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The Muslim Takeover of Europe and USA. (Cultures are DYING OUT)

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posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 11:31 PM
This video does not scare me, nor should it scare you because the life of a culture is not determined by the people who are born. Culture is made by what people see and experience. Of course parents have a big influence, but not an ultimate impact. Also just because the people you share your culture with are being out numbered doesn't mean your culture will necessarily die, it just means it will be shared with a smaller group of people, of course with the possibility of dying out.
Just because 9 billion(exaggerated for you small headed folk) people will be Muslim tomorrow doesn't really mean much.

Think about how much the American culture has changed since the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s... and we're still changing. Every decade was different, so to say something like "The world/culture is changing" my first thought is "no sh*t".

What should be feared is how ignorant and persuasive HUMAN BEINGS can be without any logical proof of anything and with no knowledge of anything. Please review the term logical fallacy. America is full of them, and most of you 2 watts here on ATS can not, for the sake of you and your families lives, tell the difference.

Culture will change always and there's nothing that can be done to prevent that.

My name is Omar but I'm not Muslim, just a human with no religious affiliation.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 01:44 AM
I have a simple question for the females who do not reside in the middle east, and who are not muslim.

If you were to visit a Middle Eastern country with the strict interpretation of Islam, would you wear the full body garb and head covering?

I am not looking for a point counter point, but am curious if you would find it offenseive, and if you would comply with it.

If you would comply with it, why?

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 01:46 AM
You asked for evidence and proof that disproved the claims in the video, so here you go:
Some of them may contain duplicate information...but better more than less, right?

(They're mostly from the BBC because that is where I first got it from...a fun radio programme called "More or less", which analyses statistics and stuff)
edit on 6-12-2010 by babloyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by lestweforget

I believe in the Jewish version of God and I do view myself as an Atheist.

That's funny. Illogical, but funny nonetheless.

Now for the education- Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe in the exact same God. Jews do not believe the Messiah has come. Christians believe Christ was the Messiah (and thus, they follow the New Testament) and Muslims believe that Mohammed was a prophet and so they do not use the Old Testament like the Jews because Mohammed wrote the Quran (Koran, whatever) for his people to follow.

The main "God" concept is the same for all 3 religions and was passed down from Abraham.

In addition, because of the Christian belief that Christ was the Messiah, they also believe that he is a "part" of God, or the so-called Trinity- God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. For obvious reasons Jews and Muslims do not believe in the Trinity concept.

This is why Muslims will say, "The One True God." They consider Jesus to be a prophet, but not a God.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by DragonTattooz

Not necessary. You're correct with your statement. You just need to understand how very (I use Very lightly here) different. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam couldn't be more different. I would love to get into more detail. I just don't want to derail the thread. comment me on my profile i guess.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
I have a simple question for the females who do not reside in the middle east, and who are not muslim.

If you were to visit a Middle Eastern country with the strict interpretation of Islam, would you wear the full body garb and head covering?

I am not looking for a point counter point, but am curious if you would find it offenseive, and if you would comply with it.

If you would comply with it, why?

No I won't visit a Western country wearing my undies on my chest and my bra around my waste.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:21 AM
If two,essentially,diametrically opposed philosophies come together,there are going to be fireworks.In all honesty we cannot and should not try to live together,unfortunately though it is US (and her allies) foreign policy that sees us in this situation.
Really if this is not resolved there will be a literal bloodbath at some point in the future.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Romantic_RebelJust more fear mongering of a religion that is not a threat to Europe.

You're absolutely right! It's people like you that are. People like you who are so dead certain in something you have absolutely no experience in. People like you who are so politically correct that you're blinded to the hard truth.

Have you ever been attacked for wearing an American flag on your backpack in Europe by a group of Muslims? I have. Have you ever been asked by a drunk Muslims if "You enjoyed the gift of 9/11"? I have. How about the simple crime reports in Europe that shows that the majority of serious crimes are committed by non ethnic Europeans? How about the rape waves in Oslo, Norway done by Muslim Somalis? Things like this NEVER happened in Norway before they opened their doors to immigration. How about the culture that's being eroded away? Like the simple things like a simple piggy bank? Norway's replaced it with a "non offending cube" because the Muslims demanded it.

Your ignorance is directly harmful. I suggest you take off those politically correct glasses of yours and have a real look around in the real world before you realize it's too late.

You want to see what the "peaceful religion" brings to Norway and Sweden?

And here's a sad story about a boy who lives in Oslo who can't even go out in his backyard without getting beat up for being a white Christian and has trouble at school because the majority of schoolchildren are Muslim

Part 1 (You'll find the other parts in the related videos section)

The truth hurts, isn't that what they say? So man (or woman) up and quit living in your fairy tale world where everybody's happy and nothing is never wrong...
edit on 6-12-2010 by Frontkjemper because: Added videos

edit on 6-12-2010 by Frontkjemper because: Embedded the videos

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by babloyi
You asked for evidence and proof that disproved the claims in the video, so here you go:
Some of them may contain duplicate information...but better more than less, right?

(They're mostly from the BBC because that is where I first got it from...a fun radio programme called "More or less", which analyses statistics and stuff)
edit on 6-12-2010 by babloyi because: (no reason given)

Well the BBC is PC and multi-culti kumbya central - it is thier job to lie and mislead you about what is happening!

Most of thier 'proofs' consist of unfounded assumptions about projected demographic trends, or that muslims will assimilate into western lifestyles.

It is considered 'racist' to even record the number of muslims in Europe - and the 'official' figures do not take into account the huge numbers living here illegally.

The plain fact is that Muslims are not here to assimilate - they are breeding far faster than the native population (which is actualy declining) andI Islam is completely incompatible with liberal democracy.

This is a train speeding towards the bumpers with no brakes - and it is not an accident!

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Well, as far as I see it, most of the facts posted are facts. But that is also why I posted the snopes article. It shows that what that video claims is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. For example, muslims in Belgium account for 5% of the population, not 25% - FACT. For example, it would mean that muslim women in the Netherlands would have AVERAGE at about 26 children each, or have at least 3 children a year.

The video is quite obvious nonsense.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by kristobal

Are you sure you are not giving credit to whom credit is not due? Hindu culture discovered negative numbers and I am pretty sure the Greeks and Romans had a lot to do with modern civilization and our understanding of advanced maths.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
I have a simple question for the females who do not reside in the middle east, and who are not muslim.

If you were to visit a Middle Eastern country with the strict interpretation of Islam, would you wear the full body garb and head covering?

I am not looking for a point counter point, but am curious if you would find it offenseive, and if you would comply with it.

If you would comply with it, why?

Yes ! Of course. Whatever their request may be. It's their rules, and if you can't deal with it, even for a short time, better stay a home...

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by pjslug
This thread needs to be closed. A thread was made showing this video not more than a few weeks ago. Don't people here ever use the search tool?

I did search and didn't find it.

I obviously didn't search well enough, my bad.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:36 AM
To all the nay sayers, I hope you feel fine denying the very obvious attack on Western morals, some how I think that you believe because you supported the ideals of the Radicals that you will have some little special spot laid out for you to live on...wrong..

To all these people who claim they will continue with their way of life and no one will change it, I'm really sorry to tell you that unless there's an almighty change in public perceptions that your precious liberties you so love will be wiped away and us returned to a stone age so quickly people will be shocked.

How do I know, well simply I am at street level, I don't read the tabloids and allow political policy to adjust my thoughts, I live where its happening and trust me it's worse than you think it is. I live on a council estate as I have said before, I have no fancy life style, I have no 2nd house to escape to, I live in the middle of hatred from various folks. We have gangs of drug selling teens, we have gangs of muggers, we have gangs of morons wanting to live their life on benefits, itsa bad place but there's a new gang taking over, it's gangs of radical muslim teens (make sure you have seen the word RADICAL) these are teens who used to be ordinary kids who chatted just as kids do but suddenly the same teens are now totally radical, people who used to talk to me now spit at me and call me kuffar.

These are not teens who have found a religion, these are kids who have been trained to not get on with the system, to disrupt people lives and if you think it's behind an Islamic wish then think again. The same Radical gangs are now taking over the drug gangs here, 99% are now radical Somalian gangs, selling drugs to the kuffar and to their own, this isn't about religion, the religion makes it clear that drugs and drink are forbidden yet these radicals make sure they are very involved in the supply and distribution.

Just look at Sweden, they have now literally stopped reporting rape crimes while neighbours Norway are very unhappy with the number of rapes going on, a number massively higher than ever and almost all committed by middle eastern men and men from Africa and almost 100% of Muslim religion. But these are not Muslim Men, these are men who have been radicalised well beyond the realms of the Koran, these are men under laws made by Saudi 'clerics', these are laws made by people who's base reaction is for violence of any kind.

Do you people know what its like to have a person covered up, barely speaking English if at all, spiting on you and making throat silting actions at your wife and daughter. That is true hate, not the hate that's mentioned in here towards people like me who dare say a word against this crime but direct full on hatred of me in what I call my own country, don't you DARE say I speak of hate and racism when I am a direct victim of this terrible spread here.

I have a very good understanding of the ways of the Muslim ordinary person, I live in a mixed marriage, I have no connections to people like the BNP or the EDL, I'm just an ordinary person being victimised and increasingly so while the PC brigade make it easier to allow my very victimisation, doing stupid things like radical only womens swim days and all sorts of stupidity like that. One day when my area is over run and they are making their way to your safe little retreat maybe then you will have realised you should have acted instead of rolling over and playing dead...

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Frontkjemper

Originally posted by Romantic_RebelJust more fear mongering of a religion that is not a threat to Europe.

You're absolutely right! It's people like you that are. People like you who are so dead certain in something you have absolutely no experience in. People like you who are so politically correct that you're blinded to the hard truth.

Have you ever been attacked for wearing an American flag on your backpack in Europe by a group of Muslims? I have. Have you ever been asked by a drunk Muslims if "You enjoyed the gift of 9/11"? I have. How about the simple crime reports in Europe that shows that the majority of serious crimes are committed by non ethnic Europeans? How about the rape waves in Oslo, Norway done by Muslim Somalis? Things like this NEVER happened in Norway before they opened their doors to immigration. How about the culture that's being eroded away? Like the simple things like a simple piggy bank? Norway's replaced it with a "non offending cube" because the Muslims demanded it.

Your ignorance is directly harmful. I suggest you take off those politically correct glasses of yours and have a real look around in the real world before you realize it's too late.

You want to see what the "peaceful religion" brings to Norway and Sweden?

And here's a sad story about a boy who lives in Oslo who can't even go out in his backyard without getting beat up for being a white Christian and has trouble at school because the majority of schoolchildren are Muslim

Part 1 (You'll find the other parts in the related videos section)

The truth hurts, isn't that what they say? So man (or woman) up and quit living in your fairy tale world where everybody's happy and nothing is never wrong...
edit on 6-12-2010 by Frontkjemper because: Added videos

edit on 6-12-2010 by Frontkjemper because: Embedded the videos

You are an idiot. I am from bosnia, my family is muslim. And you are just a narrow minded idiot.

There are millions of people around the world, catholics, jews, christians, people of all religious backgrounds who see 9/11 as a gift to america and the world. Why? I'd presume it's because america and it's people got their "perfect freedom loving lives" turned upside down and got just a small taste of what it's like on other places in the world... where you don't quite know if your going to be alive the next day.

Let me ask all of you islam-bashing racist airheads a question; How would your view on islam have changed post-9/11 if the hijackers were Americans of christian or catholic background? I'll tell you how. It would have been an isolated incident where two white/black/hispanic or whatever, deranged people wanted to make some kind of statement. And what of them? Would you see all christians and catholics as being enemies to your way of life? of course not, you probably belong to one of these groups. It makes no sense to demonize yourself..

So why demonize Islam because of a group of people who hate america and share that religious background. Do you not understand that it is not the religion that provokes people to adopt terrorism? Where in the kuran does it say something along the lines of "thou shalt fly a #ing plane into the side of the building"? It doesn't. It's a peaceful, submissive religion that you don't need to adopt if it doesn't behoove you. My family has, and I wouldn't trade my life, my past, my parents' escape from war-torn bosnia when the serbs were slitting the neighbors throats... I wouldn't trade any of that for anything. I have never met a bad muslim person, but I see assholes all day. I don't differentiate them by religion.

And tell me something, if a white kid in a black neighborhood goes to the local public high school, do you really thing he's going to get treated equally? Do you think it's all gone be roses and tulips because we're all americans?
I know that if I start walking down the streets of the south-side of chicago, my chances of not making it home alive are greatly elevated in comparison to chilling up in the north side. So what does that tell you? That particularly sad story from Oslo or whatever, where the kid is getting picked on because he's white... well, it happens EVERYWHERE... Not just in schools where most kids are muslim.

lestweforget --- what about this jagoff? WHat has islam done to help the world??

What have YOU done to help the world? What have your parents done to help the world? #, what has ANY religion done to help the world? Fu=king jagoff. Think a little bit before you decide to make a complete racist douchbag of yourself. Lest we forget, it's in your genes.

If North Korea attacks the US, are you going be demonizing buddhists? How about if a predominately jewish country has some rebellious fundamentalists who attack in the name of some jewish god? Are you gunna turn it into another holocaust?

These are the reasons we never get anywhere as a human race, people like these posters don't open their eyes. Look where you're going before you take the first step.

Hey mods, if you decide to take this post down because I'm talking down on some of your precious posters, please take into consideration how stupid their opinions are. Of course, if you decide to take this post down, I don't give a #. I just hope some intelligent people get to read it and think twice about this landfill of trash that's been spit out across this particular discussion. As a matter of face, if you were doing your jobs, you shouldn't even stand for this kind of dialogue.


edit on 6-12-2010 by Yeah, sure. because: for additions, negro

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by babloyi
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Well, as far as I see it, most of the facts posted are facts. But that is also why I posted the snopes article. It shows that what that video claims is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. For example, muslims in Belgium account for 5% of the population, not 25% - FACT. For example, it would mean that muslim women in the Netherlands would have AVERAGE at about 26 children each, or have at least 3 children a year.

No. Just 4 children per female will result in 120 offspring for each one there now in a mere 80 years, while the white European birthrate is below replacement level at 1.3 for Germany

If there are 60 million there now in 80 years there will be over 3 billion.
Population of Muslims

Deny Ignorance.
Admit the Facts.

edit on 6-12-2010 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 01:02 PM

edit on 6-12-2010 by KingDoey because: Removed

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by RRokkyy

I'm sorry, I don't get your math at all. If there are 4 children for each muslim female (which I'm taking from you on faith, I'm not so sure about that value), and we take the rather simplistic assumption that of the 60 (it is actually 53) million muslims in Europe, half are female, we get 180 million in 80 years (about 1 generation). If you wish to assume that TWO generations will take place in 80 years, and no muslims at all will die during that time, it makes 480 million muslims.

Meanwhile, there are 540 million non-muslims in Europe. With an average rate of 1.48 children per female, if we once again assume that half the population are female, that would make 940 million in 1 generation, and 1.24 billion in 2 generations (80 years), if we assume no one dies.

I hope you realise that these are, of course, ridiculous predictions, assuming everything holds true as it is now, and taking the "maximum case scenario".
edit on 6-12-2010 by babloyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

News flash.

Where are the cultures for 10,000 years ago? they are gone.

We are the end result.

If you were the cultures of 10,000 years ago, would you deny the birth of our cultures in the now now because it was different then?

If the Muslims populate this earth and convert all within it, then so be it.

Change is constant.

All empires fall, but I will make the most of my experience here and now, laying the foundation for the future as best I can to be in resonance with what is balanced.


posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

If you search Islam history Islam is no a religion but a set of laws, for that reason it has not place in any none Islamic country as their goal is to seek, destroy and assimilate into their believes no the believes and traditions of the countries they are invading as migrants.

Cultures are dying alright but thanks that to the greed if globalist that are encouraging diversification in order to pursue their expanding goals of profits and slave labor they are no better than Islam.

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