Often i am in a taxi, a shop or something, and i hear what people call `music`... its usually some roaring numpty singing rock music, or some foul
mouthed rapper who could do with his mouth washed out with soap...
music these days is utter garbage, and the one or two times you hear a song which sounds great, its 9 times out of 10 a remix, or a loop from a
70s/80s classic.
Heck, even trance and funk rap, which are two generes i cant STAND nowadays, were actually bearable a decade or so back.
Anyway, ive found two songs which simply moved me to tears. This is what music was created for!!!
Music is something that should be sung from the heart, its expressing everything about you... and this my friends doesnt get anymore from the heart
than this.
The first is Minnie Riperton loving you, 1975...
whatever you do, even if you despise any music that doesnt have banging drums or at least 5 cursewords, please listen to this.. if it doesnt strike
two with your subsconsious inner self, theres something very wrong.
The second is a violin being played, every friend ive shown it too has had tears in their eyes listening to it.
I do enjoy fast songs, im not some bore who only likes slow songs, but this my friend is the reason God gave us instruments....
ps on a side note, minnie died 4 years after she sung it. she had cancer. r.i.p minnie you were a wonderful angelic soul who on in such a short time
on earth accomplished so much
edit on 3-12-2010 by rabbigoldstein because: (no reason given)