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Vampires: Tell me if this site is credible

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posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca

Originally posted by QueenoftheDamned
First up nice site
Second, teeth can be filed and honed to the vampiric prefernces.
Third vampires are not all evil. To group vampires into one clan is wrong.

Vampires are not evil, their fake

If a person thinks they're a vampire, dresses like a vampire, wears fangs, drinks blood from donors, and just about everything else a vampire does (except for the immortal part), would that not make them in some virtual sense a vampire? Perhaps not fake, there a "something else" category, where you live the lifestyle so intensely and honestly that in some sense you really are a vampire? Because there a number of people living that vampiric lifestyle in the world right now...

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 12:35 PM

If a person thinks they're a vampire, dresses like a vampire, wears fangs, drinks blood from donors, and just about everything else a vampire does (except for the immortal part), would that not make them in some virtual sense a vampire? Perhaps not fake, there a "something else" category, where you live the lifestyle so intensely and honestly that in some sense you really are a vampire? Because there a number of people living that vampiric lifestyle in the world right now...

If they "think" there a vampire, dress like one, and wear fangs, then they have some problems. There not immortal, they possess no super strength, they have no supernatural powers...I think that does classify them as a bunch of fakes who want to live the dream of being a vampire. They are called something else...there called vampiroids or sangurians(sorry for the spelling), which means they arent real vampires, just imitators. But again, it all depends on what you classify is a vampire to you. But lets face it, either way these vampiroids(fake vampires) are classified as humans but live a different lifestyle.

If you really want to be considered a vampire, you better be able to scientifically show signs of speciation(differing in characteristics from the human race toward incompatibility). Lifestyle just isnt good enough.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 12:00 AM
i think you should start believing, all of you.. not in this person's false site, but in vampires in general.. It isnt the bite your neck and get energy, but more of a psychic sense..

Vampires are underdeveloped or completely missing a link between one of their chakras (i believe the one below the naval); and they feed by drawing spiritual energy off people; much the way "psychic vampires" do. It's just a need for it.

I've experienced it first hand. You get an almost altered state of consciousness like a weak dose of '___' from it. It's quite blissfull.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 04:21 AM
I agree about the "psychic" vampires, seen a few of them in my life.
Most of them don't even know what they are, and that they can feed on your energy, by simply standing next to you, and especially by getting into a fight (not a fist fight) with you.
A person that was a "psychic" vampire lived in my house for about a month, and man, I felt dizzy and tired pretty much every day..

Blood sucking vampires.. I seriously doubt that they exist. If they were, then we would know, after all they supposedly (sp?) lived amongst (sp?) us for thousands of years, and no one ever took a picture of them ?
Sounds like BS to me.

have a good one.

[edit on 16-7-2004 by kaskad]

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 04:58 PM
Are energy feeding vampires killable? What is their weakness? Do they have super strength? What is their lifespan????

I'm pretty harsh towards these energy feeding vampires becuase they are evil...To feed off another humans life energy just for their own survival and our fatigue and illness really gets to me. Do you really want to be around someone like that?

If they are some form of demons exterminate we need to exterminate them NOW!!!!

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 05:02 PM
Kaskad can you give a detailed account of your experience? I am very interested in your story.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 05:04 PM
heh, psycic vampires are "normal" people feeding on other peoples energy. not all of them is aware of this themselves. and most of them does not do this on purpose and cannot stop it even if they try.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 07:03 PM
I heard about this one guy....Dan Spivey...he says he can take away negative energy from you...what do you think of him????

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 07:16 PM
newer heard of him, but i do know that it is possible to manipulate the higher energies

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
Kaskad can you give a detailed account of your experience? I am very interested in your story.

Don't really want to go into details (nothing special/intereisting happened).
Just read darkspace's post, he pretty much explains everything.

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