posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 05:19 PM
Ahhhh synchronicity! I ate lunch with my father today, and he pointed out that reading conspiracy stuff all the time brings me down. He is right to
some extent. All the time I read about NWO, and a wide variety of apocalyptic futures. It is unhealthy if you let it control your mood. I realized
that I needed to come in with a positive attitude. Just like I try and smile at strangers, and hold open doors for people in the real world I should
do the same here. Instead of trying to prove others wrong, or argue endlessly I should try constructive thoughts. I like many on this site have a
heavy temperament. I take the woes of the world onto my shoulders. It has always been this way for me. I too battled addiction, and was in my own
black hole. Since I have moved forward, cleaned up, and had many wonderful experiences. I have a wonderful family, friends, and I am not going hungry.
Soon I will be spending the last bit of money I have to get to South America for a job teaching english. The chance to do this is such a gift, and I
am excited. It pays a few thousand a year, but living in the third world is cheap. Tomorrow I take the GRE in hopes that once I return I may go on to
more school. I am little stressed, but a couple years ago I would have been freaking out.
I think negativity fuels negativity. For me it was a drug of sorts. I was addicted to unhappiness. It was not like I said I wanna be pissed today, but
subconsciously I guess I was. Eventually I was so unhappy that I quit my job , and left the country to live at a small ngo. Some good people along my
path gave me love, and welcomed me in to their hearts. This allowed me to open mine. I realized that I did not have to live life with a heavy heart.
The past was the past. Reliving it was not gonna make my mistakes right. I had to come to terms with the past to let my future be free to develop in a
positive way. Today I too can say I LOVE MY LIFE!!! Thank you for reminding me how wonderful I have it. Sometimes I forget, and thinking about it is
Anyone out there who is unhappy! Many of the people who posted on this thread were too once . You do not have to be. Trust me life is tremendous gift.
I lived in pain for too long, and I know how much it sucks. It does not have to be this way. If your having tough times look at what is good in life.
Maybe it is just having shelter, or a meal in your belly. Maybe it is a pet, or a friend. Whatever in your life gives you peace appreciate that part.
Concentrate on it, and use it to strengthen you through the hard parts. I am not saying your path to peace will be easy or painless, but it is part of
the ride. Once you get past it you will be so much the better. Take strength from the fact that it will get better. If anyone needs anything feel free
to message me. There were times when I sure could have cleared my slate to someone willing to listen.
Take care everyone