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Come on guys.. A Violent Revolution .. REALLY?

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posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique
I don't mean to piss on anyone's bonfire here but do you really expect a violent revolt to work?

Do you really think you can combat the NWO with physical violence?

I see so many people on ATS with a Rambo attitude towards the NWO. Do you really expect to win a war against your own country?

Do you know what will happen if you revolt?

You will be classed as terrorists. The rule book will no longer apply to you. You will no longer be a citizen of your country, you will be the enemy and you shall suffer.

Do you want to know the only way we can defeat the NWO? The ONLY way? ..

Stop using their banks. Stop feeding the corporate machine. Raise awareness amongst their drones in government agencies, in the police force, in the military, in the education system.

Take the cogs out of the machine and the machine will no longer work.

Do you really expect to be able to win a war against TPTB by violence ??

All that military force and economic power?

Don't play their game, live as simple as possible. Awaken anyone you know who plays a crucial authoritative part for the NWO movement.

Play the side game because you will NEVER win at their game. Its been going on for too long to win by violence. Anyone who can't see that is a fool.
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

Maybe you should research the Romanian revolution as one example as to how your wrong.If you keep quiet and do nothing their control will only increase.Their are many examples throughout history that prove when a people are pushed to their limits regarding freedom and human rights, the only solution is to fight back.
They count on people like you who will just stay passive forever and hope change will come through peace.
In a perfect world change through peace is a more desirerable solution, but this is not a perfect world.
When someone continually pushes you into a corner, your solution is to do nothing? Ever heard the saying about a cornered rat?
Sometimes enough is enough and the bully needs to be bullied back. Peace.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Your just a weener dude. all you need is a 3rd of the country pissed off and trust me, 100 million people can take care of the job. I think god for those terrorist that gave us our freedom george washington, ben franklin, they were all terrorists.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by xBWOMPx
reply to post by TechUnique

Your just a weener dude. all you need is a 3rd of the country pissed off and trust me, 100 million people can take care of the job. I think god for those terrorist that gave us our freedom george washington, ben franklin, they were all terrorists.

Well put.Anyone who thinks sitting back and being diplomatic with the real terrorists(the american government)
will work has already given up.
When the bully is pushed back it soon becomes clear how weak they really were to begin with.
There is a storm on the horizon in America and it will be bad, but doing nothing is far worse than fighting for your life win or lose. Peace.

P.S. This is more likely a thread to bait out the people who might be trouble...So be careful of what you say people because you will soon find yourself on a terrorist list somewhere...dont think for a second there arent government agents on this site baiting people.beware.

edit on 5-12-2010 by mark1167 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

The NWO is a fabrication of people who do not have any understanding of history.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by open_eyeballs
reply to post by TechUnique

The NWO is a fabrication of people who do not have any understanding of history.

Hahahahahahaha....thats the funniest thing I've ever heard.The real statement is,"The NWO is a creation of people who have no understanding of history", because they keep repeating the same mistakes from history.
eg.The roman empire.Didnt last forever and was taken down by revolution.Total control of the masses never lasts.
The NWO has been planned and on the books for over a hundred years.It is not an illusion.
But apparently your view of reality is.Maybe you should practice what you preach.Open your eyes. Peace.

edit on 5-12-2010 by mark1167 because: text

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 03:33 PM
Historically you can have success either way. A French revolution where all the villains lose their heads sounds groovy and alternatively Ghandi showed us we can win through self sufficiency and peaceful non compliance with villainous laws.

When you say that violent opposition makes YOU the enemy, I would argue that the elite have already made us all the enemy. They are already working to poison me, sterilize me, economically ruin me. What would any sane person do in the face of such knowledge. If it's a man in a ski mask with a hypodermic needle trying to stick you you would run or fight back, however the elite do it with subtlety in secret over the course of decades and everyone just shrugs and accepts it. Well not me. I think we need BOTH forms of revolution ASAP, peaceful non compliance of the innocent masses coupled with strategic use of violence by a brave few. The Fight Club movie being the best example of crippling the elites economic stranglehold by leveling the bank buildings.

It sounds good in theory, but in practice it's an ugly scenario especially when they really crack down into a police state with full concentration camps in operation. I'm not the only one going into fight or flight mode, it's a global disaster of epic proportions and long term consequences for life as we know it.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by guyopitz

I don't buy it. Historically violent revolutions succeed more often than non-violent ones. Name one other than the Glorious Revolution that was successful in the last 500 years. Gandhi was hardly a success in getting India freed via nonviolence. The Indian Independence Movement was not committed to nonviolence and to say or imply that they achieved their independence as a result of nonviolence is flatly untrue. I think it's also worth noting that as of today, India has the third largest standing army in the world, ranks 10th in military spending, and is a nuclear power. They were nuclear within 30 years of Mohandas Gandhi's assassination in 1948. Though the two Gandhis were not related, note nevertheless that India's first nuke test was in 1974 while Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister. She started the Indian nuclear program in 1967. In some deeply twisted irony, they called that first bomb Smiling Buddha. Anything Mohandas accomplished was undermined in less than two decades after he was killed.

Even when nonviolent revolutions are successful, they rarely ever result in long term change.

As George Jackson noted in regards to MLK's approach:

"The concept of nonviolence is a false ideal. It presupposes the existence of compassion and a sense of justice on the part of one's adversary. When this adversary has everything to lose and nothing to gain by exercising justice and compassion, his reaction can only be negative."

And that to me is the great problem with and undoing of non-violent revolutions: the supposition that the enemy has compassion for you.

edit on 5-12-2010 by bikeshedding because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-12-2010 by bikeshedding because: Major changes to the first paragraph

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by wrathofall

Stop supporting them by not supporting sports, music, TV, movies, etc, etc.... so in other words stop living. I'm not giving up life. Here's my thoughts... for the record the very last thing that I ever want to see is violence, or a violent revolution, especially if it is American against American, although I don't really consider TPTB to be Americans because they hate everything America was founded on. Think about this... there are about 3.5 million members of our military, most of which are in a non combat related field. There are also about 80 million gun owners in America. Lets say that when the time comes that TPTB come for the guns (and they will eventually) that half of gun owners comply, that still leaves 40 million. Now granted a lot of the gun owners are the type that maybe have one for home protection, maybe they aren't very proficient at using it, whatever, but I think they can be included in the half that complied. Regardless of how you want to look at it, private gun owning citizens drastically outnumber any potential force against them. TPTB know this. What it comes down to is are those gun owners willing to fight for it. How strong are their convictions? You know, this country was founded because a bunch of farmers got sick and tired of living under tyranny, so those farmers took up arms against the greatest, wealthiest military force on the planet and won. It is my belief that they won because they were on God's side, the side of freedom and liberty. I believe that God is not done with freedom and liberty yet, and history will repeat itself soon... in fact it already is. To sum it all up, now is the time to choose your side, just make sure that you choose wisely. I would rather die in my living room defending what I know to be right and true than live one day under what you feel that I should comply to.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:24 PM
you are right TU, the only way to "fight" oppression, is to fight with peace, peaceful means if your weapons, a smile is your ammo, and being kind to others is your WMD.

Gandhi was a man who taught a lifestyle like this, your enemies, only want violence and war, so not give them what they want, give them the oppisite even when facing death. (you can fight for your life, but do not take any lives)

Violence and war brings more violence and war, and can be see as a threat, but peace can only be seen as peace

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by wrathofall
reply to post by seedofchucky

Chucky, you really seem to have no idea what you appear to be saying. 6.5 billion people Vs. all the military and police ON THE PLANET!!!. How many of us are elderly? How many are children? How many are unable to fight for whatever reason? How many have no back bone? How many don't have a clue? How many are trained to fight or can fire a gun with any amount of skill? How many of us have tanks, aircraft, nuclear weaponry, automatic weaponry, a naval force? You need to wake the eff up my friend. Do some real good, start getting off their system. Tell as many people as you can about what you do know. Most of them won't listen. Most of them are afraid. Most of them want to be taken care of. We have been slowly, very subtly manipulated and we are putty in their hands. We are the mundane, the sheep, their burden.

Now this Wrathofall has got it absolutely correct. Forget 6.5'd be lucky if you could inspire 6.5 hundred...especially here in the good ol' US of A...after all "Dancing With The Stars' is on tonight.
I mean REALLY !! I've been reading this "We're not going to take it" and "Patrick Henry" and "United we stand" BS for years now.
None of you so-called "Patriots" are going to do a damn thing except sit on your fat butts and spew your "Revolution" rhetoric on blog sites.

Yeah, right! So what have you and all of your so-called Patriot Militia been waiting for…Armageddon?

BUNK & BULL!!! Over the past decade I’ve seen perhaps millions of “Revolution, Militia, Patriot, Liberty, “We the People” TALKERS!!! You TALK & TALK & TALK & RANT & RANT & RANT on blog boards about “rising up” and “overcoming” and “revolution” and “taking down the elite” & “We the people will not be stopped” and "I'm with you...count me in" and "Yeah, RIGHT ON MAN!! We're locked and loaded and ready to bring down those corporate elite bastards!!!" …etc. BULL#, BULL# and more BULL#!!!

But never once have I seen ANY REAL ACTION from any of you so-called American Patriots!!! I don’t even see people “protesting” in the streets over much less horrid situations like we did in my day.

I’m an old man. I have a heart condition.
And I’m honest enough to say that I’m not sure that even if I were 20 years old again would I be certain that I really have enough courage to put my life on the line for a righteous cause like our lost American Liberties and Freedoms. Perhaps, even as I admit that I am a coward, I would need to be more properly motivated.

Perhaps once I finally SAW the movement against such tyranny begins to roll out in a viable, substantive & active way, or actually witnessed my fellow Americans dying in the streets or innocent blood being spilt before my very eyes in this righteous cause I might then find the inner fortitude to join up and put my life on the line. But at least as an admitted coward, I don’t feel I have a right to join in such discussions I hardly ever blog at all. I don’t spend my time talking about how I brave I am and how myself and my fellow Patriots are geared up and ready to go. For me to do that would be the height of hypocrisy.

So, feeling that I am too much of a coward to do so then I certainly wouldn’t sit around blog sites all day TALKING about how brave me and my fellow Patriots were and we’ve been around since 93 (or whenever) and we’re ready to battle the evil forces of the elite and take back out country. BUNK!!!
If you all we’re going to actually DO SOMETHING it would have been done by now!!! If you (and other) great American Patriots are “ALREADY IN PLACE…SINCE 93″ then what on God’s green Earth are you waiting for? Quit attempting to inflate your own egos. If you REALLY have the resources you need to bring about your desired change then (as Yoda says in) “There is no ‘try’ either DO or DON’T DO.” All I’ve ever seen is the latter.

All of you American Patriot bloggers and braggarts…either ACT as you say you would like to act AND claim that you have the power to or QUIT TALKING!!!

I almost never post blogs but I apologize to anybody that I may have offended. I simply had to finally vent what was on my mind.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Anthony1138

That's an oversimplification of Gandhi, who also recognized the necessity of violence on occasion. Don't forget that that given the choice between cowardice and violence, Gandhi felt violence was the appropriate choice. I revised my previous post to make note of some of the interesting things that happened in India in the 30 years after Gandhi's death.

Again, and this is always the downfall of pacifists: believing and hoping the other side will have compassion does not mean that they will. It's also fallacious to think your side will remain compassionate in the wake of whatever event is occurring.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:35 PM
What power does the "NWO" have, exactly? Money? Money is nothing, an illusion. A placeholder...something that says I have this much worth of "stuff" to trade for. People? Do you really think all the people of this planet are mindless drones? Do you think they would ALL simply accept Marshal Law, or FEMA camps simply because they would still get to watch Oprah? Or do you think that the majority would rise up against opression, stand up against tyranny?

The truth is that this happens ALL the time. One person sparks the "revolution", and eventually people are out in droves fighting the system. Violent revolt is not an "if" but a "when"...the seeds are already being sown across the Atlantic in places like England.

You can fight these people with fact, you MUST fight these people with every ounce of yourself. Don't simply sit along the sidelines and wait for the world to fix itself. Get them to show their true colors, have them exposed for the world to see. This is how you hurt them. Stop putting money into the economy, and the economy suffers. WE suffer when the economy tanks, not them...they squat on their "billions" and wait it out while we starve in the streets. You were right when you said that this has been going on for a long time...this is a carefully laid out plan, and they will have a contingency for every outcome.

..except, if you believe them to be arrogant bastards, for faliure. I doubt they would know what to do if the people of Earth stood before them not as cattle, but as an angry mob. What use would their money and power be then? How many police and military could they hold on to while they flew in the face of basic human rights? My guess is not many...but if all you do is stop buying product, then you will accomplish nothing.

One person in a violent revolt is person not buying deoderant anymore? That's making even less of an impact in my view.


posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

While I thoroughly enjoy the gist of your post, I am reminded that the whole of the Western world was brought down by a handful of near sighted and unwashed box-cutter-wielding fools.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by wrathofall
You are 100% correct. That is a no win game. The only real way we can affect these people is by not using their products and services. Easier said than done since they created this illusion that we live in and now were are adapted to it. Slaves to it. I just try do do the little things. This means stop supporting sports, movies, TV, music, food, banking, autos, travel, schools, universities, medical institutions, booze, etc., etc., etc. It's the only way.

Why schools and universities?

I always considered institutions of higher learning to be magnificently important in society.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 05:02 PM
I hope not.. I don't want people that are up in arms (literally) being manipulated haha.
Revolution of information is the way, if it were to happen. When people are violent too often they are manipulated and before they know it they are aiming at the wrong people. Look at cops in the U.S. today for god's sake. They are electrocuting the elderly and children. They don't even think about it. A kid in the town next to mine died when he ran from the cops and jumped in the river to escape. The cops tazed him while he was in the water and he drowned.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by mark1167

....Their are many examples throughout history that prove when a people are pushed to their limits regarding freedom and human rights, the only solution is to fight back. They count on people like you who will just stay passive forever and hope change will come through peace.

...Sometimes enough is enough and the bully needs to be bullied back. Peace.


Instead of "Bugging Out" or doing anything violent that TPTB can use against us, USE the system our forefathers gave us and fight from within!

SpartanKingLeonidas suggests things like forming a think tank, forming a nonprofit, running for office.

I for example, in response to the new rule requiring 1099s for amounts above $600/vendor/yr. A rule designed to push small businesses into using credit cards. Suggest using the 1099 rule to flood the government with paperwork!

Heck talk to every small business in your home area. Organize people to help them flood the IRS with LEGITIMATE paperwork if need be. There are plenty of retired people around that could help.

The key is to remember we have been given the weapons to fight TPTB, and no I am not talking about guns.

Again not protests, they are useless. I am talking about communicating the information on how the banksters and corporations transfer wealth and power from you and me to themselves. I visit Fleamarkets, Farmers markets and Auctions and handout index cards with a punch list to google. I ask people to tell ten of their friends and to ask them to do the same.

Second: take a leaf out of The fully informed jury movement Inform the public and THEN pass state laws.

Informed jury amendments have been filed as an initiative in seven states and legislation has been introduced in the Alaska state legislature....

Today, the constitutions of only two states -- Maryland and Indiana -- clearly declare the nullification right, although two others -- Georgia and Oregon -- refer to it obliquely. The informed jury movement would like all states to require that judges instruct juries on their power to serve, in effect, as the final legislature of the land concerning the law in a particular case....

.... In 1895 the US Supreme Court upheld the principle but ruled that juries were not to be informed of it by defense attorneys, nor were judges required to tell them about it....

The Ten Amendment (State Nullification) is another critical issue.

The biggest Achilles Heel of TPTB is the local and state governments. TPTB has tried to control it by using controlled "grassroots" organizations called NGOs who lure "Activists" into the likes of the World Wildlife Federation.

The Tea Party fell afoul of Agent Provocateurs and a power vacuum that was promptly filled by the Republican Party.

TPTB has always run the Democrats and Republicans BUT not at the state level!

OH and here is another State Level idea. I really want to see the Federal Reserve - Hung, Drawn and Quartered - but in the mean time this looks like an alternative.

While bank bailouts fatten Wall Street, states continue to battle the credit crisis. In the search for innovative solutions, some political candidates are proposing that states generate their own credit by setting up their own banks.


Another weapon, one every single one of us should be pushing for, is a state law allowing voters to recall federal Senators and Representatives as well as state officials

The biggest weapon that TPTB has is our feeling that we are helpless. DO NOT LET THEM USE IT!

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 05:24 PM
I hate to pop your bubble, but you're chasing an impossible dream.

6.5 Billion people who all want to eat a mcdonald cheeseburger on one or more days of the month. 1 dollar a burger, 6.5 billion dollars in their pocket.

6.5 Billion people want to keep shopping at Wal-Mart, Cosco, BJ's, Sam's, because they save money buying bulk, will be 6.5 billion people who will destroy the chances of anyone opening a private shop.

6.5 Billion people who want to do things that feed the corporate kings, and they do it once a month because they want to join your cause but don't want to give up on the good things in life... 6.5 Billion dollars in their pocket... again.

You ask for people to live simple. You ask for people to give up the greed. You ask for people to NOT use banks. You ask people to give up supporting the corporations, when in fact, you ask to not be seen as a ranting child?

Not that you are, in my eyes, you are a person who has a vision of a glorious future where people DO live simple, and live is easy, and less discomforting... but let's face facts. There are too many people who don't live in this country, who would die for a chance to live here. There are too many people who ARENT having the same problems as those below them. There are too many people who don't even SEE a problem with today's world...

Until the human race unifies in thinking, which I've been told by numerous other people on this site was too optimistic to think about, nothing will ever change. Everyone person makes a difference, but every person is a variable to good or evil, dumb or smart, leader or follower, and rich or poor.

It's a sad world we live in. Just sit back and wait for it to end.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by xBWOMPx
reply to post by TechUnique

Your just a weener dude. all you need is a 3rd of the country pissed off and trust me, 100 million people can take care of the job. I think god for those terrorist that gave us our freedom george washington, ben franklin, they were all terrorists.

I'm a "Weener"?

Don't think I've ever laughed so hard on ATS.

Cheers mate.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by mark1167
P.S. This is more likely a thread to bait out the people who might be trouble...So be careful of what you say people because you will soon find yourself on a terrorist list somewhere...dont think for a second there arent government agents on this site baiting people.beware.

edit on 5-12-2010 by mark1167 because: (no reason given)



I understand your concern but believe me I do not work for the government.

My music should clear that one up for you..

Check my signature.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique
I don't mean to piss on anyone's bonfire here but do you really expect a violent revolt to work?

Do you really think you can combat the NWO with physical violence?

I see so many people on ATS with a Rambo attitude towards the NWO. Do you really expect to win a war against your own country?

Do you know what will happen if you revolt?

You will be classed as terrorists. The rule book will no longer apply to you. You will no longer be a citizen of your country, you will be the enemy and you shall suffer.

Do you want to know the only way we can defeat the NWO? The ONLY way? ..

Stop using their banks. Stop feeding the corporate machine. Raise awareness amongst their drones in government agencies, in the police force, in the military, in the education system.

Take the cogs out of the machine and the machine will no longer work.

Do you really expect to be able to win a war against TPTB by violence ??

All that military force and economic power?

Don't play their game, live as simple as possible. Awaken anyone you know who plays a crucial authoritative part for the NWO movement.

Play the side game because you will NEVER win at their game. Its been going on for too long to win by violence. Anyone who can't see that is a fool.
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

sorry i see your point but i also disagree. youre pretty much saying to let all this S### hit the fan without even trying at all???

what makes you think our military will even attack its own citizens?

what makes you think we will even have to go up against our OWN military?

do you deny the fact that many people in this country will not go down without a fight?

do you really think were not possible of organizing the best way of winning?

what makes you think we dont have the potential?

you say you see many people with the rambo type attitude on ats, and ask if we think we can really beat our own country. but the thing is, were not fighting our own country, our country is our people. and they will stand side by side with us, we will be FIGHTING THE ELITE, NOT OUR COUNTRY. A SHADOW GOVERNMENT.

why do you think you see videos surfacing on the internet about russian troops being in san francisco desployed on private bases?


but what i do AGREE with is not using their banks, monetary system, political system, education system & government agency.

raising awareness is the best thing, supporting ron paul and his people is the best thing. although were going to be put into a database so we can be labeled as domestic terrorists, we all know this is happening now. so we are running out of time.

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