It amazes me that the same country that self righteously criticizes the rest of the world for human rights abuses and lack of freedom has become the
worlds biggest human rights abuser and hypocrite when it comes to liberty. It seems like over night America has become our worst tyrannical
The truth being blocked and information being blatantly suppressed.
The banks and the FED blatantly stealing money from the people.
As cliche as it may be the question, "What is our world coming too?" has never seemed so appropriate. I sit at my computer aghast at the almost daily
events that push us closer and closer to the brink.
I have been pointing this out to friends and family alot lately.
Regardless of a person's views on Wikileaks or what thier motivation is, look at the measures that our governments are willing to enact just to shut
them up/limit exposure.
If ever there was a clearer picture of true corruption I am unaware of it. In order to protect thier careers and prevent the public from even the most
cursory of views behind the scenes these politicians are willing to throw everything out the window.
For the first time, I am truly, deeply appalled. The Library of Congress is supposed to be for Information. Now they're the Ministry of Truth,
aren't they?
The destruction of information is one of the only things I consider to truly be an utter, universal wrong. Way to go, LoC.
That's well known. Their host at .org had to pull them away -- not to censor them, but because the attacks on Wikileaks were beginning to affect
their other customers. It's at .ch now, I think.