measuring instruments to detect.

I wonder what the defense purposes are but my guess is, they are communication related purposes.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
I wonder what the defense purposes are but my guess is, they are communication related purposes.

Its not about power... Earthquake waves created with scalar waves work on resonance not amplitude. The Russians already found that out a long time ago and destroyed their plant, though their HAARP is still operating

That site they destroyed was one of the biggest success stories of the CIA remote viewing Project Stargate. The huge gantry crane the RV team drew sketches of is still there today in Google Earth, and you can see the ruins of the rest of the site

But no worries HAARP is NOT making earthquakes. The Chinese weapons bunker that was taken out by earthquake was just a serendipitous accident

I did however locate India's HAARP and put it on Google, as well as the Russian OKNO laser site. Google actually did a rescan of the area based on my spotting

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 03:14 AM
Speaking of the power of resonance...

Alsakan HAARP

Tibetan HAARP
compliments of Sonamech

Perhaps now you will better understand that power is not the only factor

edit on 7-12-2010 by zorgon because: ArMaP did it!!

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 05:08 AM
I watched a special on HAARP, What they say it is composed of is an array of antennas shooting a high power beam(1 GIGAWAT) up to push to ionosphere up to enable better satelite control.Also it can be used like a ground penetrating sonar to find underground cavities,rivers,ect.

note..... they do arrange public tours at thier expence.

However,there was a guy on the show that said he could find underground gas and oil wells with 30 watts of power or less.

edit on 7-12-2010 by incontenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by incontenant
I watched a special on HAARP, What they say it is composed of is an array of antennas shooting a high power beam(1 GIGAWAT) up to push to ionosphere up to enable better satelite control.
Sorry my friend, HAARP isn't that powerful, only 0.0036 Gigawatts, so I think you mis-heard. However it wouldn't surprise me to learn of plans to build a larger and more powerful facility (or expand HAARP further) in the future. 1 gigawatt is a lot though. The entire CERN/LHC complex "only" uses 0.18 gigawatts and that's massive.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
But no worries HAARP is NOT making earthquakes. The Chinese weapons bunker that was taken out by earthquake was just a serendipitous accident

Originally posted by zorgon

Perhaps now you will better understand that power is not the only factor
These guys would be the prime suspects regarding something happening in China because they are a lot closer than the facility in alaska, right?
Each person is 100 Watts of caloric energy (assuming a 2500 calorie per day diet), so if 25% of that energy is electromagnetic (a very generous assumption which is greatly exaggerated) that is 25 watts per person. So 400 guys at 25 watts each is less than 10,000 watts of EM energy.

I found a paper on EM resonance versus Earthquake activity, but it has a title that sounds like the EM resulted from the seismic activity and not the other way around, so I'm not sure about the converse?

Possible seismogenic origin of changes in the ULF EM resonant structure

The ULF resonance structure is observed in the H-component as two resonant packets (linear polarization) in the frequency bands fR2=10.2−11.1 mHz and fR2=13.6−14.5 mHz, with a certain hourly dependence. The probable reason of appearance of the resonant structure can be related to the proximity of the Teoloyucan station to the equatorial electojet lamda 30 degrees.

HAARP frequencies go from 2.8 to 10 mHz according to the source you posted, right? So the resonant frequencies measured in the earthquake aren't much above the high end of HAARP's frequency range. Interesting research! But it sounds to me like the earthquake is generating the EM, and not vice versa, at least according to the title of the paper.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:14 AM
I believe some of the conspiracies surrounding HAARP, but not all of them. I do definitely think it is more than the unclassified information and website would have us believe. I don't care if they do open houses or tours, plenty of people stage their businesses for inspection, why would a government facility be any different? It's still business, and it's military business, and the military doesn't have its hand in anything if it couldn't be used to their advantage.

If you look into the history of how the technology originated, and what the plans were to do with it, then you'll have a good idea of what a HAARP or HAARP-like place could potentially do. I'm sure out of all of the different ones around the world, one of them is probably up to more than meets the eye. I was researching the Norway spiral and found some old Harvard documents from the 90s talking about how when they first started heating up the ionosphere with the Tromsø EISCAT facility, that it created a surprising spiral phenomenon in form of an aurorae emission. I believe that spiral last December was created in Tromsø by EISCAT, pictured below. Others believe it was created by another HAARP facility that is Russia's and located on an island. I haven't looked into that yet so I have no information on that theory.

Link to EISCAT
EISCAT Experiments

Harvard Spiral Document
Nature Journal Article on Artifical Plasma Aurora from High-power Radio Waves
Artifical Airglow Document

Good History channel documentary, I believe it's the one where they demonstrate just how HAARP could induce an earthquake:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

I always liked this report, it's kind of old now though:

Also, this is a pretty good research report into HAARP in the US and how it was funded/who bought it from who, etc: Owning the Weather

And the documentary Holes in Heaven

edit on 12/7/2010 by SpaceJ because: link

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:58 AM
Tut Tut, HARP doesn't do this, HARP isn't classified etc etc.

HARP relies on its looks, to the outside it LOOKS like a row of washing lines so people will not make a connection about something so powerful. Clearly theres more to its content and the US does NOT pump such cash into such low key installations unless there's a lot more to it.

They can give guided tours all day and night, it means nothing, reminds me of the UK TV show U.F.O where the top of the building was a film studio's but underneath was SHADOW's HQ.

I'm just using that as a fictional premise.

If anyone tried to tell me that a government would not research into alternative natural weaponry then they don't know the military too well, the sneakier the better.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by SpaceJ
I believe some of the conspiracies surrounding HAARP, but not all of them. ...

Good History channel documentary, I believe it's the one where they demonstrate just how HAARP could induce an earthquake:...
Part 5
Part 5 starts out with "so far there has been no conclusive proof of such a conspiracy" referring to weather control. So they admit it's just speculative. However the earthquake segment was interesting, but it happened right at the site where the LF waves were made, so it didn't demonstrate any capability to transmit such an effect to any area other than where the array is located.

I don't doubt the claims that the military would like to control the weather. But I do doubt the claims that HAARP in its current configuration is capable of that. Maybe a more powerful future version will be capable? But it's not powerful enough to control the weather right now.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Yeah that is part of what I am unsure of, too. I know the US has 2 or 3 other HAARPs elsewhere, one I think is in Puerto Rico, not entirely sure. Been a while since I brushed up on HAARP stuff, I just have a folder on my computer where I keep all of what I've come across on the topic and interesting research articles like the plasma and aurora ones I posted, and the air glow study, that to me is compelling information that in my mind, points towards the spiral being of HAARP. And then you have to ask yourself, if it was done purposely, what was the point?

I'm not sure if the one in Alaska can do things like make an earthquake, but I know that it is possible as you saw in the video, lots of money has been put into it, so therefore I have to lean towards the fact that they at least either want to convert the Alaska HAARP into being more powerful, or they are doing it at another less known facility. There has to be more going on, I just doubt that we'd let our research fall behind what other countries could be achieving.

And I definitely think that all the other countries with their versions of HAARP must have similar goals. What if there's some sort of race going on between the governments with the technology to see who can do what first, etc? I think whether or not the Norway spiral was created by EISCAT or some other HAARP, that it was definitely some sort of "demonstration", so to speak, most likely to show the US what they'd been working on. Maybe Russia was trying to show what they could do, and maybe that is why they chose to do the experiment while Obama and other important figures could all witness it first hand, for a more dramatic effect perhaps? I'm sure it was more intense seeing it in person in your local sky view than it is seeing it through youtube or the news.

But I don't claim to know for sure, I just know what I have read about the capabilities, and I have to think that a potential technology as huge as isn't going to go unused or untested for very long. And I'm sure there's others out there with the same "mad scientist" inclination that others have had in relation to this technology, and maybe they have no reservations about forming such a powerful potential weapon. Russia seems to like blaming natural disasters on our (US) HAARP. That seems suspicious to me too. If Russia thinks we're really doing such things, what would stop them from wanting the same power. There's too much to gain in terms of military powers. You don't think the US wants Russia or China beating them to it? There's probably much more going on than meets the eye, not just with the US HAARPs, but anyone who has one. Just my speculation.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by incontenant
I watched a special on HAARP, What they say it is composed of is an array of antennas shooting a high power beam(1 GIGAWAT) up to push to ionosphere up to enable better satelite control.
Sorry my friend, HAARP isn't that powerful, only 0.0036 Gigawatts, so I think you mis-heard. However it wouldn't surprise me to learn of plans to build a larger and more powerful facility (or expand HAARP further) in the future. 1 gigawatt is a lot though. The entire CERN/LHC complex "only" uses 0.18 gigawatts and that's massive.

Yes you are right but I went to the HAARP website and found..There are several HF transmitters located throughout the world which conduct research similar to that proposed by HAARP. However, no facility, located either in the U.S. or elsewhere, has the transmitting capability needed to address the broad range of research goals which HAARP proposes to study. The most capable HF transmitters currently operating are located in Russia and Norway and have effective radiated powers (ERP) of roughly one billion watts (1 gigawatt). One gigawatt of ERP represents an important threshold power level, allowing significant radio wave generation and analysis of key ionospheric phenomena. The HAARP facility is designed to have an ERP above one gigawatt. This would elevate the United States to owning and operating the world's most capable ionospheric research instrument.

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