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A 16 Year Olds Life Perspective

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posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 07:53 AM
I am currently sitting at the computer, its about 12 30PM and absolutely bored out of my brain. My bestfriends passed out on the couch so i only have my mad pumpkin soup and beer to confort me. lol
Then i had a bit of a brainwave and decided to write a new little thread

Yesterday when i was having lunch with my family it was brought up what i would be doing out of school. I exclaimed that i wanted to take a gap year and be sponsored by unicef and travel to africa and other 3rd world countries and help out all the little kiddies. Instead of my family being happy that i wanted to follow my heart i was met with instant critizism. My father, who is quite the buisnessman went absolutely off. "how are you going to get a roof over your head. Your going to get nowhere in life Marita"

This is where i was actually really shocked. These are valid questions that my father asked ofcourse, and i do have a plan for a career in social working after i finish travelling but im focussed more on a humanitarian approach to life rather than a career based one. But this is where my question comes from:

How is it possible that someone who wants to explore the world, help people less fortunate and really make a difference get "nowhere in life?", where in the history of mankind did it all of a sudden become that MONEY, a peice of paper that really has no value let alone sentimental value become something so desired that the average community percieves it as a common goal and almost a life purpose. What is wrong with the way society is shaped today that makes people believe this?

Tell me this, how has a buisnessman who has achieved greately in the buisness world and lives comfortably lived and achieved more than the people who give themselves to people in lower situations as themselves?
No wonder that 1 in 2 people in this age have depression at some point in there lives, no wonder things like suicide are so prevalent in society. We are all becoming empty, thanks to the materialism that captures us in its web. Once you have experienced the luxuries of material objects it is very difficult to come out of this comfort. I am certain that there are people on this earth who life more comfortably than the majority of us and possess all the objects they desire. But i am also certain that these people are some of the most unhappy people in the world, alot of them probably just havent realised it yet.

You look at children in africa who have absolutely nothing, they are ridiculously malnutritioned and live in dirt poor conditions and corrupt communities. But these children have something that we have lost over the years where mass consumerism has taken over, the majority of these children have family systems and culture that would easily rival what most of us have today. and the horrible situations they are placed in plus a wonderful family and culture equals spiritual and mental development. These children probably have minds stronger than the buisnessman sitting in his office and these children would have more life experience and development than any of us as they have seen life for what it truly is and experienced things that go way beyond material items.
So how is it that the buisnessman has achieved more? He may be a very hard worker but im sure many havent ventured out their offices. In my opinion they have achieved nothing except for financial comfort and i really cannot see how this is seen as living a meaningful life and "getting somwhere"

I will stop now, concidering the beers going to kick in pretty soon!
I apologise for the rambling, but i had to ramble somwhere

edit on 6-12-2010 by littlecloud because: typos and stuff

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by littlecloud

Well you seem to have a good perspective on life already. Money can make life easier that much is obvious, but it is much better to feel good inside and to have love. Some people I guess are just so caught up with all the financial gains and new possessions to be had, they lose track of this.
I have travelled quite a bit and realise there is lots of suffering in the world but also so much beauty. The people you would expect to be most bitter and angry seem to have found compassion and the exact opposite is true.
As regards to your gap year follow what is in your heart and don't let others deter you from that.
Oh and don't get tooooooo drunk


posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:14 AM
That is sooo true, money makes life easier but life just isnt ment to be easy. Without some sort of pain and suffering what do we learn? The best life lessons we learn are out of moments of pain and they really shape who we are for the better depending on our mindsets. This would be why all those kids who have it alot worse than us are such beautiful people. The people who have had everything sugarcoated have one thing happen to them and its the end of the world.
Yeah, i can really see how people get stuck into material possessions and i get a bit like it sometimes which many people do at my age but it makes people so blind to the world around them. All you care about is you and your possessions.
Oh you have travelled! Thats so exciting
you lucky bum.
Oh i most definately will follow it, and im good with my beer

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by littlecloud

Lay off the beer and respect your parents. Your old man is right.

You may want to help people but right now you are still clueless as to how to help yourself.

You're lucky to have parents that are still around and care about you. And have jobs. Don't waste them. Try and learn from your father and follow in his footsteps.

The world is not as you think it is and many of these organisations that "help" are just set up to use people and control them, while stealing money donated to them. I think you also vastly over estimate any role the UN plays, and your own abilities. There is little you could do to help the Africans plight when you have no standing of your own.

I suspect you're a little spoiled and need to wake up to yourself and stop living with your head in the clouds.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by belial259

I said he was asking good questions, but i dont agree with the way he thinks.
Of course im happy i have parents that care, and what am i wasting? If your refering to money i have my own job and have been saving for this little trip.
I am very aware that all charities arent what they seem, look at Haiti. Millions of dollars were given to help out with the Haiti relief efforts but there is no effort to be seen.
In no way to i overestimate my abilities and i have no idea where you got that from. But everyone has the ability to help another person, so why not make an effort? Even if it dosent make a universal difference it still is a difference whatsoever.

I suspect you're a little spoiled and need to wake up to yourself and stop living with your head in the clouds.

You suspect im spoiled. You are kidding right? Where did you even come up with that idea? I understand we have different views and thats no problem. But just because you dont agree and you seem to think im a little airhead does not sum up that im spoiled. If i was spoiled, wouldnt i be more interested in myself than others?
Im really interested where you got that from.

edit on 6-12-2010 by littlecloud because: typos

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:31 AM


posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by ewokdisco

I dont, but thanks for the advice.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by belial259

So what you are trying to say is stop questioning things, be a conformist, fall back into line, don't follow your dreams, don't do something that will not only benefit others but yourself, don't drink, care about materialism and don't do what you believe to be right.oh and get your head out of the clouds. Great piece of advice!!!!!

Everyone should follow their dream. Travelling opens your mind to other cultures and gives you a better understanding of the world as a whole, This will play a valuable part in any future employments and develops you better as a human. I grant you some organisations may be a front but that does not detract from the fact that if you can help just one person then it make the whole thing worth while.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by littlecloud
reply to post by belial259
I said he was asking good questions, but i dont agree with the way he thinks.
Of course im happy i have parents that care, and what am i wasting?

Their advice. You life. Take your pick. You should learn from experience and wisdom. Once upon a time maybe your dad was idealistic too. But life changes that. Especially after you try and help others and they walk all over you for it.

There is no real sense of good or bad or fair or equal in this world and that is just the way it is. There is only rich and poor. And you are no more rich than the Africans you want to help, and no more able to help yourself than they are. But you haven't worked that out yet.

Lets hope you do before you get burned too badly.

You suspect im spoiled. You are kidding right? Where did you even come up with that idea?

Because if you'd lived a less sheltered childhood you'd know it's not a good to stick your neck out about things which don't concern you. You might think you're special or there's really something you can do to help others. But fact is unless they learn to help themselves. You can achieve nothing but co-dependency at best. And at worst you will wind up dead.

edit on 6-12-2010 by belial259 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:42 AM
many teens who ponder on life usually enjoy the music of Sting and Coldplay;its a sign of horror.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:50 AM
What are you doing with a beer at 16?

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by belial259

I know all about being walked over, maybe not as much as you because you have more life experience than me. But if one person is really appreciative then thats all what matters for me, maybe not for you but thats just how i think.

There is no real sense of good or bad or fair or equal in this world and that is just the way it is. There is only rich and poor. And you are no more rich than the Africans you want to help, and no more able to help yourself than they are. But you haven't worked that out yet.

You me be right or you may be wrong and i have no idea, but if what you say is true wont i learn that from going out and exploring?
and im sure if this is true, there was one point in time which it wasnt. Which means we may be able to learn from that.

Because if you'd lived a less sheltered childhood you'd know it's not a good to stick your neck out about things which don't concern you. You might think you're special or there's really something you can do to help others. But fact is unless they learn to help themselves. You can achieve nothing but co-dependency at best. And at worst you will wind up dead

Thats true, but just because i wasnt less sheltered dosent mean im spoiled, thats kind of going from one extreme to the other without taking in concideration the space in between.
Once again, i dont think im special and everyone can do something to help someone else.
Im aware that people need to want to help themselves, ive had many friends go off the rails because they didnt want to help themselves. But im sure there are many people out there who want help, not everyone isnt appreciative you know.

Dont we all end up dead at worst anyway?

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by littlecloud

I agree with TheTruthBeKnown's sentiment.

I also think that our current public educational system sucks and, for the most part, teaches our youth how to be good little corporate slave drones. My youngest got his GED through Phoenix University and while it was expensive, I looked over the material and I consider him better educated than my other two sons who graduated from our local highschool (which was rated one of the top schools in our area).

Sometimes life can be an education that any number of books can't give you.

Now, on one hand, if you don't graduate from High School you won't be able to get a decent job, but than I have nieces and nephews that have college degrees that are having a hard time getting a job right now so
follow your heart.

I notice your name sounds Native American Indian? If you are American Indian, than I say charity begins at home. One of my best friends is a tribal elder and teaches the Chippewa language and culture to people in her community. Our Native American Indians have some community programs one can join and help out their community.

You might want to start out small and closer to home, try donating some time to either a food pantry, homeless shelter, ASPCA, local animal sanctuary, enviromental protection organizations, the list is endless. We have a lot of homeless people here in our own country.

Two of my nieces and one nephew did work in the Peace Corps in Africa and Costa Rica and found this not only rewarding but looks good on a resume.

My nephew mentioned that where he worked at in Africa, they did not have access to a lot of water, no flush toilets, no toilet paper and many things we take for granted. Once he cut his hand and it took them two days to get him to a clinic that had a nurse. I mention this just so you know what you're getting into.

Having enough money to eat, put a roof over my head (with central heating and a flush toilet) and being able to buy a book is important to me, but may not be important to you. Many people say money isn't everything and they are right, but I've been poor and I now have enough and having enough money to live a decent life is nicer than being poor.

16 is really young, you have your whole life ahead of you. BUT, please note: and I've tried to tell my three sons this, some of the choices you make you will have to live with so choose wisely. Drugs, drinking and unprotected sex can get you into a lot of trouble and sometimes a "simple" mistake can screw up the rest of your life.

Play hard but always wear a helmet.

Best of luck Little Cloud.

edit on 6-12-2010 by ofhumandescent because: Spelling and grammar

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:18 AM
'play hard but always wear a helmet'

that's a bit trite...

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:23 AM
Being one that has run away from home since I was 16 because I heard the call of the wild in the wind, I fully support you. At least you have a plan. I just knew I had to go. I had a full family support system as well. Went to good schools etc. so no problems there. I definitely say follow your heart, for that is what belongs to you and you have to live with it. Not to mention the fact that if you take the other path, this opportunity may never pass before you again. Personally I think you will gain many riches in more ways then one and I have to applaud you on that. This path you wish to take may not be a easy one but it will fulfill your dreams, and that may very well be your calling and where some of your first grains of wisdom will be planted.

Good luck and dont forget to bark at the moon!

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by ewokdisco

And your comment sounds down right mean.

I was trying to be helpful.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:24 AM
There are not many 16 year olds with a persepective on life like that. I guess that makes 2 of us. In my mind I put it like this. People are getting so caught up in their everyday lives and activities that they are forgetting the very things that make us human in the first place. All they can think about is what they are going to do after school and what other people think of them.

Your dream is to help end poverty in this world correct? But you have to get to the root of the cause. That root is governmental corruption. That's my dream. To end governmental corruption all over the world. Sounds a little far-fetched? I am well aware that I have to give up a part of myself to achieve this goal. I have to give up sympathy and any morals I have. This is the only way my mission will be accomplished.

Like they say, No Pain, No Gain. You have to sacrafice something to acheive something.

Kind Regards,

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:26 AM
well, the OP ruined this teenage monolgue to white collar guilt, when they mentioned beer kicking in.. and you WERE trite!!!

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Oh man I completely agree with you on our education system. We are never told anything of life, just how your final score determines your self worth. haha
I feel sorry for the kids that think this sort of intellegence is everything. they come out into the real world and its the biggest slap on the face.
Yeah its weird how it all works, were told if we dont graduate we end up being check out chicks, but your nephews and neices cant get jobs? Thats pretty wrong in my opinion. Im sure they will find something though

Or maybe its a sign that they need to be focussing on something more than a career? Who knows.

Ohh noo im not native american im greek actually, but i did come to that theme somehow
I find them pretty interesting though, i like how there real close to nature and everything. Wow thats so cool though! He/she must be a very interesting person. Your lucky to have such interesting people in your life

Thats a pretty good idea actually, i probably shouldnt just throw myself in the open straight away. Thankyou for bringing that to my attention, probably saved me some trouble

Yeah there are alot of homeless people in Australia too. Theres this homeless boy who i see everywhere in the city whose around the same age i am. I talk to him every now and again. I think one way to cure homelessness is to get rid of the stigma attatched to it.
Your family sounds so humanitarian! Good to know there are people out there who are like that.

Yeah ive thought about the living conditions, used to be a bit of a tomboy when i was younger so that may just help me a little
but i suppose if other people can live in those conditions so can I, just need to be a bit careful lol. Yeah i definately value a roof over my head and im sure when i dont have it ill value it more. I just want to have enough and ill be all good
Its very easy for people to say money isnt everything when there living comfortably even though it is true. Good to know your living comfortably now

16 is really really really young i know
I will always be a bit naive and stuff but i know a bit better to get into the drugs and sex crowd. Ive seen what its done to people, yet i am a bit of a hypocrite because i was drinking earlier in the evening. lol
So dont worry, im not going to be in rehab

Play hard but always wear a helmet? I like that, ill be referencing that in the future haha.
Thankyou for your imput! Found it quite interesting, feel free to share any of your knowledge with me in the future

edit on 6-12-2010 by littlecloud because: Typos

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:45 AM
get a hobby and get in a soup kitchen if you really care!

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