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Astronaut Gordon Cooper's Message on UFOS to the UN

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posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 03:37 PM
Astronaut Gordon Cooper had an UFO sighting early 50's in Germany. He has been outspoken on disclosure regarding UFOs and testified before the United Nations.

Gordon Cooper (as well as Edgar Mitchell) has attested to the reality of the Roswell crash...

(Both astronauts Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell have been ignored by the mainstream press. Debunkers tie the etiquette of "fringe" on them...)

Gordon Cooper on UFOs

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 03:45 PM

'People just didn't ask a lot of questions about things they saw and couldn't understand,' notes Cooper, who adds that it was a lot simpler to look the other way, shrug one's shoulders, and chalk up what had been seen to 'just another experimental aircraft that must have been developed at another area of the air base.'

I've always found some validity in this statement (taken from the link above), and I think it could be half true, half not...but now that I think about it more, these people are no doubt trained by some of the very same people who train these covert and secertive research operations.

Nothing ever slipped? Nobody ever got too drunk and said something that they weren't supposed too? I think the real challenge is telling what's ours and what's the unknown...

Another thing too tho - after Rosewell, the 50s and 60s was replete with testimony of seeing UFOs - That was kind of the spike in the timeline...why where are a majority of the modern day piolts not saying something?

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 04:15 PM
Not true about pilot sightings. We still have plenty.
NARCAP Catalog of pilot sightings

Look up for more information.

Remember that the airforce prohibited pilots from talking about ufo sightings and that commercial airlines have a similar policy. Talk about ufos and you can lose your job...

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by gzhpcuTalk about ufos and you can lose your job...

I didn't know that was an actual policy - what a bunch of rubish...people need to quit putting their tails between their legs and running away.

This is an interesting file you've linked me to - I'll have to print it off at look thru it...

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 04:52 PM

I've always found some validity in this statement (taken from the link above), and I think it could be half true, half not.

I think you should also consider the time and mindset of these pilots. The cold war is in full swing and these people are very patriotic, I think we can't forget how often it was drummed into these peoples heads that the commies would take over the world if you said the wrong thing so there were just so many reasons to look the other way, all having to do with loyalty and the big red scare.

I could be wrong, but I do think it's a pretty important motive to factor in.


posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 05:23 PM
In 1947 it would have been only two years after WWII. People would have been blanketly infavor of our government and still running on the 'high' of being the worlds heroic 'Good Guy'. It probably would have been very easy to get virtually all Americans to do just about anything in the name of national defense. This is not just to be critical, national defense is important, but to try to put it in a hopefully rational perspective.

I still wonder at how much you could learn from looking at artifacts of alien technology with out knowing the physics (world model) behind it.

If you gave an automobile to a person of Babylonian times what do you think they would have made of it? Would they be able to figure out the physics, chemistry and all the engineering that went into it? And without gasoline to run it , why you would bother to make one?

What about if you gave it to earlier mankind that didn't even know how to do metalurgy?

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by slank

I still wonder at how much you could learn from looking at artifacts of alien technology with out knowing the physics (world model) behind it.

If you gave an automobile to a person of Babylonian times what do you think they would have made of it? Would they be able to figure out the physics, chemistry and all the engineering that went into it? And without gasoline to run it , why you would bother to make one?

What about if you gave it to earlier mankind that didn't even know how to do metalurgy?

You are addressing the rumors of re-engineering of technology from the Roswell craft. This was started I believe by Col. Philip Corso (and now others have joined in).

Astronauts Cooper and Mitchell have only said that there was a crash at Roswell (not that any re-engineering was done) and that the government is not being open about ufos.

To address your point concerning re-engineering, we live today in a technology-oriented society, which was not the case earlier. We have a much better grasp of the actual physical world and the workings of the universe. The last hundred years have seen tremendous advances. Of course, extraterrestial intelligence which manages to come to out planet would be extremely advanced in respect to us. And maybe, as you mention, completely different world models. So we can only speculate, but I agree that it seems to be quite an obstacle.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 12:18 PM
Yes true but give our scientists some credit. It's completely different comparing us reverse-engineering alien technology and the babylonians figuring out how a car works.

Our grasp of science, especially physics was a lot more advanced in the 40's than compared to babylonian times. they would have had the right facilities to study and analyze alien technology, the babylonians wouldn't have anything like that to study a car. Also we were already working on the intergrated circuit chip before Roswell so whatever they found at the alleged crash site would've given them a better idea on how to do it.

Of course if you had E.T's from another world coming here with advanced technology yes maybe with a few things we wouldn't have a clue on how to work, but other things we may have already theorized on them or even developed early models of that technology. The way in which every race creates their own bits of technology will bound to be different, but the concept's the same.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 12:38 PM
Given the fact that all conspiracies eventually collapse due to one or more of the participants letting slip real information, how is it that the conspiracy to "keep the truth from us" regarding aliens hasn't unraveled yet. Maybe, just maybe folks, it's because there are no aliens and therefor no proof to support their existence.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 05:11 PM

Given the fact that all conspiracies eventually collapse due to one or more of the participants letting slip real information, how is it that the conspiracy to "keep the truth from us" regarding aliens hasn't unraveled yet. Maybe, just maybe folks, it's because there are no aliens and therefor no proof to support their existence.

Uh oh guys, looks like we have someone that hasn't "denied ignorance" - I'm just kidding - anytime I say something anti-conspiracy theory that's the typical reply

I'd have to say that after looking over that report which was posted in a link above...apart from the author having a rather poor misunderstanding of the capabilites of SPSS, as I use this program every day...I'd say there's plenty of evidence out just hasn't been globally complied and presented in an academic fashion - If we had more phDs tackeling these major issues, giving less concern to their reputations (which is why we have so few) then we'd be getting somewhere...

[edit on 7/3/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 07:42 PM
Well, if someone has power enough, a conspiracy can last for a very long time. How about the JFK assassination? There are many things that are not clear about who killed him, and the real reason why they did it.

And what about Area 51? It has been there for so long, yet, not a single fact of what's going on inside has ever slipped through their fingers...

That seems strange to me...

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 03:43 AM
Fact of the matter is, here we have two astronauts saying that the government is not being open on ufos.

Both also say there was something to the Roswell crash.

Why would they say something like that, if they were not convinced? These are courageous, ethical men.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 04:11 AM
There could be many ways to keep a secret as big as UFOs. One such method would be to flood the public with missinformation.By doing this you could hide the truth in plain sight even if it was leaked. Take for instance Roswell you might ask how could they ever hide such an important thing from the public. The truth is they cant Information about Roswell has been leaking out for years but there is so much bogus information out there it makes finding the truth a whole lot harder. Theres a bunch of other ways to help keep a secret such as threat of losing ones job or even life those two things can keep most people very quiet.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 06:49 AM
Don't know if any of you are familiar with this but this definitely relates to some of the comments made so far.

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