posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 10:09 PM
I wasn't quite sure where to put this so mods, feel free to move where appropriate.
I'm supposed to be flying to the US sometime in january. I'm genuinely concerned about the new TSA rules. I'm not too comfortable with the new scan
technology they are using. The long term effects haven't been assessed yet if I'm not mistaken. So I might opt out of the scan. What would I be
exposing myself to if I refuse the scan?
I figure they will pat me down ... with enthusiasm, to say the least. What I'm more scared of is being immediately treated as a criminal because I
refuse the scan, thus delaying my plans or worse.
So can anybody who flies regularly explain what I might be exposing myself to by refusing the scan? Any tips would be appreciated. I don't want to
make a statement or anything, I just want to get through the gates and on to my holiday trip.
Really, it's the first time I've been hesitant to go to the US. The fact that I'm really scared to cross the border, to me, speaks volumes of what
is happening in that country. I wish it never came to that.
When I went to Turkey a couple of years ago, I remember passing an airport checkpoint in a small country where I had to transfer. That checkpoint
basically consisted of two military, arab looking guards with AKs and a dog. I actually felt no fear when I crossed that checkpoint. It's ridiculous
the situation with the TSA.