reply to post by R3KR
But why can we not consider the continual process of apparent differentiation and re-integration as occuring from the Absolute, which at some level is
limiting itself and differentiating itself, or appearing to do so, by weaving maya or the illusion of separation of maya, and therefore not consider
this consciousness as the ground of all being and becoming, of which we are included as integral parts and co-creative participants, this self aware
universe, as "God"?
Now you may step in here and suggest that I'm "moving the goalposts" just to sneak in the word God, but what else would we call the Absolute, but the
Godhead, and how can we not see and recognize our own selves and higher levels of awareness, as manifestation of that one Godhead?
This is where I depart from the type of newtonian materialist monism, that the atheists seem to want to cling to, while insisting that consciousness
is an epiphenomenon of matter, residing exclusively within one's own scull until death, thereafter to be forgotten.
And is this non-localized (see Bell's Theorem), holographic universe, not a quantum computer of non-localized information exchange, at the most
fundamental level? And if so, why would such a universe NOT have had sufficient time, in eternity, to become self aware?
Furthermore, I would suggest that there are corresponding moral imperatives which arise from such a newfound understanding of the cosmos and our place
within it, here on earth, as "family", and so Goswami's POV is also condusive to new creative human endeavours which simply cannot include war as a
viable option.
It's ok to be wrong. I've been proven wrong on many occasions, but am big enough to admit when I realize the extent of my own ignorance.
"There is a principal which is a bar against all information, and proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting
ignorance. That principal is contempt, prior to investigation."
~ Herbert Spencer, Scientist
edit on 5-12-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)