posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:59 AM
This post is not to try to convince anyone that a New World Order exists but rather is to show a possible agenda they will be instituting in order to
consolidate control.
This thread is also not meant to be about WikiLeaks or Assange being what they portray themselves to be nor is it about the veracity of the
"information" they are releasing. That is being discussed in other threads. This is about the NWO and how the WLcable releases could fit in with
their agenda:
I feel the unleashing of the WikiLeaks material is a very, very troubling sign. They have spent a long time and invested a great deal of effort to
create an asset like WL and this would seem the equivalent of playing their trump card.
The WL release has the potential to do many things to further the objectives of the NWO which I shall describe shortly. But first let's take a look
at what the objectives of the NWO really are. The Georgia guidestones are good starting place, so what exactly do they say?
# 1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. -( requires mass murder)
# 2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity. - (eugenics and reproductive control)
#3. Unite humanity with a living new language. - (destroy all cultures and languages)
#4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason. - (make science the final arbiter of truth)
#5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. - (yes, for the select 500M who they allow to live)
# 6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. - (only 1 real power to answer to)
# 7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. - (once the "useless eaters" are gone we won't need them)
# 8. Balance personal rights with social duties. - (your duties to the NWO are your new priority)
# 9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite. - ( you can have paradise if you follow US!)
# 10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature. ( you are expendable - EXPENDABLE)
How can these guidelines be made reality?
This would require:
1) Reducing the world population from it's current 6,885,680,095 to 500,000,000 or reduce current population by 86.7%
2) Destroying or rendering useless the laws and borders of Nations.
3) Destroying and replacing the current world monetary system.
How will they achieve these ends? Killing 6.3 Billion people is no small task and the options are: War, Targeted viruses, Starvation and severely
restricting birth rates. I think we have ample evidence that ALL of the aforementioned are being used at some level. I do feel that using
biological agents will be the easiest of all ways to make this occur. Instituting a national healthcare system will make the administration of such
agents far easier to accomplish.
2) Destroying or rendering useless the laws and borders of Nations: The WTO/G8/G20/GATT/World Bank and other "free trade" agreements and
organizations have allowed for the displacement of workers int he industrialized world and the further concentration of wealth into the hands of a
UN treaties play an important role as will the inevitable "climate change" agreements to further strangle the Nations of the West (US and Europe)
3) Destroying and replacing the current world monetary system. This is the most critical part of the their plan and must be implemented to
achieve absolute control. We have all been witnesses to the brazen thievery of the Bankers and the Federal Reserve System. They are slowing bringing
the kettle to a boiling point where people will be forced to act out of sheer desperation and smoldering anger.
How does WikiLeaks fit in with the NWO agenda?
WL has the ability to release cables that say anything whoever is control of them wants. Certainly some heads will roll in high places. We hear the
banks are next. Really? What can WL tell us that we don't already know? Just how much the bankers are in bed with heads of state and industry?
Will we get the actual figures on how much they have stolen from the people?
People are now realizing just how badly they have been abused.
This is where the Problem/Reaction/Solution paradigm comes into play - they will destroy the current monetary system only because they have a
ready-made electronic solution waiting in the wings
They will offer seemingly generous rates of exchange for cash and coin. People will be made to believe that they will get a fair trade and will
actually come out ahead on the deal. This is the final institution of "the Grid" or Matrix if you like - where one keystroke can prevent you from
buying or selling. Of course to validate the implementation of such a system it be required of us all to carry a RFID chip with embedded biometric
information. Such a chip could also get you out of the grope and scan lines of the TSA. It will be sold to us for our "convenience" and
"protection", of course.
Don't expect the governments of the world to come out unscathed. Widespread corruption will be exposed to further weaken and destroy National
Governments. The people will be led to believe that justice has been served by offering up some pre-selected heads on plates (it will be people like
Ron Paul who they DON'T want around anymore), yet behind the scenes treaties are being signed to nullify the Constitution through overriding
agreements of the G8, G20 and climate control treaties such as the Cancun "accords".
Once the world monetary system is under their control and nations have been nullified the real fun of reducing the world population will begin in
Goals of the WikeLeaks cable releases:
1) - To provide an excuse for government censorship of the web due to "national security" concerns.
2) - To divide the internet truth movement and cause internal dissent.
3) - To provoke the people into rash action or expose their attitudes towards the NWO ( identify NWO resisters)
4) - To expose the massive corruption of our monetary system so that we will demand a replacement.
5) - To rid governments of patriotic politicians who will oppose the NWO, either through outright lies or clever set ups. Don't be surprised if some
"dirt" about someone like Ron Paul comes out of WL
6) - To sway National opinion about attacking countries such as Iran, Pakistan and North Korea.
What we need to closely examine in each release by WL is WHO BENEFITS? While some of these cables might make us feel good for exposing corruption,
removing a few figureheads in government or banking will not alter the nature of the beast in the slightest. The NWO is a hydra who, if you cut off
one head, 2 more will grow back in it's place.
I would encourage everyone to look beyond the immediate consequences of what some of these releases might do and examine the long range effects and
how they will act to further enslave humanity and destroy National sovereignty.
It is my firm opinion that WikiLeaks has been a covert operation by intelligence agencies working for the NWO.
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, it may just be a Trojan horse for your downfall.
Regards, ATA